This was very informative. Thank you for seeing through the smoke and sharing.

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Staatenlos info has been publicly reporting on this for years! NOBODY wanted to take it seriously - especially not Bodo Schiffmann.

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Yes, breathtaking. Its great other people can hear him talk about the German downfall. Thanks for putting this out.

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Nobody escapes this planet. The stars are fake. Its a toilet bowl. this part breaks my heart 😪😪 forever and ever.

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I hate snitches.

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From TheGreatLenin:

"The Antifa or Antifaschistischer Schutzwall, is a German organisation, originated during the East German Dictatorship, proped up by the Stasi Security, and boosted by the Soviets and the KGB to literally hunt Nazis, Fascist, and Right-Wing Extremists, ergo: the enemies of state.

Credit, where credit is due: A Anglin should credit the totalitarian German Socialist Regime for having exported its AntiFa to the United States (CIA also imported the Frankfurt School, which stands for subversion and deconstruction of society), where the group, that infiltrated all European universities, research centers, and NGOs, by the way, is now a tool of the Democratic *Socialist Party of America to crack down on Whites, Conservatives, Christians, everyone who poses a threat to the state.

The Germans love this shit. You are welcome."

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A German „-berg“ is speaking, listen and learn.

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Where is Germany going with this if not concentration camps for whites and mass murdering the rejects. They get each other excited about the persecution orgies.

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Genau so ist es! Halte durch, wir brauchen deine Worte und Botschaften! Wilhelm

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This elimination of AFD supporters seems to extend to the corporate world. There is an ongoing mass import of middle class Indian marketing and sales managers who have nothing on them but chutzpah, pushiness and passable English skills with no German into the German corporate world. The Romano-Merovingian-Pharisaic 2500 year old bloodline kaksitocractic kleptocracy of Europe that is the nexus between its hideous satanic royal families their smelly banksters and their hatchet men in politics and business are out to destroy common Germanic and Slavic people and replace them with a new people.

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Haha, Thank you, Samuel! You truly have a knack for words. Best! T

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Is it that bad, is it. Saw the movie. Didnt feel anything. Looked very Eastern Europe to me. Do those gray people ever have fun in their socialist life?

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You are a beast! Wonderfully outlined. Not my country of preference, ever!

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The Morgentau Plan has been reactivated successfully (after all is had only been shelved), because its good for business. Marshall Plan has outlived its use.

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This essay actually explains the argument against free will. True free will has a moral imperative to improve one's condition in the world, whilst also improving that around you. Free will has no answer for those who dedicate their short lives to bringing on the sheiss.

However, the notion that the life forms instead blindly follow instinctual fearful energetic patterns they inherited by living countless lives as plague bearing rodents explains it all.

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You are one of a kind. If I had a pirate crew, you would be philosopher first mate! T

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Lucky this could never happen in Russia. 😂

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Lol. He is a dead ringer for Nosferatu. Profile pic definitely looks demonic.

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Germany must become a sovereign democratic constitutional state with an independent judiciary.

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Not in our lifetime.

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