NOTE: This is part of a new thread, FOURTH REICH - OPPRESSION IN GERMANY. Last time we discussed the 4 German Reichs and Germany’s Obsession with Hate Speech. Now we are looking at how hopeless the situation of the dissident right is, for “Humanity is Reich, and Reich is History.” T
They Are Coming For You
Eight years forward, same government, but with a new set of bureaucrats. The new clique in bundesregierung are: the undersized, always smirking Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the dumb Foreign Minister Analena Baerbock, the green Economic minister Klaus Habeck, the extremely unlikable President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and a dozen more conceited, totally morally unhinged and unelected party cadres, all of whom have declared total war on six million now twenty million non-notables who are members, vote for, or in some way or another associate with the Alternative for Germany party, the Make-America-Great Trump-movement, the Russian Putin-movement, the Chinese Xi-Jin-Ping-movement, the Turkish Erdogan-movement, the Italian Meloni-movement, and at least two dozen more global right-wing uprisings. The disenfranchised, dying Germans who are now looking for last-minute guidance outside the Reich, must be recorded, severely punished, and made a cosmic exemplar of. Said Steinmeier: "No ‘mitigating circumstances’ must apply to them”
Now we might say, Wait a minute, this is clearly some global uprising against a thousand years of Western oppression and injustice, or better even, a new European revolution that affects everyone who lives here; so surely, cracking down on your own population like that at the last minute would be… megalomaniacal. It would prove the point the revolutionaries were making beyond doubt.
Besides, is it even possible to crack down on so many citizens simultaneously? Especially in this day and age of fast communication? Surely, Germany cannot possibly persecute twenty million people, or roughly one quarter of its entire population, without drawing global attention. All its subjects would surely go to the streets and burn the Reichstag to the ground, and it would be all over the news.
Alas, such spontaneous overthrowing of a government only happens in silly movies or when the Americans really orchestrated a military coup in some Third World banana republic such as Cuba, Honduras, or the Philippines. Any government, if left to itself with its people in ransom, should be able to persecute all of its population, all the people at once, any time, no problem whatsoever! Out of sheer harm avoidance or greed, half of the oppressed population would immediately join the government in oppressing the other half of the people.
We won’t hear much about the crackdown on tens of millions of Europeans in the US-controlled global media, because Germany is American occupied and remains a useful enforcer for Washington. Besides, the Second Reich back in the nineteenth century had to plough through dozens of Southern states, go to war with Austria, sack Paris, and sabotage thousands of independent protectorates. The Fourth Reich can do a lot more now, and better. The Germans got really good at multistate crackdown.
Half of Europe fell prey to German law enforcement, and not just tax laws, trade laws, and consumer laws. Those local leaders who joined the progressive Reich were given princedoms in exchange for cracking down on their right-wing extremists in turn. If the United States dared to speak up to the Fourth Reich at this stage, the Fourth Reich would say, we are twenty-seven nations, but Washington is only one—who are you, we are demokratie! Nobody can measure up to the Reichs. At its peak in 1918, the Second Reich encompassed twenty-five member states. As a reminder, the current Fourth Reich, as of 2023, has twenty-seven members, with eight more members on its waiting list, including Turkey and the Ukraine. If the Second Reich was a problem that led to two world wars, the Fourth Reich is now a much bigger one. And all those member states are cracking down on their disgruntled subjects in the twenty-first century like they did back in the ninetieth, no surprise here. It is what it is. The European Reich is back. It needs to eat useless humans.
From 1845 to 1850, which is roughly in the middle between the end of the Napoleonic era (the French Revolution had faltered with the defeat at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815) and the restoration of Europe in 1871, the German governments crushed down on four hundred thousand German dissidents, largely on anti-Imperialists, conservatives, and secessionists. They exiled them, confiscated their savings. There were severe crackdowns in eighteen forties in Frankfurt, in Munich, in Dresden, in the Palatinate, in Baden, in Schleswig-Hohlstein, and in Bohemia; but, really, police raids occurred in every city, town, or region. And even the Austrian Habsburgers took advantage of the moment to cold-process rebels, rioters, and the unsocial pack in Vienna. Over one thousand men were shot, stabbed, or abducted and never seen again, and another two hundred men were put on trial and handed life-long prison sentences or, in the famous case of the republican Robert Blum and twenty of his peers, the death-penalty.
The misery inflicted on the European people was incomprehensible, and is today largely erased from the collective mind and the history books. The sadistic tyrants had a great sense of humor, though, and called this particular violent chapter in our history the “Biedermeier period”—a romantic period in time when the subjects were bored with politics and enrolled in art school.
Karl Marx, considered during his time as a right-wing rabble-rouser, was probably the most prominent German runner from justice. He fled to beautiful Paris, but she was already married to Prussia. He fled to London, where he died in exile and poverty some thirty years later. There were many others. Hoffmann von Fallersleben, composer of Das Lied der Deutschen, lost his professorship and bumbled from Switzerland to Italy. He was later rehabilitated and allowed to return to Germany; however, this goes to show that the government really can and does persecute anyone it wants.
It is estimated that over one million Germans fled to the United States during the German Revolution, as their hopes for freedom in the coming Second German Empire were shattered. The German kerkers filled up with loyalists, patriots, and ultranationalists, and it was around that time, that ‘Die Gedanken sind frei’ was possibly composed, and adapted by Fallersleben. “Thoughts are free” became the anthem of the incarcerated and the dispossessed. Look it up! It’ll make your bones chill. The song is verboten in Germany, though, and many men, especially students and soldiers, lost their luck by singing it.
Casual readers won‘t find condemning information about the German Revolution on the internet, as the state curators have turned history upside down and politics left to right. Undeniable is the fact that the German Revolution, in contrast to the French Revolution or the American Revolution, was figuratively “sent down to prison.” Nobody who cheered for the revolutionaries had a better life afterwards, or had improved anything. When Bismarck became chancellor forty years later, the Empire had become a gigantic prison complex. The British never attacked, so the Reich arrested everyone else.
The Reich and the People
A somewhat comprehensive invocation seems in order at this point: Every Reich is progressive, thus a force of the left. Its enemies will be called the right, the regressive. The Reich is not two opposite forces, the Reich and the People are. The Reich is social progress, and the people who refuse it don‘t want to take part in social progress.
Historically speaking, the People are the disposable sex. Most Reichs have tens of millions of subjects lying around, yet a few hundreds of them would suffice for the legal constitution of “a People.” In evolution, the people are called periodically to a great revolution. The best individuals are integrated into the Reich, change it a bit, while the rest perish. As far as history is designed, however, the Reich is far more important than any amount of its people.
The anti-Reich people are divisive and selfish, they want to hold the World Empire back, so they must be contained. When a new Reich is formed, history makes a leap, and the believers in the old Reich are now magically becoming the regressive force that wanted to rebel against history, or slow it down, and are labeled the new right that must be crushed. Therefore, only the useful humans who quickly obey and cheer the current Reich no matter what, are relatively safe.
The Third Reich was a socialist Reich. Its rulers called themselves the National Socialists. But when the Reich failed, we are now told they were not socialists but fascists. The losers in history are the right. Look it up: When the Russians fought the Third Reich, they fought “fascists,” alright. But when the Fourth Reich fights the Russians, the Russians are also the fascists. It is that simple, because it is always the same. The enemy is always right.
And because it is always right, the dissidents are getting creative instead. They are getting creative with the correct names. Take the greatest crackdown there ever was during the Second Reich, the so-called Sozialistenverfolgung between 1871 and 1918. The socialists that were persecuted were right-wingers who rejected the socialist Second Reich.
They were the third and later generations of the survivors of the Kampf gegen Rechts, from 1820 to 1856, which they said really was a war against the socialists (remember Karl Marx and von Fallersleben, and so on), but didn‘t believe it themselves. So what did they do?
If they had been true progressives, the Reich was ultra progressive, and modern and multiracial, and would have accommodated them. Besides, why would the Reich strike against citizens who want to advance humanity and think beyond national borders? The answer is that the radical forces and revolutionaries had sophisticated their slogans during the war against the right. This time, they called themselves the left. The radicals called themselves “free socialists” much like the nationalists sixty years later called themselves “new socialists.”
Confusing the names makes strategic sense. If we are in the resistance, say, and the socialist government fights “the terrorists,” we don’t refer to ourselves as the terrorists but call ourselves the more-socialist-than-the-government ”liberal democratic socialists.” [The same naming strategy applies to tyrants and tyranny who call themselves “flawless democrats” and “constitutional democracies,” but this on the side.]
When a government criminalizes a group of undesirables and calls them lawless criminals, the correct response should be “We reject your tyranny, and those laws are meaningless, so shove them up your ass.” This, however, will lead to additional charges, extreme hostility, and maximum prison sentences. So the criminals try to plead for milder circumstances, and by that, partly admit guilt: “Why, we didn’t do anything wrong!” They get arrested.
The Sozialistenverfolgung of 1871-1918 really was the persecution of the right in all but its name. If the socialist government wants to purge the right, the right better call itself the left. The “Social Democrats” emerged during this time, in 1863. Bismarck was the iron chancellor, however, and he persecuted them anyway, no matter how the extremists called themselves, democrats, or protestants, or chosen ones… whatever, so now we had the Second Reich cracking down on the anti-government factions for the next five decades, which was—in hindsight—very funny, because the authorities banned all publications, papers, books, and speeches from “social democrats” that hailed “socialism” and “democracy”. In reality, of course, the things that were censored were the fake news, conspiracy theories, and hate speeches of their day.
It looked very, very bad for the Reich in terms of it looking like it was persecuting the wrong ideas. And from that time onwards, all anti-government movements in Europe adopted the language matrix from the German revolutionaries and called themselves “democratic” and “social”—deceitful names. Even if the government arrested them, it meant that to future historians, readers and outsiders, it would appear that the Reich government arrested the good humanitarians and saints of the world… the good people of the people, for the people. Nothing could be more fictitious.
The rulers crack down on the unruly, for History with a large H, an H larger than the Brandenburger Gate, must continue. Even after the Americans set up a sham democracy in West Germany in May 1949, with its unelected bundesregierung muppets; and even when the Soviets set up a potemkin democracy in East Germany in October 1949, with its unelected ministerialrat puppets, the unified law-abiding German elites would be incapable of running a laissez-faire free liberal society even if they wanted. It is neither in their genes nor in their grades. All German governments would start eventually to molest the free people again, and fall back on “the rule of law,” which—for all we can conclude from the First, Second, and Third Reich—is the rule of state, censorship, and oppression. This seems to be the infamous German Sonderweg, already formulated by Bonaparte, who was in awe when his armies got arrested at Leipzig and his ass charged with war crimes in Tauroggen.
The political theory of a German “special developmental path,” special here as in “special student,” states that the German body was emotionally retarded and incapable of relaxation. The Germans oozed with persecution. Sure, if beaten brutally enough by foreign powers, they could parrot “Democracy, democracy, it’s a democracy!” for a while, but once the hate speech laws were up and running again, they would invariably start rounding up those free people with a different opinion, this time in the name of freedom and democracy, all the same: Those menschen are extremely dangerous to our democracy…
The Napoleonic “liberators” from 1812 could not comprehend how the Prussians had banned, prohibited, and criminalized everything French. Had these savages not heard of Voltaire and the Enlightenment? These “Allemands,” that’s what the French called the Germans, really didn’t buy into the liberté, égalité, fraternité scam at all, and instead arrested the free-speech French terrorists at every milk can they stopped by during their train through central Europe.
It became the most embarrassing thing for France that ever happened to it—la révolution getting arrested in Germany. The republic never recovered from it. It was incomprehensible.
Forever imprisoned or under house arrest by its revengeful neighbor, France could only hope for joining a future German Reich—but first the children of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation would have to sack Europe and start World War One. Which they did, only one hundred and two years later. Had whichever Reich won, History would have made a thousand years leap. Respectfully, the Germans continued to call the loser French the FrankenReich when nobody in the world does. But when the Allied Powers defeated the Second German Reich in 1918, that’s when History truly paused.
…NEXT WEEK: The Floor For Rats And Snitches!
DIARY OF A MAD IMPERIALIST - With An Essay On The Spirit Of The German People / GET YOUR COPY!
NOTE: The European Digital Security Act DSA is activated. This means we are going to see the biggest censorship of the Internet since 2018. People talk of stock market crashes and financial collapse. We ought to talk about censorship apocalypse and the dissolution of free society. 2023 will be bad, and in 2024 we will have a very different world indeed. 💀🪬
How anyone can think that this country is not in deep shit is beyond me. Yes, some of the leaders in this country are brain dead, but there is not one member of Congress that has improved this country. The United States government is FUBAR