NOTE: This is part of a new series, FOURTH REICH - OPPRESSION IN GERMANY. Last time we discussed the four German Reichs in history. We learned that Germany cracked down on every revolution, haha. Unlike the Americans or French. It is very good at crackdown…
Round Them Up, Crack Them Down
The reign of oppression was long in the making, but officially started by the Angela Merkel government in the summer of 2015, when the “God-Empress” decided to open the German borders to two million foreign settlers, most of them males of fighting age from Africa and the Middle East. For the rulers in Germany, this trajectory was inevitable: The Fourth Empire wants all of Europe, half of West Asia, and the North of Africa. It needs hundreds of millions of subjects and prepares for war against America and Asia. The European natives on the other hand probably just wanted to be left alone and live in peace.
The 2015 deliberate criminalization of protected national borders, the peace of indigenous people, and the idea of homogeneous society would surely lead to massive protests and revolt from the homeland people living here—this far the planners of borderless, open, diverse society could see—What to do, what to do?
In 2016, the central government initiated the first European anti-German legislation, labeling all nationals and especially German natives based on the white color of their skin as inherently racist and right-wing extremists who hated foreigners. If these naysayers won’t shut up about migrant crimes, white replacement, and (their) economic grievances, the government would unleash Reich-style persecution hell onto them.
The seriousness of this total prosecution act cannot be overstated: The God-Empress and her corrupt regime agitated against their own population and declared that there was “no such a thing as German people,” only people: Said Merkel, quote: “Everybody who lives here, is the people.” Within a few months, the Bundestag paved the way for legalized state warfare against “the racists.”
Entire regions of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and Brandenburg were now deemed breeding grounds for anti-government activities, with a total of six million alleged racist Germans whom the central government now had to deal with. Regime journalists started to dehumanize those regions as “Nazi outposts,” the “brown swamp,” and the “supporters of new fascism.”
How did the government decide it was just six million of Germans, and not eight million, or ten million, or all eighteen million Germans in East Germany? It so happens that the six million number amounts to twenty percent of all Germans of voting age who voted for the opposition party to the Merkel regime—the so-called ‘Alternative for Germany’ party or short: the AfD. And most of the AfD sympathizers lived in said eastern German regions. The government mobilized state security in all sixteen German federated states and the Federal government itself, with ten thousand prosecutors and agents of interior to hunt down the six million AfD sympathizers as affiliates of the new Nazi-Party, which translates in German as: the AfD voters are Jew-killers.
It is a social death sentence for any German person. If your own government goes around and says you are gassing Jews, you will probably deny that, „No, no... I am NOT gassing Jews!“ Now the state media will say that you won’t confess to remembering that you thought about gassing Jews or something. The German thoughtcrime police calls this tactic Zersetzung. It means decomposing someone’s public persona, instilling paranoia, making him suffer... the wrath of God… before he‘s sorry and deported to JVA Eisenhüttenstadt.
When the BRD central government is punching the faces of six million citizens to a pulp, it wants assistance from the other EU governments, because just like the Second Empire, the Fourth Empire consists of the Imperial government and many subordinate fiefdoms, all ruled by equally corrupt elites. They all love beating the faces of their properties to a pulp every now and then. It is a metaphor. They want their enslaved subjects to be fearful and to obey the law. How is Berlin calling Brussels for support on cracking down on Saxony and Thuringia in 2016 any different from Munich asking Berlin for help to suppress the revolutionaries in Palatinate and Franconia in 1849?—It is not! It is the same principle.
From 2016 onwards, every region that looks like it is causing trouble for the Reich is probably facing its crackdown eventually, and many heads of the revolutionaries are going to roll in Hungary, Austrian Carinthia and Salzburg, Denmark, Belgium, Estonia, Sweden, Spanish Andalusia and Aragon, France, and the Czech Republic.
How is that different from 1848 onwards, when every region that looked like it was causing trouble for the Reich was crackdown on, and many heads had to roll in Hungary, Austria, France, Italy, Prussia, and virtually all of the thirty plus German confederate states?—Not much different at all! It is the same procedure!
We don’t need the history of pre-revolutionary Europe and the Second German Reich to predict that crackdowns in the new Fourth Reich are going to happen with absolute certainty. We know that the crackdowns are going to happen because the European Parliament in 2016 made it the supreme mission to destroy all those right-wing parties and replace all anti-EU governments with pro-EU Reich puppet regimes. “Not one inch to the right,” declared EU Reich Commissioner of State, German Ursula von der Leyen.
How is the 2016 German-EU Reichs government assuming central power [Zentralgewalt] over all the Fourth Reich‘s provinces any different than the 1848 Frankfurter National Assembly assuming central power over all the Second Reich‘s provinces?—No difference. None at all!
Nearly all the right-wing leaders are now smeared as mentally ill sex offenders who are also Mom‘s basement racist and wanna-be dictator scum. Every one of them has pending trials, criminal charges, and a hopeless future. Some died by mysterious accident.
The right-wing strategy for revolution against the Reich and its central power, meanwhile, then and now, seems self-destructive, hopelessly absurd, and maybe even egotistic: The various rebels really believe they would all become martyrs, or that if all of them were thrown into jail the country would somehow come to a standstill or would cease to function anymore. And once the central power realized it had imprisoned its greatest minds, its hardest workers, the rulers then would surely realize their insanity, backpedal, ask for forgiveness, and pardon the revolution and hand all positions of powers to the criminals. This is of course not going to happen. The government never runs out of social climbers and can always staff positions with yesmen, women, or migrants. Other dissidents, infatuated by their vanity and delusions of cosmopolitanism, harbor the secret fantasy that foreign governments like Russia, China, or even free-speech America would intervene and come to their financial aid or make them pop-idols abroad. Alas, this is even more wishful thinking because those foreign empires also crack down on troublemakers and backstabbers.
Naturally, most dissidents suffer from mental collapse, after having become unemployable, broke, and been evicted from their rental properties. So they repent. They feel deeply remorseful. They now beg for welfare, health insurance, and a second chance. They won‘t get a second chance, but they nevertheless don’t want to die of shame or be remembered as intolerant racist pigs. You should have seen their faces when they reemerged from Untersuchungshaft. Their eyes were glassy, empty. Their voices had become weak. They are broken people.
Others think they can outsmart the hate-speech police. They are scared to death of being labeled Third Reich sympathizers, this much is true. So they end up saying something stupid like that the Second Reich was more German than the Third Reich because there were no Nazis even born yet, so it must be kind of safe saying it. But these wisemen set themselves up for even deeper troubles, for the Second Reich sympathizers are now being considered even more dangerous extremists who want to murder politicians with pikes and antique guns.
So far, 2018, 2021, and 2023 have witnessed striking blows to the so-called Reich's-citizen scene in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, with hundreds of arrests of their ring leaders. These individuals believe that the monarchic Second Reich had its merits over the totalitarian Fourth Reich, which is a thought crime punishable with on average ten years of imprisonment. It reminded us a bit about Prussian law enforcement in 1849 cracking down on the likes of Gustav Struve, Friedrich Hecker, and Friedrich Engels in Baden, who dared to say that the Second French Republic was better than the German Reich. Back then, one couldn’t just say that Napoleon’s vision for Europe was better for Europe than the Kaiser’s vision, any more than one just can’t say today that the Kaiser’s vision for Europe was better for Europe than the EU’s vision.
The Reich's-citizens reject the postwar interim BRD regime and want the old, sovereign Germany back. That would be Germany before the two Great Wars, which is the Second German Reich under a Kaiser. The problem with this bigoted piece of prehistoric nostalgia is that those former Reichsführer, including Kaiser Wilhelm himself, were now considered gun-loving despots with a penchant for discriminating against BIPOC “Black, Indigenous, and People of Color,” and for murdering socialists of course.
In effect, the study or even the thinking about the Second Reich is verboten in Germany. Tens of thousands of thought police patrol school rooms, universities, clubs, workers unions, and of course the internet. Professional informants, but also teachers, neighbors, children will report on so-called “hate crimes.” A hate crime is when people just won’t shut up about Fourth Reich tyranny, government misinformation, and the suspension of their basic rights (as if they ever had any). And a good indicator of their anti-government attitude is when they keep mentioning how glorious the pre-war Germans were back then when they wore bayonets and German pride.
In 2018, the government launched the most radical censorship campaign on the European continent, called the Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz or 'Network Enforcement Act'. Every Western media of matter reported on it, because it is insane; the biggest threat to free speech on the planet.
The ‘Censorship Act’ literally reversed the English Magna Carta (which championed the freedom of expression), the French Enlightenment (which championed the human right to free speech), and the American Bill of Rights (by which congress shall make no law... or prohibiting... the freedom of speech). Germany was never part of the West until Western troops marched into Berlin; but now that it was part of the West, that didn‘t give it the right to undue eight hundred years of Western civilization, no? Well, what is right, is relative. People on the right go to jail. People who want to do what is right, go to jail also.
Such insidious censorship and the betrayal of the European enlightenment does not bother the German BRD regime one inch. The government also broke with its own US-German Grundgesetz, but who gives... at this point, and so far down the toilet with social peace, right?. The Network Enforcement Act criminally persecutes offensive speech, false speech, misleading speech, antidemocratic speech, illegitimate speech, and incitement to actions that endanger the rulers.
It goes even further than that, and prohibits the sharing, liking, and distribution of such speeches. It is basically like being caught by investigators for possessing illegal drugs or images of child pornography—the mere “possession” is a crime, so that nobody, really nobody but the criminally insane, would ever put themselves into a situation or even close to any domain or social group where such illicit material could in theory e distributed. The Germans’ once again living in terminal fear of everyday persecution is celebrated as the ultimate crime prevention tactic. The horrible persecution that started in 2018 with the Censorship Enforcement Act is the exact replication of the horrors of the Nachmärz persecution in 1848 that lasted at least fifty years. And you know what court historians named that cruel episode in German history?—They named it German Realism…
As a direct result of the patronizing 2018 Censorship Enforcement Act, thousands of websites, internet forums, and online groups self-deleted, or self-moderated, or closed their comment sections indefinitely. Every business that operated on the internet now had to employ censors, a governmental auditor and/or a youth protection officer. Just like global banks, global tech companies have to report suspicious behavior to the public prosecution office, which, to their credit, the really big tech companies try to avoid by installing upload filters that block certain keywords from the far-right. The writer still sees his post or comment, but nobody else, and also no prosecutor. This, of course, is obstruction of justice. We can be certain that the EU‘s Berlin-Paris-Brussels axis will find ways to shake those foreign enablers down eventually. Nobody is above the law.
The Second Reich certainly produced many radical censorship acts like this, even long before it was formalized, such as the Prussia Edict from 1819, which eliminated free speech in all universities, ministries, and public institutions. If we had scholars with brains, they would certainly research the matter and find correlations of rampant persecution of the people with persecution, which we know will produce the persecuted, who then will fight for their lives, and will be persecuted even more for it. And then they would probably find a direct causation between persecution and revolution, but this is pure speculation, of course, because we don’t need scholars with brains as much as we need jailmasters with batterers.
We recall that the government back then used to pick on two hundred ringleaders here or three hundred troublemakers there, threw them into jail for three years without a trial, tried them for another thirty years in prison perhaps, then reduced their sentence to eight maybe, but granted clemency after two because the whole thing was a charade to begin with, as so happened to popular student leader Fritz Reuter in 1833. Read his Ut mine Festungstid “From my dungeon days.” He became a damaged man. But his writing was that good!
The persecution party of the nineteenth century was a great leap forward for law enforcement. Early morning raids, preferably between three and five o’clock, became standard procedure, to use the element of maximum surprise and to spread terror to subtenants and neighbors. Sippenhaft was back and revived from the Middle Ages, to punish all those people who provided shelter, gave food, or read books by the suspects. Kontaktschuld was broadened to the extreme: Everybody who makes contact with a suspect becomes susceptible, for maximal fear and isolation, until the end of life, in the history books and beyond. And with the scribblers in on the process, the Second Reich’s news writers and court historians became part of the prosecution. Informing employers or educational authorities became the standard procedure to ensure that everybody got scared and quickly disavowed the foul relation, and judged the men guilty long before there was a trial to save their own reputation. But persecution back then was also noisy and artless; compared to twenty-first century’s subversion and abuses:
The Fourth Reich and its Network Enforcement Act creeps into private bedrooms, your son’s mobile phone, and all communication of all subjects, written, in audio, or video, now, then, and back in time, for all time, extorting heavy fines and reparation from companies and privates. Just two years after its inauguration in 2018, the German NetzDG was said to be worth one billion two hundred million euro in government revenue, while the global hate speech industry could be said to be worth one trillion euros.
Accordingly, the government expanded the Censorship Act in 2020, and again in 2022, when it became the blueprint for the European-wide Digital Service Act.
The first, 2020 upgrade made it compulsory for subjects to report hate speech to the authorities or else being considered complicit in the crime. And since this is the mighty Fourth Reich, not some lazy Fourth Estate, German law enforcement would crack down on all global speech composed in any language, from all nationalities, that ever happened to transit through the Eurozone. And yes, this already made half of all Americans “criminals” in Europe, because Americans have big mouths and believe they have American free speech wherever they go. Well, not so anymore, because Brussels, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Amsterdam… all those EU capitals are going to criminally charge Americans or any other foreign folks impartially. One American playwright residing in Berlin was charged for “belittling the crimes of the Third Reich.” He was sentenced to five-thousand euro or six months in prison.
Meanwhile, the government is threatening all global internet providers who employ more than forty-nine people with fines of up to fifty million euro for, among other things, “failing to produce the bi-yearly reports, to develop a procedure for receiving and evaluating notices, to conduct the monthly reviews of their processes or to eliminate inadequacies in the procedure.”
But the last, 2022 upgrade really made the killing. The European Union’s Digital Service Act or DSA states that if any corporation, national or foreign, does not remove hate speech and fake news and report it to the law enforcement authorities, the EU is going to confiscate six percent of that company's global revenue. And in case there was any doubt about the seriousness of the EU speech prosecutors, they're going to remove the limits on the size of the companies in 2024, meaning that every company on the planet with one or more employees will have to comply or go bankrupt.
Speech laws surely are an ingenious source of income for any totalitarian government, and Germany and the EU are going to extort the whole world. Why not language-controlling one billion Africans and four billion Asians next? For the demoralized Germans, and by extension the Europeans, three things are now inevitable in the Fourth German Reich of European Nations: Death, taxes, and being harassed for free speech.
…NEXT WEEK: Analyzing Oppression
DIARY OF A MAD IMPERIALIST - With An Essay On The Spirit Of The German People / GET YOUR COPY!
This just came in. Last Friday, August 25, the European Union activated its DSA Digitial Security Act, which is the upgrade to the Germany’s NetzDG Network Censorship Law. They are banning free speech. Trump, Musk, sovereign nations… It is happening. Widerstand ist zwecklos. We are staring at 1000 years prison planet.
The real story is that this can happen anywhere. This is the naked suppression of dissent and opposition on a massive scale.