The first reaction is always resistance. Then, persecution.

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We are compelled to believe an untruth. There is no democracy. Yet we must pretend there is. This will kill us.

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Don’t wish, demand.

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Welcome to the resistance!

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Cannot stand this place any more. Quality of life is bad, and I am not happy with the social values.

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You are not alone! Join the resistance!

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We are still being hunted.

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Healing Pattberg column is coming up. :D

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How nice to come across Mr Pattberg again after 4 or 5 years on the internet. This is not something that happens by chance. At first I thought it was censorship that caused many citizen journalists to disappear, then I feared something else. It's good that he's here.

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We are legion!

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I am reading Pattberg‘s books on ketamine and it blew my freaking mind

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You are doing a great service to the sceptical communtiy, Dr. P. I really mean it, this is spectacular output not seen since Alan Watts in the 70s and David Icke in the 90s. It is a pity that you reside in the Far East Japan which is difficult to visit. Screen calls are not the same.

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I can only say again and again that your analyses are top notch. Thank you!

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Well, I've been saying that for years. Europe is finished! Save yourself if you can. Asia is best. There's still a way out of this madhouse. We've known that since 2007. We left in 2010.

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The masks came down and the faces of the demoncrats became visible!

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Hell of a ride through the human farm, doc!

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Daß diese Bücher jetzt für Abonnenten zur Verfügung stehen finde ich prima!

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Hey Dirk, long time no see! How are you! Ja, jetzt braucht man nicht mehr mühsam durch die einzelnen Posts zu klicken, sondern kann das ganze Manuskript sofort herunterladen. Das spart Zeit! Alles Gute! T

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He's literally me

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There's a whole dark psychology to it, I think. Everyone wants more money with less hard work but have personality issues. Many are seduced by this kind of “service“ professions like soldiers, officers, and agents, where they act out on their god-complex and get respect through violence and fear. They do that four to eight years, however, and they realize they are impostors. A few quit, most turn to alcohol and drugs, and others become closet Nazis and collect guns and gay porn mags. I have no sympathy for these bullies. They make society worse and deep down they know it.

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I agree. A person's personality is influenced by genetics, and scientists in our field have extensive knowledge of genetics and developmental psychology. This expertise allows us to develop screening tests to identify ideal candidates for roles like soldiers and law enforcers. For example, in Germany, psychological evaluations are part of the entrance exams for state and federal law enforcement, as well as the judiciary. These assessments examine factors such as criminal history, IQ (which must fall within a specific range), and personality type (often categorized using the Myers-Briggs 16 Types Indicator). Interestingly, research shows that the personality traits of successful police officers closely resemble those of career criminals, with the key difference being virtue. Psychological experiments, like the famous Stanford prison experiment, have demonstrated that the line between prison guards and prisoners can often be as thin as a uniform and a baton. This suggests that many individuals who became criminals might have pursued careers in law enforcement under different circumstances, and conversely, some gangster bosses could have excelled as police commissioners in another life. Best! T

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I see Dr. P, I read the post. As simple as that.

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