The neurologists are the doctors of the mind. They call themselves therapists or psychologists. Psychology is a fraud.
After experiencing your daily dose of fear, toxic relationships, the 40-hour work week, or even reading a newspaper, your agitated brain chemistry can transform you into something akin to a mushroom. People with these "mushroom brains" are then prepared, inoculated, and harvested to suit the desires of those in power.
Clinical Coding
We can manipulate humans with mushroom brains in almost any way we choose. After cultivation, we strip them of their right to defend themselves—prohibiting violence, rebellion, and refusal to comply. Once in the garb of the psychologists, there is no escape.
We currently know of two memory systems. The first is primordial, rooted in nature. The second is man-made, a product of human technology: the neurological system. Nature is a memory storage; Life is communication. Just as layers of earth or the rings of a tree record history, humans too are stored-away "living memories" in nature, memories of our learning and experiences.