OK, this FOURTH REICH pamphlet is now a historic document. You should get your copy here:
Since my last post three days ago, Germany has changed colors again, now all people march forward against the Muslim Semites.
The government is fully behind the Gaza concentration camp and genocide, and banned all anti-Zionist people, messages, websites, protests... EVERYTHING.
Also, many Germans who had been arrested in the past now come forward and waffle about pointless prison life, wawawa. I told you so. And you will go in again. This is a dictatorship. Get out of there! Run for your life! Poland, maybe? Russia? Ch-Ch-China!?
Without further ado, last installment of the Fourth German Reich of European Nation and the failed people‘s revolution. UPGRADE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION.
NOTE: This is the brand-new EPIC series: FOURTH REICH - OPPRESSION IN GERMANY. Last installments included the The Four German Reichs, Germany’s Obsession with Hate Speech, Analyzing Oppression, The Floor for Rats and Snitches, Germany is Destroying Europe, The Species Is Not Afraid To Die, and Fourth Reich and the War in the East. This week we are investigating the complete failure of the Revolution and why the Fourth German Reich of European Nations is now inevitable…
This Revolution Goes To Jail
There was this one guy who wrote down where the political prisoners were held in Germany,… and was promptly arrested and put in the same prison.
Then there was this other German guy who said in a livestream that corrupt officials should be hanged,… and was promptly arrested… in Manila in the Philippines.
Bundesregierung Germany cannot be fixed. There are thousands of government criminals and their high commissars and countless functionaries who have harmed and violated their own blood, their own families, the future of their children and grandchildren, and have oppressed so many fellow Germans that they now have blood on their hands and will never back off or stop this madness, because they have everything to lose.
The German bundesregierung's economy duly deserves its triple-F rating: fake, falsified, and fabricated. The German Wirtschaft isn’t even a economy in the Anglo-Saxon sense of the concept. The German “economy” is as curated as are its curated news, curated histories, and curated sciences. You don’t have to understand it. It is the Holy Roman Empire. You have to believe in it! Germany still lives off the same basic economy the Second Reich provided, namely automobiles, chemistry, and machinery. Everything else is fake, fakery's fake, and baloney. There was no progress in over one hundred fifty years for Germany (if anything, its intelligence and genius decreased), and every break-out attempt or alternative civilization was immediately stopped and shattered.
In just under twenty years, the socialist government of Angela Merkel had eradicated any emerging industries of electronics, computers, mobile devices, especially processor chips, space travel, internet technology, nuclear energy, advanced genetics, banking, education, the German Language, Christianity, solar energy, pharmacy, social media, and artificial intelligence, to name the most important ones. All those industries are now gone, their knowledge lost, and will have to be imported from America, China or wherever. Energy costs are the highest in the world. Home ownership has collapsed and is now the lowest rate in Europe, half that of Spain, Italy, or Greece. And while barely thirty-nine percent of democratic Germans own property, ninety-six percent of undemocratic Chinese in unfree China do. Yet, this crooked government is still not stopping its lies but on the contrary is doubling down on its triple-D trip of deindustrialization, deGermanification, and decoupling. When a government is going for the Ds and Fs in life, it won’t have a nice future. I will have jails as big as mountains though.
Meanwhile, former German service industries long thought dead had been revived and grown exponentially, namely state security, hate speech laws, and the persecution of dissidents. There is no co-existing feasible with so many government criminals and their apparatchiks who tried to maim or murder us, to confiscate our stuff, to promote our childlessness, to censor us and our dying families,... who search us, watch us, arrest us for no reason but our God-given freedom of speech. There is also no co-inhabiting commendable in a Reich that has descended into full-blown tyranny, enslaves its people, and declares defense against tyranny a crime. We have endured these organized crime governments for almost a thousand years. By now, even the last German must have realized that the Tyrants and the Law—and not the people—are producing the crimes. The Reichs were crime factories and the people were their products, and our persecution was simply a function… of civilizational recycling. The correction facility as natural developmental stage to proper humanism, like nursery, driver licence, and employment.
When the Soviet Empire broke up, the Americans were happy to see the former Soviet puppet ministerrat regime of East Germany collapse in shame. Their own US-sponsored bundesregierung in West Germany, however, they artificially kept alive. Why, it was a terrible mistake. Or malevolence. The Germans are now so washed up with American savior propaganda, they readily believe that murderous America was a Rambo action figure hero killing-Germans-Nazis in Vietnam war, so funny; or that Saint George Floyd was a Berliner, too; or that American nuclear bombs in German air bases do not count as nuclear proliferation at all; or that American was the international language, not at all the language of the occupier…
So like the Holy Germans they descended from, the more-than-holy EU Germans incorporated all this American supremacist nonsense in their laws too, and are in effect now persecuting culture, science, common sense, and reality itself.
The apocalypse is coming to Europe, again. The government hates the citizens of the Second Reich, hates the socialists of the Third Reich, and oppresses all Germanes in effect... yet at the same time, it builds the greatest socialist Reich of the European Nation, the Fourth Reich. A Reich built on persecution will collapse. Until then, it persecutes exponentially. A government that persecutes its people as national and socialist “NS-scum” and sinful totalitarian...is, by its lies of free democracy and human dignity, a sinful totalitarian government. Everybody in the world is going to hate the EU-German totalitarians, just wait and see the Coming World Wars.
Based on the historical trajectory from the Second to the Fourth Reich and its oppression (the First and Third Reich were similar, and would need more elaboration in another text), we can with extreme accuracy predict what is going to unfold next.
What is currently unfolding, or going to unfold in the coming years and decades, in one form or another, in Germany and the Fourth Reich:
The government is going to declare all native-born anti-government activities as right-wing extremist, racist, or terrorist activities, including in speech and writing. This is the result of the war against the right, mass immigration, and white replacement.
The government is going to ban the commenting, sharing, or supporting of said anti-government activities in any shape or form. This is the result of the Network Enforcement Act, the fight against hate speech, and the banning of the opposition party Alternative for Germany.
The government is going to provide public safety to all foreign subjects, making the planning and staging of anti-migrant speeches, acts, or protests a crime against the safety of all. This is the result of anti-discrimination laws, diversity mandates, and the open borders policy.
The government is the sole provider of safety and security, but to do that, it requires the tracing of the people‘s incomes, rents, certificates, payments, communication, affiliations, social media, and all online and offline activities. Luckily, this will not be shared with anyone, except the government. The government is the sole provider of safety and security.
The government has already reversed the burden of proof in criminal proceedings. This makes sense, as over 99% of charges filed are accurate anyway. Germany has the best police and prosecution in the world. This results in more effective law enforcement and speeding up the justice process.
The government is contriving ever more taxes and tax laws that will guarantee public safety. The government currently taxes sixty percent on each euro spent, which shall increase to eighty percent, to finance the fight against hate and disinformation, the fight against man-made climate change, the fight against the global health pandemic, the fight against white males, homophobes, and transphobes, the fight against flat-earthers and truth-tellers and science-deniers, and our commitment to strengthen worldwide democracy and export our values.
The government is expanding governance. The Reichstag gets a fence, a minefield, and an anti-tank trench for the protection of our leaders. Bundesnachrichtendienst secret service gets the biggest building ever built in Germany. The German Bundestag gets more seats per capita than China, Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom ever needed. This reflects Germany’s lawmaking superiority.
The government is crafting more laws and regulations than will ever be needed, and then some more. The Schutzmassnahmen, Verordnungen, und Vorschriften for the production of chemicals has one hundred thousand pages, making it a bigger collection of texts than what has transpired to us from Ancient Greek, Latin, or Sanskrit. There are more Reglementierungen for processing cow milk in Germany than China has citizen laws. And talking about citizen laws, the government has made natural growth, peaceful life, and the pursuit of happiness in Germany unthinkable, by invasive new laws such as the Chancengleichstellungsgesetz (meaning less qualified candidates will be given preference), the Initiative für wehrhafte Demokratie (meaning not hiring people who vote incorrectly), or the Gebäudeenergiegesetz (meaning supervised heating), or just the other, typical Reich Zentralverwaltungswirtschaft (meaning centralized planned economy), where the government dictates everything, from pensions, minimum wages, basic tax-free allowances, tax credits, pandemic bonus payments, child welfare, costs for electricity, green tax bottle deposits, mandatory buttons for cancellation amendments on websites, and the politically correct advertisement for day trips to the countryside. This Germany is going to enforce its regulation madness onto the EU, and the EU is going to enforce that onto its global trading partners, and everyone who doesn‘t comply is going to be slandered as a currency manipulator, a notorious lawbreaker, a nasty nationalist, or just another human rights abusing vigilante that needs to be neutralized. Dealing with EU-regulated countries means dealing with unfair treaties and global moral and economic dictatorship. Nobody is a match for the Fourth Reich of the German European Nation‘s administrative might. America may have more lawyers than any other power in the world, but the EU-twenty-seven Reich has four times the regulators.
There is more. The government is producing more crimes, and crimes on crimes by enabling trespassing, obstruction of justice, contempt of court, disobeying orders, and other “legal” entrapment for unsuspecting offenders. Control of politics by superintendence is akin to control of the economy by usury. Both the superintendent and the usurer extend some form of loans (created out of nothingness) that not only have to be paid back in full by the borrowers (against heavy fines and even imprisonment) but also interest and compound interest. The interest and compound interest of the superintendents in politics is obedience and conformance.