Oppression in Germany Not Seen Since Pre-1848 Revolution
The Government Is Increasing Pressure On Its Disgruntled Subjects
NOTE: This is a new series, FOURTH REICH - OPPRESSION IN GERMANY. It is about persecution, the law, and the Fifth dimension. I do not foresee anything in here. We’ve already seen it! T
!!! Opponents of the EU and the German-EU’s war against Russia and China are being massively persecuted
!!! Opponents of white genocide, mandatory early death injections, illegal lockdowns, climate change emergency, centralized deindustrialization, reading the wrong books, and sodomy for children... face criminal charges for being right-wing extremist
The aim of this text is to prepare the readers for persecution and incarceration of no less than 40-50% of our people.
At the beginning of each chapter is a picture of a German dissident, all of whom were imprisoned, expelled, or killed.
What Is The Fourth Reich?
The German “Reichs” or Empires had always been pan-European projects. The Reich was Europe, and Europe is the Reich.
The First Reich was the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, from the 1512 Cologne Imperial Diet to 1806 when Napoleon crushed the Emperor at Austerlitz.
The Second Reich was the German Kaiserreich led by Prussia, from the 1871 Norddeutscher Bund to 1918 when the Allied Powers led by Russia, Britain, and France defeated Germany in World War One.
The Third Reich was the failed attempt to unite Europe, from the 1933 Socialist Dictatorship to 1945 when the Allied Powers led by the Soviet Union, Britain, and the United States laid waste to the Großdeutsches Reich.
The Fourth Reich is the Fourth German Reich of European Nations or short “EU,” from its inauguration in 1993 to the present day.
All four Reichs were continental and German-led, because the Germanic people dominate Germany, the Netherlands, the Scandinavian lands, Northern Italy, Austria, Switzerland, to some extent also France, and much of today’s Poland, and Czechia, and so on. The United Kingdom, although Celtic, was ruled over by the Germanic tribes of the Anglo and Saxons for centuries, resisted being absorbed into any of the four continental German Reichs, very impressively, and probably because it is a defensive island fortress. The English language belongs to the Germanic language family, though, and there are about one hundred ten million German native speakers in mainland Europe. The Germans themselves, it needs to be said, do not call themselves Germans but “Deutsch” or “Teutsche.” They are the largest group of the Germanic race, which has been propagandized as the White race.
History doesn't repeat itself; it runs, stumbles, gets up and still arrests you.
The Americans, a subculture of European civilization, of course bragged about their partake in the defeat liberalization of the short-lived Third German Reich, understandably so. Germany’s total surrender in 1945 became the second founding myth of independent America, the defeat of the British Empire in 1776 being the first: to have finally ‘stuck it’ to the master Europeans.
Little is taught in America or indeed outside Germany about the preceding Second German Reich though. The Second German Reich was founded in 1871, and it was preceded by half a century of European-wide state terror against the political right. The political right wanted to keep their various nation states and identities, and remain sovereign, while their unelected governments dreamed of pan-Germanic centralization, legitimization, and final unification—with violence, oppression, and censorship.
This sort of European-wide cleansing of right, that is: war against separatist regions, nationalist factions, and independent voices—still called the Kampf gegen Rechts today (because it was so successful back then)—is now happening again, in Germany and all over dependent Europe. Millions of people revolt against German oppression, against EU tyranny, against global censorship. They are met with the brutality of the centralized police state everywhere, from France and Italy to the Netherlands, but nowhere is the crackdown on the political right more thorough and complete than in the German heartlands.
The following text is an attempt to convey the broader scope of the formation of the Fourth German Reich of the European Nations and the terrible fate that awaits the resistance movement.
Lessons From The Second Reich
The Iron Chancellor of the Second German Empire, Otto von Bismarck, was said to have joked that righteous Prussia had more law enforcement officers than the British Empire had armies. Asked what he would do if the British went to war, he said: “Arrest them!”
Whether Bismarck really said it or another, the Second German Reich had engineered the greatest police state in the history of man (and set the foundation for German socialism), and everyone else became a bureaucrat, an informant, or was jailed.
The so-called welfare state was born (necessarily more socialism, but more about that in a minute), where every subject, whose membership was entirely compulsory, therefore “free,” was taken care of by the government from cradle to grave. The Second Reich was a liberal, a leftist Reich, much like the First Reich had been, when it liberated Europe from feudal warlords, xenophobic cults, and the horrible Dark Age.
What state-paid historians described as German might, or as Prussian militarism, or just as order or the rule of law, came at a horrible price. Observe, tens of millions of subjects had to be reeducated, disciplined, or were fed to the prosecutors who, ever since the Demagogenverfolgung (1820-1840) and the War on the Right (1840-1871) had invented thousands of new arbitrary rules and regulations against subversion, revolution, incitement, rabble-rousing, hate speech, and taking part in illegal activities.
In the nineteenth century, it was normal for most citizens to get arrested, questioned, or be faced with disciplinary measures once or twice as an adult. As to the peasantry, workers, and the craftsmen and other trades, probably eighty percent of the population, it was better for them to own nothing, but instead to lease something from their lords, because everything they possessed could be taken away anyway. The German verb “umlegen” always had two meanings: to whack a person, and to divide his belonging (among others). The socialists later refined this with “umverteilen”—Snatch it from one and give it to others.
That was partly the reason why taxes were so low when the Empire was so great. The government generated income from confiscation, seizure, and serfdom. Serfs or peasants could only keep out of jail if they bonded to a master bailer, hence debt bondage and slavery.
Those who worked for the government had a clear advantage. Since students and professors, journalists, nurses, doctors, and most of the respectful professions regulated by the state were technically civil servants and state employees, they were property of the state. There was no need to frequently imprison your property.
Instead, state employees were frequently penalized, their salaries ablated, their posts demoted, their licenses removed, their pensions reduced, or they were deprived of certain privileges. The concept of “a full salary,” which had been conceptualized by the French revolutionaries at the beginnings of the nineteenth century, had not yet been institutionalized east of the Rhine. It meant that nobody in the feudal system had enough salary to support himself and his family; instead, all those mid- and low-level bureaucrats and state employees had to orbit extremely close to the source of sufficient income: the government. The government allocated free housing, transport, benefits, perks, prizes, and promotions. Bending over for your socialist government was in effect the precursor to today’s social credit system, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.
What is important to know is that most of the terms such as Demagogenverfolgung or the Kampf gegen Rechts of the Second Reich are verboten to do research on in the Fourth Reich today, because independent minds would quickly spot a shared blueprint and notice an uncanny ideological likeness...
The history of the Second Empire has been properly torn up and screwed up (dt: zerrissen und beschissen). Instead of satirizing the Second Reich as an early path to socialism, the foundational penal civilization (rule by imprisoning the opposition), or the one-world government of the left, our government's esteemed Ministry of Socialist Interpretation must condemn the Second Reich as a dictatorship of the right, complete with Dictator-Kaiser, populist seducers, racist armies, plenty of colonies, and carrying the banner of unholy white supremacy.
If told from this ideological angle, the Fourth Reich government mustn’t present itself as a continuation of the Second Reich (which it is), but as a new liberator (which it certainly is not). That is why the government banned this term ‘Fourth Reich’ in the Fourth Reich. The government points to the fact that the First Reich and the Second Reich and the Third Reich also did not call themselves those abhorrent titles—only the radical right-wing extremists did, which we hereby categorically disavow.
Censorship is called for, naturally. If you write or say “the Fourth Reich,” or “the Fourth German Reich of the European Nations”… this will be treated as glorification of the undemocratic Second Reich, or belittlement of the crimes of the Third Reich, which are punishable with up to a eight years prison sentence in a high-security state correctional facility of not your choice.
The Fourth German Reich, which dates back to the inauguration of the 1993 European Union or EU, started in earnest in 2015, when the God Empress Angela Merkel explained away all internal national borders and declared the political right all over the EU the enemy of government.
It is the exact reproduction of the expansion of Germany's power and the establishment of its hegemony in 1871 Europe, when Second Reich chancellor Otto von Bismarck scolded petty nationalism and declared civil war on the refuseniks.
The very traits of Empire were, after all: indefinable borders, unrelenting expansion, and assimilation of as many provinces and tribes and cultures as possible. That had been the case for the Holy Roman Empire for centuries, and for the Roman Empires before that, and for any other empire in the world before Bismarck and Merkel.
And the stereotypical path any German empire chose to take in unifying Europe had always been the removal of critics, the erasure of old memories, and the riddance of primitive witnesses. The ‘primitive witnesses’ to Empire were of course the indigenous native populations. Those had to be criminalized.
In Germany today, which is a brute tyranny, the highest level of thought crime anyone can possibly attain is that of being found a Second Reich reichsbuerger or a Third Reich nationalsozialist.
In Germany and in the EU, if some natives or indigenous cultures even so dared to compare our new Fourth Reich’s oppression to the tyranny of the Second or Third Reich, because all those German Reichs evidently throve on steamrolling the natives and indigenous cultures, and throve on socialism, censorship, and eternal persecution… well, make no mistake: those primitive natives and indigenous cultures would get arrested over night for their radical right-wing extremism.
…NEXT WEEK: The German Obsession With Hate Speech
SHOVE YOUR DEMOCRACY - With An Essay On The Transformation Of Germany / GET YOUR COPY!
DIARY OF A MAD IMPERIALIST - With An Essay On The Spirit Of The German People / GET YOUR COPY!
When the demand for hate speech exceeds the supply, they begin to look for hate speech everywhere.
This is gonna be GOOD!