OK, my Fourth Reich elegy WENT VIRAL. Get a physical copy or better even, pay special attention to this channel in the coming months. While many Americans still hoped there was some kind of return-to-democracy contingency plan, the totalitarian EU JUST CRIMINALIZED ALL DISSENT. The Revolution has failed. Free speech is gone. Get over it or go to hell.
P.S. In just three days, between posts, Germany banned two more native organizations, ‘Hammerskins’ and ‘Artgemeinschaft’, declared embargo on Italy over refusing African migrant ships, and collaborated with US Microsoft to persecute anti-government IT-people off the Internet. What a week. T
The Great Oppression Game
When a civilization switches its mode of production, it leaps a thousand years ahead. Agriculture (food from nothingness), Industrialization (tools from nothingness), then Capitalism (money from nothingness), now makes way for Superintendence (reality from nothingness).
The cruelest sign of authoritarianism is that the authoritarian regime forces people to believe in insane stuff. Stuff like believing that their oppression itself is actually a democracy.
In bundesregierung Germany, human rights, natural laws, and free speech are effectively disabled, all in the name of that strange dogma of “Democracy.” All journalists, top cadre, teachers, pupils, and interviewees on every show must say and repeat the magical word at least three times in every paragraph, “We are a Democracy,” “We fight for Democracy,” and always, always: “Our Democracy is in grave danger!”
It is insane to act and speak like this. But they all have to act and speak like this because if they don’t, they know they will never be invited back on the show again, will never work in the mainstream again, and will never have a career during their silly, preposterous, unfree existence on earth. So, they rationalize hard on it, very hard, and eventually “reason” that they are actually “free to say they are free when evidently they are not,” which is indeed a rare, superior kind of supreme freedom—the freedom to not be free!
If you ever work with these insane democracy-fanatics, you will lose all hope for humanity. All four German Reichs were objectively monsters, murderers, and born killers. Imagining the Reichs as living organisms helps to understand History. They invaded and murdered the Chinese, and then didn't see this and claimed the Chinese were evil and aggressive, and started all wars in the past anyway. It is impossible to tell the Germans that they are doing racist stuff in China, because they are the embodiment of racist stuff, and don’t see on their inside—they only project their European breed.
In spring 2023, the government prohibited emigration. Emigration means leaving your country for better shores. People who want to leave Germany now need the government’s permission. There is an exit tax, much like the one in the United States. In addition, the government now traces everyone’s whereabouts abroad. Who informed you about emigration? Who assisted? Whom do you hang out with abroad? The Fourth Reich foreign missions all have contact tracers and walking ears who collect information about the Germans in exile, with major spy pockets in Ontario Canada, New York USA, Manila Philippines, Shanghai China, but also in Spain, Britain, Switzerland, Hungary, and Eastern Europe. That’s why Bundes-nachrichtendienst foreign spy central command had to relocate to Chaussestrasse in Berlin, the biggest construction site in Europe and in the history of the Reich. They have more spies than the foreign office has officers.
The network of informants, denunciators, and government henchmen in all major world cities will be completed in 2023. If you, dear reader, have made friendly contact with a German expat abroad, he has a file on you.
NOTE: This is the brand-new EPIC series: FOURTH REICH - OPPRESSION IN GERMANY. Last installments included the Four German Reichs, Germany’s Obsession with Hate Speech, Analyzing Oppression, The Floor for Rats and Snitches, and Germany is destroying Europe. This week we are investigating the Fourth Reich’s realization of the Fifth Dimension (after America and the Iews did) and its quest for erasing the reality…
When a government cracks down hard on its subjects, it also needs to create a lot of distractions, lotteries, and prize games.
The First Reich was the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and effectively had to crack down so hard on its right-wing extremists, who composed ninety percent of the realm, that indeed unholy, nightmarish ways of distraction had to be discovered. Those stubborn proto-National-socialists had erected Germanic cities and Nordic clans on the ruins of the Roman Empire and now claimed to be sovereign, independent, and owning-that-stuff super landlords. Wrong. They had to take it from the previous owners. All those Antic people, the Odin people, the Saxons, the Bajuwarens, and the Langobardens had to be de-Nazified ”reeducated.” Education takes a lifetime, and so education was always the first distraction. That is the reason why the Second German Reich is universally credited with having invented compulsory state education for all. The Reich was training mindless soldier drones that could not turn against the rulers even if they accidentally later read abroad that it was physically possible: their slave brains had been hacked in early childhood, were fed with unbelievable rubbish and lies, and they could never be reprogrammed in adult life—impossible.
The subjects now believed in a God that was invisible and a Government that was just there, and they personally owned nothing, but could rent a place from rulers that were also just there. It was called feudalism, and everybody was happy. There was a lot of diversity. Thank God the Slavs in the east were socialists and didn’t have to be hanged like the rest of those godless pagan people in the north who were just terrorists. The greatest distraction was of course shifting Christianity, new idiotic sects like the Lutherans, Calvinists, and Orthodox… the famous "opioids for the masses.' Next was relentless misinformation (the legends, the folk tales, the hero worship) and bloody executions of right-wing extremists, witchers, and Frenchmen everywhere. And then there were the houses of distraction: all those theaters, the medieval tournaments, the endless diversity pagans of over fifty-six states, and possibly a thousand enslaved tribes who either had to receive democracy and the Holy Spirit or get disemboweled while hanging from a castle wall alive.
So given that we had lottery torture chambers and gory contortions and everyone randomly accused of devil worship, how does the Fourth Reich government distract the people from their imprisonment?—And shall I hope it won’t be industrialized sodomy, child abuse, and accusing everyone randomly of gas chamber engineering. Highlights were three hundred years of witch-burning (“Hexerrei” was a crime, and “Hexer” and “Hexen” were just the prototypes of modern conspiracy theorists), the Thirty Years War (crackdown on separatists, secessionists, and independent nations), and hundred years of Reformation (crackdown on Catholicism). Some really poor and broke-beaten people had developed a strange theory that World History might as well be a class struggle between the rulers and the people. Which caused one hundred million deaths worldwide in collateral and the destruction of Germany’s Third Reich.
Hateful activities and incitement of the masses are necessary in the Reich. The rulers initiate all of it, but they also made sure it was a crime when others were doing it. Bridging into the present, the Fourth Reich incites the masses to hunt down the witches conspiracy theorists, to destroy the independents fascists, to crush the orthodox intolerant bigots. Everybody on the enemy side is allegedly anti-democratic, is anti-abortionists, is anti-freedom, is anti-thisandthat… just eradicate them all already!
The rulers are never gonna run out of made-up thought crimes, because they produced the crimes themselves and made up the culprits.
The Reich or Empire that incites the most crimes rules the world. The planet is oppressed. They suppress us.
During the Ages of Imperialism, the Empire that incited the most crimes and thus ruled the world was the British Empire. But in Europe, that role fell to the German Reich. After World War Two, the American Empire replaced the British Empire and stifled the German Reich, but didn’t replace it. It is now reaffirming itself.
The Fourth Reich oppresses four hundred fifty-five million people within Europe, and soon one billion people without, and with Africa expansion and worldwide allegiances maybe two or three billion. What can America do about it, attack? How many crimes do you want to commit? America will get arrested!
If the oppression of the subjects and the war against the right is obviously the same today as it was a hundred or even a thousand years ago, why are people still fighting back? History has shown and proven beyond a doubt that resistance is futile. Resisting oppression is a crime and will always cause more oppression, thus more crime, which is the Hegelian dialectic, the principle of the universe, the eternal wheel, the nature of all things. Resistance is… fatalism. It attracts criminals, suicidals, and losers to the government’s minefields and the valleys of entrapment. Open revolution is an invitation to self-destruction, so why are so many—often half of the population—willing to self-destruct?
The Species Is Not Afraid To Die
The answer to why so many oppressed people become criminals is, they had no other choice. Life has been made impossible for them without breaking the law. When speech is criminalized, sooner or later we’ll all be committing some speech crime. So it all comes down to the persecutor—When and where will the persecutor persecute the speech law-breaking, and when and where he won‘t.
The persecutor always inflicts great emotional pain on the persecuted, let alone economic torture if he feels like big and hurting that day. The if, when, and where are the only variables in the Great Oppression Games. There is no point in enquiring about the why and what for. All thought crimes are made-up crimes. If the special speech prosecutor is ordered to prosecute, there will be a prosecution. Where there is no persecutor, there are no persecuted. When the speech prosecutor prosecutes, the victim's life as they knew it ends. Now I tell you where there are guaranteed no persecutions happening and no prosecutor in sight, ever—at the table of the initiators of the persecution.
The table of the initiators of the persecution by definition is the bullying and harassment by the lawless rulers against the lawful persecution-fearing citizens. Prosecutors and law enforcement are thoughtless in that process. They are called the executive branch for a reason. They execute orders. Orders by whom? Orders by the table of the initiators of the persecution that were issued by the government.
When the British Empire wanted to stay in power, it had to initiate countless bounds of persecution. Tell the Irish and Scottish about it. The Asians. Or the Indians. It is the law of rule and the rule of law. The Reich has perfected this principle of the rule of law. Everybody and everything has to be declared borderline criminal, and the prosecution is mindless clockwork when and where to strike. This ensures existential dread and fear of losing everything in this one attempt at life, and this terror induces compliance in us. At the same time the persecution fills the pockets of the judiciary branch of the government and is a great, perhaps the greatest source of income this Reich ever relied on. Persecution makes this Reich bigger.
Now we can combine all those elements of oppression, distraction, belief in insane stuff, and universal persecution. The prime example: “Democracy”! For some reason, the Reich discarded the Holy Spirit legitimized by Christianity and excavated Ancient Greek’s Neoplatonism and Metaphysics. Jesus Christ was deified philosophy, meaning a man became the idea, so why not mystify Plato and the city planners, an idea becomes man? Suddenly, all the Reich’s protectorates had to implement the worship of Greek Democracy, and all the Reich’s subjects had to call themselves democrats—as if the Ancient Greeks didn’t already fail hard enough with this obvious demofascism. But true democracy is, always was, after all, a honey trap, and an invitation for infidel critics to call out the pretense. And that is precisely when the persecutors round them up, strip them, roll them in shame and despair, and roast them as the vilest among men!
For two thousand four hundred years, democracy had not worked. It became a catch-it-all term—”democracy, rule of the people,” preferably with an ideological attribute like “parliamentary-” or “direct-” or “liberal-” or “free-market-” or “participatory-” or whatever. Or maybe we just add qualifiers to “our democracy” with “X characteristics.” The murder and maltreatment of those who did not comply with our Western democracy has left all of us, well most of us, too afraid to not use the word “democracy” five times a day, because failing to do so while being in wrong company would put us in prison. Since it is one hundred percent criminal in the West to be undemocratic, or to join undemocratic parties, or to vote an undemocratic candidate, we could in theory try to avoid that word because it causes nothing but social terror and primordial fear. There is only democracy or prison.
The funniest totalitarian governments today call themselves democracies, like the United States Democrats. And how undemocratic indeed do you would have to be to not vote democrats in a democratic American election? But Germany as always takes the democracy farce to new heights, every time:
In the Fourth German Reich, nobody in power was ever elected by the people, ever—let alone “democratically;” Not the billionaires, not the oligarchs, the bureaucrats, the aristocrats, nor the chancellors or presidents! Yet everybody is made to say this was “a democracy.” And those who laugh, snot, or make eye contact, go straight to Staatsschutz.
Democracy was given to us after Germany was destroyed in the War. It is the mark of fremdherrschaft, foreign rule. If the Americans conquer a country, that country is demoted and disabled so that its people can never rise again.
It used to be that real leaders walked among their followers, but not so in Germany. If Angela Merkel or Olaf Scholz, or Baerbock, Habeck, and Steinmeier step out in public, they are being booed, ridiculed, and insulted. They cannot walk among their subjects, because the subjects, if not forced, would never in a million years have made them their leaders. In the German lands, there circulates this underhand: If it's two candidates, it is war; One candidate, it is an election. The candidate presented as the democratic choice is always just... one: that candidate of the bundesregierung.
Still, the government wants to inflict more pain on the subjects, and if it’s just for standing there pretending they are happy when everybody knows that can’t be true and they are just pretending to not get persecuted. The unelected leaders are looking for ever more ways to get back at the people, whom they despise, and to mess up their reality.
Take poverty in Germany. The vast majority of its subjects are poorer in 2023 than their parents were in the 1970s. To inflict massive emotional pain on the poor people, the government announces today was “the best Germany we ever had,” and “we are the richest people in our history.”
When the weather is rainy and mild, the leaders will say it is forty-eight degrees scorching Celsius outside, and sure enough boiling deaths await thousands of us every week if we don’t pay heat relief security tax to the central government. The government in 2023 announced a new heat-death-prevention continental unit to save the people of Europe from a hot summer heat. Nobody voted that government. It was already there when we came along.
And did you know that the Reich is subverted by evil criminals? The government will issue warning after warning, saying that behind every wall there are fascist extremists who are out there to seduce your kids! Lucky for us, we have the democratic government that arrests the undemocratic anti-government movement.
Over three thousand six hundred newspapers, TV channels, and radio stations, all cooptated by the state, will spread well-crafted horrible lies and misinformation, and they will incite hatred until everyone repeats the lies, misinformation, and hatred, which then pulls many emotionally hurting people into the government’s entrapment, upon which the state prosecutors and corrupt courts now decide which persons they’ll declare exactly the criminals they were looking for.
Again, the parallels between the 1845 crackdowns and the 2015 crackdowns on the Germans are evident. Karl Marx and the revolutionaries were actually on the political left; however, they fell into the entrapment of freedom and liberty talk garbage, upon which they were persecuted as the radical right.
They demanded the self-liberation of the Germans from their tyrants and were blacklisted as “the demagogues,” which they were if you had been with the government. They demanded free speech and freedom of assembly but were said to be “subverters and terrorists,” which they were if you had been wearing the glasses of a state-paid persecutor. The world is fine division as long as you stand with the government.
Despite all of the backlash, new generations of disgruntled subjects spring forth, take in the brainwashing, figure out the horrible oppression eventually, and speak up—as if they had discovered some never-heard-before truth that was worth risking their life. As if the species wasn’t afraid to die.
Disappointment awaits every one of those freedom fighters sooner or later: In the Second Reich, everyone was always on the brink of ruination, or death, with one foot in the kerker or halfway sent into exile or off to some foreign war, punishment! The political opposition was always sacked after losing. Those who opposed the rulers faced prison. Saints were criminals, and criminals were saints, and you weren’t considered a writer unless you had seen the walls.
Next week: ‘You Don’t Want To Be In [redacted] Right Now’
The justice system in Europe is different from that in the States. In Europe you have no jury of peers and prosecutors can issue severe punishments without a trial. I have a German buddy who got a order of punishment for 5000 euros in his mail box. Hate speech. He wasn't even aware that he had been investigated. It's crazy stuff.
In the news: 500,000 men of military age in North Africa prepare for the invasion of Europe.
Men and women in Western Europe, you will be slaughtered with machetes
The Kalergi Plan to eradicate the white race with a world government of Jewish Zionists. The immigrant invasion has been in full swing since 2015 and has been deliberately brought about by new economic standards and globalization. There is no intention on the part of governments to stop the immigrant invasion brought about by the many crises. And at the same time the mixed race culture is supported in order to eradicate the white race. This goal applies to all countries with a white population. It does not affect the Asian countries, nor the African countries where there is no migrant invasion, but it only affects the countries with a white population.