NOTE: This is a brand-new EPIC series: FOURTH REICH - OPPRESSION IN GERMANY. Last installments included the Four German Reichs, Germany’s Obsession with Hate Speech, and Analyzing Oppression. This week we are looking at the revival of Germany’s most hated and feared of all stereotypes… that of THE DENUNCIATOR…
Citizens Informing On Citizens
From 2005 to 2021, the Merkel government had supercharged the largest Intelligence Service in Europe, the Bundesnachrichtendienst or BND. It is possibly the biggest spy agency in the entire West, second only to the American Central Intelligence Agency, and that’s because the CIA co-founded Bundesnachrichtendienst in US-occupied West Germany in 1956. All American spy agencies are operating in Germany, including the National Security Agency NSA that got in the news in 2016 for tapping Mrs Merkel’s mobile phone. Merkel never minded. It is an unholy cooperation indeed, designed to strengthen the world rulers and to protect bundesregierung from its people.
The Bundesnachrichtendienst BND is targeting the enemies of the Fourth Reich from without, while another service, the Bundesverfassungsschutz BfV, targets the enemies from within.
The government also reorganized the greatest group of ministries Germany had ever seen (it has the largest of any government in the world), the greatest prison complex on the continent, and the greatest land force of police officers, courts, prosecutors, and judicial bureaucrats in Europe, with even hierarchical, administrative and over-regulated France and all her former colonies overseas not even coming close to Germany’s new regulatory might. It is not an exaggeration to say that Germany would be the world’s regulatory superpower if it wasn’t for the United States which currently occupies it.
America is in Europe because Europe is the center of world history, science, philosophy, and all standards. Most Americans have European ancestry, while Europeans need no American ancestors: The bundesregierung is a US-puppet regime, correct—However this is about things the United States cannot rule or control forever: the European lands, the European people, the European spirit. Europe is a regulatory superpower, and America must comply. That is because Europe has the moral authority. The USA is how old? Three hundred years, four hundred? Europe has seen twenty-seven world empires by that time come and go for six thousand years. That is the secret reason why America desperately needs to be in Europe. That's why America clings to the bundesregierung dictatorship in Berlin. Globalism means having offices in Europe. Everything else is colonialism. America was a European colony. Being in Germany is ego for the Americans. It means they have returned to World History, which is European. Let us hope they can hold this thought.
That is the reason why bundesregierung hates this small, limited, backward German nation and sees itself (the Merkel government) as the chosen leadership to once again overcome the old, small, limited nation-state existence and to proclaim the Greater European Empire of the German Nation or whatever name the EU commissioners come up with. So this is the same situation as before the founding of the previous German Empire. Small states have to go. Brussels, on the European territory of Belgium, is cheered for functioning as the capital of parliament of the new European Civilization. The Fourth Reich will then remove the American occupiers, just as the Second Reich once removed the French occupiers. This is what progressives and the Reich elites think at all levels of the European Union.
The God-Empress Merkel loves all Europhiles and all pro-Merkel foreigners, and all tributals and migrants who are drawn to Berlin like the ancient tribes were drawn to Rome. Therefore, her over-tolerant government must eradicate the social cohesion of the close-minded people already living here, isolate the separatists, prevent the Kleinstaaterei (tiny princedoms), and smear the racist, backward, and outdated believers in family, blood, and nation. There is no such thing as “the Germans” or a “nation for Germans.” Those are criminal constructs,… harmful ideas, convicted by our fine government. Our laws fight harmful, convicted ideas like white blood cells fight bacteria and viruses…to the death!
And if, throughout Holy Europe, our local dictators fear the loss of their sovereignty, and dare to challenge Brussels, Berlin, and Paris, they, too, will be isolated, smeared, and then charged with crimes against humanity—as seen with the current leadership in Poland, Bulgaria, and Hungary. There are no such things as “the Polish, Bulgarians, or Hungarians,” there is only… Europeans!
Meanwhile, the United States is in a huge conundrum. It loves how the bitch bundesregierung is punishing the Germans for what they did back then in seasons two and three. It also loves how bundesregierung had enabled American private firms to control everything here, from what the kids watch on Disney channel to what they buy on Amazon and what they read in the newspapers, so that is all good. However, America also fears the loss of its crown colony in the center of Europe by the middle of season four due to extreme regulations and taking its citizens hostage, all of whom are going to end up much poorer than any Germans in history before, or dead, or detained in some German concentration camp for saying the government is bad, which will reflect badly on the American colonialism and turn out unacceptable to our Washingtonians. That is why the American technology companies and its brothers CIA and NSA for years gave all those German dissident voices a platform on the US-controlled Internet. It is no secret that without Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and other American platforms and alternative media in general, there would be no opposition voices in Germany. No German employee in a thousand years would dare to speak ill of his rulers in a public forum. On a US-controlled public internet forum in US-occupied Germany however, many Germans were now thinking they would be safe and legally insured by America. It is some sort of subtle American intervention in totalitarian Europe, not quite on par with the instigated color revolutions in the post-Soviet world, but we are surely getting there eventually...
And now it all makes sense, of course, that the Merkel government told her US-American overlords that “You have not finished your excellent job from 1945… we still have plenty of right-wing extremists and Jew-killers and Hitler worshipers here.” The bundesregierung government, in particular the Bundesnachrichtendienst and Verfassungsschutz, are all cunts who call the opposition voices “Nazis” so that Washington and the CIA—hopefully—support the government in its virulent campaign to “de-Nazify” the people threat. Historically, the United States has always supported foreign dictatorships and their crackdown on the population, from Sadam Hussein in Iraq to Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, and now Angela Merkel in Germany season four. However, there will come a time when Washington no longer needs this shit show and its nasty tyrants. So for some reasons, rather unexpected and miscalculated by the Merkel regime, the United States did not comply at all with Germany’s repeated requests from 2016 to 2020 for assisted crackdown and censorship of the dissidents. Europe needed to remain a US spy center, and the CIA wanted to make Merkel’s revenge fantasies and crimes against her people as difficult as possible to bring about and see what happens.
This divisive strategy in international relations is not unusual. If Washington fights “terrorists,” it must also support the terrorists a little bit, or plant new seeds for terrorism later, to make the cause equal to the task. Besides, yesterday’s terrorists could easily become national heroes in the future, like the Boston Tea Party, say, or John Hancock and Samuel Adams who went against their king. In foreign wars too, Washington will always support both sides of the conflict, not equally of course, but sufficiently to exhaust them and to study them, before sending in American negotiators.
The sheer madness and insanity of criminalizing your entire population is beyond the pale. In 2021, even the Ministry for Family and Children got two hundred fifty million euros for fighting right-wing extremism in kindergartens and nursing homes. They use Orwellian euphemisms for new anti-terror units, such as ‘Democracy Alive’ or ‘Young against Right’. Their new anti-terror laws have strange names too, such as ‘Law to promote and strengthen a well-fortified democracy’ or ‘Initiative for Human Dignity’. The oppression even got its own Ministry, the Ministry for Political Education, which is code for crackdown on the political right. Before Angela Merkel completed her sixteen-year term, she signed off a one-billion deal with semi-governmental private foundations. The money is so widely disseminated that nobody will ever be able to trace it. Some of the money is said to go to over one thousand “subsidies and fundraising against right-wing extremism” in film, radio, sports, festivals, language learning, and school exchange.
But not only the young are treated like infants. All one hundred six urban districts and two hundred ninety-four rural districts were forced to introduce new reporting stations for incorrect thought, and all four hundred forty-six universities and polytechnics were forced to establish round tables against the political right in higher education, with such dubious titles as ‘Center for Migration Research’, ‘Right-wing extremism research center’, or ‘Center for Social Cohesion’, and so on.
The government revived the so-called Antifaschistische Schutzwall of the former East German communist regime. Americans may have heard about it, because it spread overseas. It is called the Antifa. The Antifa or “Antifascists” is a left-wing terrorist organization [with our definition of terrorism being the carrying out of attacks against the people, which ought to be the state de iure by the constitution, but are not the state de facto, according to the government which says it is the state de re], that originated in Germany but is now active globally, that hunts down and destroys the lives of those it deems not antifascists. Which is potentially everyone they don’t like, which is perfect for the bundesregierung that now subsidizes its mercenary army of street goons, internet vandals, police informants, and hateful narcissists to rat out the enemies of the state. The US government under Donald Trump repeatedly called for the designation of Antifa as a terrorist organization but was rejected because it was not “an organization” at all. Which is correct. Antifa is not an organization—it is the German government!
Antifa’s militia counts over ten thousand foot soldiers, forty-seven chapters, and operates several centers such as the ‘Research Institute for Social Cohesion’, and operates on a federal level, in consultations with the Ministry of Interior. It polices the “racism” in German state institutions, and is as such one branch of the thought police.
Other branches of the thought police are the five “non-governmental organizations” for the fight against right-wing extremism, all funded by the government. The communist Amadeu-Antonio Foundation, the Correctiv against Fake News, the NetzDG Network Group, the Stiftung Digitale Chance, Deutschland Sicher Im Netz, and
And while these hateful organizations use libel and defamation tactics against the civil disobedient, they work in tandem and collusion with the countless pro-government gutmenschen from SpdBT, DieGrünen, DieLinke, and their governmental lieutenants from the Volks-Inquisition: Heiko Maas, Steinmeier, Nancy Faeser, Ralf Stegner, Sven Lehmann, B Riexinger, and hundreds more virulent persecutors-in-chief who make themselves bigger by how many citizens’ lives they disrupted or sent into collective punishment.
And just like during the formation of the Second Reich, during the formation of the Fourth Reich the Church has joined once again the persecution of the Andersdenkenden: All state churches and faith communities must join the fight against the right or become the right themselves.
Public squares, bus stops, fences, lampposts, and the windows of the city's cafes and boutiques are plastered with "against the right" posters and stickers. Hateful webportals such as Psiram or Report24 denounce our people. The online encyclopedia Wikipedia was taken over by nasty weasels. They are desecrating the entries on living persons with Nazi-accusations, sexism, and other dehumanizing edits. The whole country has been stirred into a genocidal frenzy against itself.
By 2022, the government had revised the Meldestelle Gesetz. The newly revised ‘Registration Office Act’ from the socialist government in hell encourages everyone, from private individuals to companies and all state institutions, to rat out every colleague, every neighbor, every former associate or acquaintance for harboring extremist thoughts.
In 2023, the Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz, or “Whistleblower Protection Law,” was introduced—in stealth, without consulting the public. It declares that those who rat out anybody via the Meldestelle Gesetz must not be ratted out themselves. Anyone who unmasks an informer faces a fine of fifty thousand euros or a prison sentence. The rats are being protected from being ratted out themselves, making it impossible now for the untertanen in the German Fourth Reich to ever trust a work rival, an ex girlfriend, an email conversation, Uncle Berthold from Leipzig, the friendly tax consultant, or that prying bank clerk at local Sparkasse.
So there we have it, a call for action and a sense of deadly urgency: If Berthold does not rat out Karl for racism by Friday, Karl is going to snitch Berthold as an antisemite on Monday. From top to bottom, this system is organized to terrify and suppress. If you still have any sense of freedom, you must flee this hellish dystopia before they employ you. If you cannot do this, you better up-end your role-playing skills, for if you live long enough among rats, you’ll shriek like one.
Arrest Them All!
In 2020, the government called the Youth Division of the Alternative for Germany “right-wing extremist,” to be observed by Verfassungsschutz. This targets tens of thousands of white native teenagers and students, meeting the criteria for ‘preparing the genocide’ according to the United Nations human rights convention, but who gives: This is the Fourth Reich and all resistance will be arrested for resisting.
The government defends the first stages of the genocide of these people by saying they are nationalsozialisten filth or reichsbürger and must be disorganised, split up… then cleansed from the surface of the earth. The fact that there have been no nationalisozialisten or reichsbürger for the last seventy or one hundred ten years does not bother the new fascists. The new fascists have talked themselves into a blind rage of lefteousness, and a murderous fit even, and they believe the old fascists in their new human animal form must be paralyzed or this regime falls.
Most of the current stack of German rulers are on record for vile threats and unbelievable hatred against the revolting people, and they are well aware of their horrible accusations against their citizenry. That is why they also criminalized the mere mention of their crimes: Nazi-speak. Sharing the speeches of the government is now copyright infringement. Mentioning the names of the prosecution: A Call for violence. Mentioning the court proceedings: Endangering the witnesses. All publications, videos, compilations, websites, documents, and screenshots of the government’s crimes are now prohibited—Hate speech! People who are unhappy with the government: Assisting a foreign power! In 2020 alone, tens of thousands of citizen-dissidents were summoned to court, and ten thousand five hundred were convicted.
Germany officially has no political prisoners, because it is politically impossible not to like this government, its democracy, its tolerant ways. Saying otherwise is antidemocratic agitation which is punishable with up to three years in the pen, which is not at all a political but judicial decision. Besides, the all-seeing government has five hundred other ways to blow your dissident lights out. Practicing broadcasting without a radio licence? Pirating and harmful negative impacting. Asking for donations to fight the government in court? Wire fraud and misuse of communication. Telling your boss that you were planning a round-the-world trip? Risk of flight and immediate custody.
Already in 2016, it had become evident that the Germans prepared for revolt. In the political opposition, it was hard to find a household that had not been scourged through constant administrative fines, criminal charges, raids, and all sorts of chicanery.
Worse, god-like politicians abused the judiciary system and hired an army of greedy lawyers on tax payers‘ expenses to sue and criminalize the wits out of the unruly plebeians. Prosecutors are state appointed and give nothing about the plight of the people. Chief justices are government appointed too. One female minister of state, Sawsan Chebli, gloated on state tv that her lawyer team sued thirty citizens a week over hateful remarks on social media. And all the political parties and even the Foreign Ministry and its boss, Analena Baerbock, regularly file criminal complaints against everybody they don’t like and want the state to crack down on. Everybody could see know clearly that the law was not just punishment but an extortion racket: The alleged perpetrators political enemies were taken into custody just for fun, fined arbitrary fines, and made to pay exorbitant lawyers fees, court fees, medical bills (many break down under the stress), and were forced to engage in even more susceptible activities because they lost their hopes, their income, their jobs, their livelihood.
Now that US social media gave those disgruntled Germans a platform, the true scale of the Fourth Reich horrors came to light. The lives of thousands of academics, historians, artists, and other intellectuals had already been destroyed. They uploaded letters and video broadcasts to the Internet, often viewed by millions of the oppressed and disenfranchised. It was a zivilisatorisches Massaker that we almost never heard about.
The Verräters of the Second Reich now became the Volksverhetzer or “demagogues” in the Fourth Reich. [Demagogues literally means the leaders of the demos, the people.] The terminologies change, but the nature of evil does not. We learn from the truth tellers that this Fourth Reich is not a democracy (check), that the media is lying (check), and that systematic oppression is... well… very systematic (double-check). Sharing this information is your ticket to jail. Being processed as a thought criminal is a legal status.
It restricts employment, travel, housing, and even mating. We now have enough oppression in this terror state that we could write several Nobel-prize winning Archipelago Gulags; alas, we all know it is not going to happen, not in Germany, because Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote about the crackdowns in the Russian Empire, not the European Union. The crackdowns in the European Union are just “Russian disinformation,” you see.
The government is going after staatsbeamte (civil servants), office clerks, community volunteers, philosophers, writers, traditional families, the unemployed youth, and the migrants…; in earnest, the government is going after EVERYONE critical of the government. This is the nature of this tyrannical state. And nobody can change it, because the law forbids it.
A network of denunciation was erected that puts the former East German State Security STASI to shame. Germany is the most censorial nation in Europe, according to everyone who lives here AND the American tech companies doing business with bundesregierung. Every town has an anti-hate speech contact person, a special anti-discrimination unit, and an anonymous mailbox such as the Berliner Register for the rats ratting out their fellow citizens.
Ask any German person you‘ll ever meet to complete the following sentence—“The biggest scoundrel in the land,...“ and they will complete: „ and remains the government informant!“ This saying comes from the Second Reich, from von Fallersleben, shortly before his 1848 exile. Germans informing on their fellow Germans—this is any Good German’s highest berufung [Lord‘s calling] and his selfless civic duty.
By 2022, the government had cleansed the Bundeswehr (the defense forces), the police force, the education system, the media, the company floors... from Alternative for Germany sympathizers, science-deniers, Trump-supporters, reichsbürger, Putin-fanboys, Demokratie-Verächter, China-hands, and the Querdenker (aka the conspiracy theorists).
The damage done to German society and the economy is now irreversible. Tens of thousands of qualified, intelligent, and morally intact individuals, mostly white men, have been demoted because they are a danger to the system. Replacements are extremely hard to come by. The government, the universities, and the business community are all in cahoots and call their self-inflicted thinning the “shortage of skilled laborers.” The corrupt rulers are forced to employ unqualified migrants, all women, all the mentally handicapped, homos and sex changers, and the sadistic personality types who prey on their underlings. The entire country, its former productivity, its innovation, its trust, its genius… crippled and gone.
Deprived of their future, many of the broken people do-say something stupid and don’t care what the rats’ listen’. And that's when the blue buses roll and the Staatsschutz commandos break in with the door.
…NEXT WEEK: Laws And The Constitution By A Failed State
DIARY OF A MAD IMPERIALIST - With An Essay On The Spirit Of The German People / GET YOUR COPY!
"The aim of this text is to prepare the readers for persecution and incarceration of no less than 40-50% of our people" -> Part I
From TheGreatLenin:
"The Antifa or Antifaschistischer Schutzwall, is a German organisation, originated during the East German Dictatorship, proped up by the Stasi Security, and boosted by the Soviets and the KGB to literally hunt Nazis, Fascist, and Right-Wing Extremists, ergo: the enemies of state.
Credit, where credit is due: A Anglin should credit the totalitarian German Socialist Regime for having exported its AntiFa to the United States (CIA also imported the Frankfurt School, which stands for subversion and deconstruction of society), where the group, that infiltrated all European universities, research centers, and NGOs, by the way, is now a tool of the Democratic *Socialist Party of America to crack down on Whites, Conservatives, Christians, everyone who poses a threat to the state.
The Germans love this shit. You are welcome."