Germany Is Destroying Europe, Thank USA
Violent (Roman) Laws and a Terrible (Foreign-dictated) "Constitution" Halt Western Romp, Now it's Persecution Time
The Revolution Failed. The Reich is Back. Now, Heads will Roll
NOTE: This is a brand-new EPIC series: FOURTH REICH - OPPRESSION IN GERMANY. Last installments included the Four German Reichs, Germany’s Obsession with Hate Speech, Analyzing Oppression, and The Floor for Rats and Snitches. This week we are looking at The Fourth Reich as some kind of also ‘The World Court for Thought Crimes against the West’ or something… T
The Nature Of “The Law”
The Roman Law, today the German Law, or European Law in general, is the greatest tool of oppression the world has ever seen. It is part holy-religious, part dark magic. Under Holy Roman-Germanic Empire law, the government declares somebody a criminal, upon which he legally turns into that criminal, like a curse or a death spell. So everybody walks around all the time trying not to be that “somebody’s declared a criminal” the authorities are looking for. Everybody obeys “the law.”
Until they can’t obey the law, that is. Men who have nothing, steal. Powerless men resolve to violence. Men who are oppressed revolt. The rich, powerful, and unassailable rulers don’t need to steal, they have all the power, and they would be moronic to revolt against themselves.
Therefore, the rulers will effect a law that outlaws theft, violence, and revolt—with their property, safety, and stability in mind. Such a law is not equal, it can never be social, it is never for the good, and it certainly cannot be just. Roman Law is never on the right.
The Romans adopted Christianity in the fourth century which back then was a bloody psycho cult. No Roman Emperor Constantin, no Christianity today. The plebeians or “plebs” were the people now forced to believe in God’s Ten Commandments and the Super Truth, which later became the Law, and anybody who crossed the Ten Commandments or the Super Truth was flayed, beheaded, or burnt at the stake, all of it with maximal ritual and ordinance, which later became the Jurisprudence.
The Germans conspired to create a new law, say the human right to pray to Jesus Christ the Savior, then go to China and arrest all the Tsingtao Chinese for oppressing Christians. The Germans really did this, in 1892. It cannot be right. The law is a deadly weapon to oppress the target lawbreakers. This extends to trade treaties, dictionaries, and community guidelines.
The Europeans conspired a new law or regulation, say International Trade, and embargoed all the unregulated for not complying with a law they didn’t even know existed. Or they do now know it exists but didn’t bother to comply, which makes them lawbreakers with considerable criminal energy. Ergo, it makes things worse for them.
American law is a bastard evolution. Based on the historical circumstances of murdering the Native American civilizations and stealing all their lands, resources, and ideas, American law remained essentially feudal. That means that the grand seigneurs, landowners, and ruling families still make the laws, control the courts, and select judges, and insist on judging case by case, built on previous cases that all favored their feudal reign. In America, not God holds the ultimate truth, money does—money that buys the best lawyers, i.e. somebody who’s wealthy, well connected, and interprets the law in your favor. That said, the Roman element and Christianity still shine through, with staged moral outrage and a jury of unintelligent plebs.
The alternative to Roman law was Natural law, but this was made illegal. Natural law would say that defense against an oppressive regime is just, is right. Natural law would say that any made-up Roman law that is unjust does not apply. To which the Romans replied by arresting the law-avoiders. If it wasn’t for the oppressive Roman law, Europe, and the Europeans, we would never have law-protected oligarchs, untouchable Western crime families, institutionalized corruption, and irreparable, growing injustices as far as the eyes can see.
The Second Reich in the beginning consisted of thousands of autonomous castles, then three hundred fourteen microstates with their Roman micro-laws, each protecting the rulers. This infuriated the Empire’s commissioners, who manufactured new laws, tenets, bills, and dominions. They wanted to oppress the lesser states, disinvest them, withdraw their aid, starve them with tariffs and boycotts, bribe the clergy, poison their wells, and then arrest their political opponents, annoying peers, and economic rivals. In 1377, the Reich declared Swabia and her city-states and all her activities illegal. A year later at Reutlingen, the Reich changed its mind. Nothing and nobody is legal unless the Reich says so and only until it is made illegal again.
There is no power in declaring something legal—the Reich lost at Reutlingen in 1377. Ultimate power is declaring everything illegal—the Reich annexed the entire Swabia in 1497. This also, by the way, became the fundamental critique against Christianity in later centuries, for Christianity and its Roman law and jurisprudence are life-negating, corrupt, and sadistic.
In Europe, you cannot do anything in life, build a castle, rise to any position, or accumulate any form of wealth, without doing something illegal. The law becomes a grid upon which all subjects traverse in the fifth dimension, the dimension of unreality and differences. They can be reported as criminals or overlooked for the same routine, for doing what everyone else is doing, or for doing exactly what the rulers are doing. The only thing that separates the rulers from the subjects is that the rulers do not prosecute themselves and the subjects cannot prosecute the rulers. That’s all.
The Fourth Reich is going to be the world’s central persecution office, an economy based on lawmaking and regulations-maxing, and will generate unbelievable wealth not from outdated capitalism but from taxes (legal theft), rent (legal fines), and sanctions (legally denied access). It will formulate all standards and global norms, and it will criminalize all alternatives. There will be foreign wars, plunder, and confiscation on a scale not thought imaginable even during the time of the Great Western Imperialism. The British, the French, and the American imperialists declared Africa and Asia “illegal,” their micro laws “gangsterism,” and their leaders “dictators.” The Fourth Reich will declare all space, time, bodies, and realities illegal. Those who wish not to be considered for a criminal investigation must obey, parrot the wishes of the world rulers, pay up their fees, and crawl on the Reich floor to repent their antidemocratic sins.
If you mistakenly think that you can chill out in lawless California, New Zealand, or Montreal Canada while the native Germans are being prosecuted for mere existing, calculating that it can’t happen here because our rulers have micro laws that protect this place, you are in for a horrible culture shock, soon enough: You also probably think that you can exist rent-free and care-free in the Empire of Man, that you can steal air, water, and food away from the great distributors, or that you can walk, talk, and think off-grid. Your carefree existence and freedoms to do what you want like an animal is only because we haven’t found you yet. Right now, universal laws are being formulated in the European Union that will make everything you do, everything about you, and everything that you think you are illegal unless you register, pay up, respect the Reich…
When Americans listen to German Klaus Schwab and his vision for the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, they hesitate. Who are these foreign dictators who dictate to us Americans how we shall live? Please, American dictators, depart from Europe. But that’ll make America a criminal; its history... racist and unjust, its presidents... now criminals, its businesses... now felonious. Who is resetting the world but the world rulers, who are… European. What can America do against Roman law, nothing! The law is the law.
Imperialism one-point o, two-point o, and three-point o were harmless compared to what is happening right now in the world with Imperialism four-point o. In just two years from 2022 to 2023, the Fourth Reich has frozen all Russian assets, canceled all Chinese relations, seized all African assets it could get its hands on, outlawed anti-Reich speech, censored the American big techs, and has pretty much outlawed foreign news, foreign languages, and all foreign originalities. That is why Foreign Minister Analena Baerbock can fly to Japan and tell the Japanese that they, too, would have to end all relations with the Chinese and the Russians, or else they will be ended together with the Chinese and the Russians—is that understood? None of these subpar nations has human dignity, democracy, and the rule of law as the Euro Reich has. The Reich has invented God, climate, philosophy, and maths. It owns all definitions. The Reich dictates morality, owns ethics, writes history, and controls humanity. If you live outside the Reich, you will be declared illegal, illegitimate, and… fraudulent. Like your silly racist qualifications, your fiat degrees, your micro thinking.
The Fourth Reich is going to crack down on unauthorized travel, life, science, sex, work, food, clothes, music, books, language, money, and speech. EU laws will be brutally enforced on all the subjects of the Reich and those who want to do business with the Reich. The entire world by default is unsustainable and will have to be made sustainable by the power of the law that is the Reich.
The Fourth Reich will offer its SS security and sustainability to this human correction theatre on earth, or else—and you better believe it—Europe is going to send in the Reich prosecutors and EU regulators and declare all of those hassprediger and human wasters the "criminals against humanity."
The Nature Of “The Constitution”
Protecting the German state by banning the political opposition—where have we seen that before? Right,… in the Second Reich, the Kaiserreich, where over three hundred political organizations, parties, and unions had been banned.
Sharp Chancellor Bismarck banned all political functionaries not showing love to his favorite Germany of all time. He even dissolved close to one hundred eighty Youth Sports associations, with a combined membership of ninety thousand, and many more Book Clubs for women, with a banning of three thousand books that were seen as the backdoor rooms and instruction manuals for the planners of the revolution. Those Germans who kept to themselves and stayed at home all the time but who lived close or on the borders to the enemies of the Reich—for example, close to France, Hungary, or Czarist Russia from 1860 onwards—could easily be accused of collaboration with foreign powers. Therefore, a common strategy of the European tribes for survival in general was self-isolation and extreme regionalism: Kleinstaaterei, autonomy, local dialects, and a narrow-town mentality. A free man of Hess could be arrested in Hamburg or imprisoned in Berlin, so he’d rather stay in Offenbach by Frankfurt.
Meanwhile, in German-Austria, which was excluded from the pan-German Deutscher Bund, nevertheless cracked down on radical minorities who demonstrated against the crackdown on radical minorities. “We are Austrians, but also Germans” so the rationale of the Habsburger Monarchs. Only ethnic Germans can compete with other Germans for cruelty, clicking heals, and following the orders. The Southern Germans and Alpine Germans needed this emotional kick out of stomping law and order into the faces of their revolting, ungrateful subjects.
Be it as the court historians see it, but the Second German Reich in 1871 was the first Verfassungsstaat, that is: The Kaiserreich, from 1871 until 1918, had the first and only German “Constitution.” The current, interim US-occupied bundesregierung government, in sharp contrast, from 1948 till now, has no such constitution but instead got a “Basic Law.”
The difference between a Constitution and a Basic Law is that the former is a fake departure from raw feudalism towards civic society or the bourgeoisie (in German: das Bürgertum), while the latter is the departure from civic society to a rule-based order. The idea of a Constitution was based on the universal idea of the social contract, which is a codified arrangement between the monarch and its subjects. [Yes, the American Constitution is a post-feudal Kings Court with a White House, a hereditary ruling class, and broad enough bourgeoisie or middle class, and a vast realm of lower and the lowest classes.] The social contract in Germany between a German monarch or ruling class and its subjects became obsolete in 1948, because the Germans became the subjects of an outer-Germany, pan-Western, globalist ruler's force. And that extraterritorial force gave the bundesregierung that extraordinary penal code Basic Law without, of which all its subjects had to abide by in order to exist, with no room for negotiating the social contract within. The German Grundgesetz or Basic Law is no social contract but foreign rule.
We have mentioned that both the German Bundesnachrichtendienst spy agency and Verfassungsschutz state security were co-founded by the American Central Intelligence Agency and our Western friends in New York and London. We now know that Germany-Berlin is not the Reich; the supranational Germany-EU Reich is, with the area managed by bundesregierung having been assigned a Basic Law and unleashing its Staatsgewalt—literally: “state violence.”
That the German rulers from the Second Reich onwards boasted with their invention (or derivation) of Staatsgewalt or “State Violence” is not a freak accident but more so a cultural trait. Let's not forget that this was the era when an 1890 German tax collector from Thuringia bred the first Doberman police dog and the Rhineland parent-teachers associations attended school with pickelhaube helmets. In Germany, the state uses state violence; and it wants to be seen and known for this. So what are the Fourth Reich Bundesnachrichtendienst and Verfassungsschutz services saying they are doing today? Well, their official mission was stated in 2020 as follows: “To protect the Dignity, the Democracy, and the Rule of Law“ [die Menschenwürde, die Demokratie, und die Rechtsstaatlichkeit].
We have already said that the ‘Rule of Law’ is the rule through oppression. Germany militantly defends its oppression against those who don‘t want to be oppressed. In the next chapter, we shall learn how ‘Democracy’ is the time-proven psychological hoax played on any defeated people. Germany wants everyone to “Repeat after me, save the De-mo-kra-tie”… or else have them arrested. But for the remainder of this little section, let us briefly and in the simplest words I am widely known for, discuss the German phenomenon of ‘Dignity’ in the German Grundgesetz and why it is perhaps the biggest scam of them all.
The Europeans had always pined for world domination and one world government, and the Christian era for two thousand years had certainly contributed to its messianic mission. America from his venture point of Humanity is a mere expansion set of the great European game of World History: Religion is Christian. The Law is Roman. Philosophy is German. Everything these people write is always the truth—moral, just, and universal. The doubt that German laws and values could only ever apply to local German communities has been successfully suppressed through centuries of harsh selection and quality control in higher education. German values, and by extension European or Western values, must be applied to all of humanity—or else we must sanction, punish, and torture those immoral, ignorant creatures who chose to live outside of humanity, which can’t be tolerated. This is called the Dignity of Man, or Human Dignity. So this concept of dignity spurred forth the ideas of human rights, which of course are as fictitious as God and the Holy Roman Spirit. Nevertheless, what can be believed can be manifested in laws.
When America and its allies, Britain and France, occupied West Germany, and incorporated it into the Anglo-Saxon Western hemisphere (France was the weakest link), they recognized the potential of the Germans for oppressing the whole world with Western values. So they ingeniously devised, together with the German rulers, the Basic Law that starts with the infamous article and first line: “Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar” [The dignity of man is inviolable]. This ‘Dignity’ is what organized state violence and its police state aim to defend with all their might! I hope you, Dear reader, also feel that anxious, disconcerting huge lump in your throat. The planners of the Fourth Reich were weaponizing bundesregierung and the German propensity for holy violence… against the Germans, the Europeans, and the entire non-West.
If bundesregierung had a “real” Constitution like the one the German Kaiserreich had or the United States of America or the People’s Republic of China have, it would certainly start in the first article and first line with objectively what it is, where it is, and who it is that is doing talking, and NOT with some holy command and conquer threat of violence.
Here is the first article of the Chinese Constitution:
“The People’s Republic of China is a socialist state governed by a people’s democratic dictatorship that is led by the working class and based on an alliance of workers and peasants.”
Here is the first article of the American Constitution:
“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
Here is the first article of the 1871 German Constitution:
“The federal territory consists of the states of Prussia with Lauenburg, Bavaria, Saxony, Württemberg, Baden, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Saxony-Weimar, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Oldenburg, Braunschweig, Saxony-Meiningen, Saxony-Altenburg, Saxony-Koburg-Gotha , Anhalt, Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, Waldeck, Reuss older line, Reuss younger line, Schaumburg-Lippe, Lippe, Lübeck, Bremen and Hamburg.”
Now contrast those with the first article of the 1949 German Basic Law (NOT a “Constitution”):
“Human dignity is inviolable. To respect and protect them is the obligation of all state violence.”
So the fundamental organizing principle of the political state of bundesregierung Germany begins with the violent crackdown on disruptive people, people who don’t behave. How insane is that opening? Talking about priorities and all. And how even more insane is it to put metaphysics before the actual law? There wasn’t much “dignity” in what the Germans always did, and throughout their oppressive Reichs two-point o and three-point o; so now putting those sadistic rulers in charge of the next moral dictatorship over Europe was possibly the worst idea any grand strategist ever had.
In the American translation, they translate Staatsgewalt as ‘state power’, which is incorrect. “Gewalt” is violence. Power would be “Macht.” The German Basic Law clearly reads “Staatsgewalt,” not Staatsmacht. But apart from the curious translation, it seems evident that the German Basic Law is a new Inquisition against the enemies of the powers that control US-occupied West Germany and the global West and now run the bundesregierung on behalf of the German-Euro Reich. It is not a sovereign nation like the other three constitutional nations mentioned are, but a foreign-emboldened weaponized ‘Law Enforcement Act of Empire’ against all humans living or dead, to be judged, humiliated, and persecuted by the Europeans for their differences and forever.
Germany is a world court established by the Allied powers in the twentieths century to try thought crimes against the West and other offenses against the World Rulers.
…NEXT WEEK: The Species Is Not Afraid To Die
DIARY OF A MAD IMPERIALIST - With An Essay On The Spirit Of The German People / GET YOUR COPY!
To answer the question, Yes, this Substack is embargoed (I cannot invite) and visibility restricted. There is zero organic traffic from Substack Central, sadly. The curators won't showcase any of this, and restricted sharing. That said, good for us, the inner circle. Less noise. That said, the true searchers will find Laputa...T
I did an entire seminar on ancient law during law school and we had to pick an ancient society and type of law for our end of semester papers. I did mine on Roman bankruptcy procedures. I swear they bailed out the bankers 2000 years ago.