The placators are the huntsmen and trackers on the planet that is the Human Farm.
To placate a group means to promise them a false future. The placators appease their victims by saying, “look, we are just marking you,” and “nothing has to happen.”
The Ancients put warning signs on everything from potter ware over plumbing pipes to arrows—and on migrants, criminals, and slaves.
Rome put a ‘brand’ on posters, placates, and public walls to ‘mark’ certain groups and people as dangerous or undesirable.
Bolshevik Russia marked Russia’s past leaders as enemies of state in one year, and purged them in the next.
Japan spray-painted demonstrators and rioters with indelible color dye so they could be identified weeks and months later.
East Germany compiled the personal information of millions of its citizens, with documentation about their love lives, part-time jobs, and what they said, voted, or associated with, so that anyone really could be harassed, isolated, or persecuted anywhere, at any moment, later.
Ukraine, with the help of the Americans, scanned the faces of the 260,000 Russian soldiers who crossed the border into Ukraine during Putin’s illegal invasion so that they could be put on trial in years to come, and when they least expect it, later.
The placators are easily identifiable. They are male, bald or hatted, show up in small units, and are dressed gray-pale, gentlemen-like.
Consumed by their dark psychology, they develop nervous ticks—like heavy smoking, sleep deprivation, and sadistic personality disorders.
Lastly, the placators are recruited from the scientists, never the humanists. They are materialist and godless.
In contrast to the blockwarts (see next), who are the office-bound managerial class and over-watchers, the placators are the active hunters in the field who make heavy use of infiltration and targeting technology.
The US Food and Drug Administration FDA, the Pfizer pharmaceutical company, and Dr. Fauci wanted to inject over six billion people with a harmful gene-therapeutic biomarker—not once, not twice, not trice, but many times over—so that those victims could be traced, documented, and controlled till they die.
The Berlin regime of West Germany, BRD, placated the entire state of Saxony, former East Germany, as “right-wing extremist”, so that the four million Saxons could be sanctioned, terrorized, and kept down permanently—till today.
Our European intelligence officers outnumbers the generals of our standing army: Spy agencies such as the Jewish Mossad, The Central Intelligence Agency CIA, the Bundesnachrichtendienst BND, the Russian Federal Security Service FSB, and the British Military Intelligence MI5 have infiltrated all state militaries. Generals tremble before Security.
And just like the military needs permanent military operations to justify its existence, the gray hunters from the intelligence agencies need target practicing all the time to stay in relevancy.
They trace us, brand us, earmark our correspondences, bug our phone, listen to all our conversations; and if they don’t like what they see or hear, they put an even bigger sign for target practices on our back.
These examples, and a hundred more we can think of, are the tracking of their prey by the technologized man-hunters.
Previous: Creators and Generals, Weathermen, Travelers, Sepses
Next: Blockwarts
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Its interesting, truly, Dr P. to think of the levels of degradation and abusive oppression visited upon the masses, and how compliant people are with such systems.
For a while, people were certain they discovered the key with incrementalism, the boiling frogs hypothesis that to me at least seemed ridiculous.
Now, the explanation seems to be psychological operations.
Doubtless there are always plenty who want to play dress up as the scary guy in the grey hat.
I just think that mankind is fascinating. I've often thought that if someone or something from a distant star could watch us through his telescope he, or she, would be endlessly stumped.
"What they hell are they doing now?" sort of thing.
It might even be entertaining on some level.
Quite a bit different from having to live it.
There's a whole dark psychology to it, I think. Everyone wants more money with less hard work but have personality issues. Many are seduced by this kind of “service“ professions like soldiers, officers, and agents, where they act out on their god-complex and get respect through violence and fear. They do that four to eight years, however, and they realize they are impostors. A few quit, most turn to alcohol and drugs, and others become closet Nazis and collect guns and gay porn mags. I have no sympathy for these bullies. They make society worse and deep down they know it.