Ok, our societies are collapsing. The ancient enemies have destroyed the western world. The Germans are toast, and the English are going down the toilet. Education in those countries has collapsed. Persecutions everywhere. Wars, everywhere! And the rats nibble on the grain. Literature lies in tatters. There are now 10 snakemen for every 1 living sage here to scroll through on SS Substack. Find and pick your guide. Not easy, mmh? The doc is best because he has real insider knowledge. Like, REEAL FORBIDDN KNAWLEDGE!
Philosophers Under Foreign Rule
The following codex is about all those factions on the Human Farm that live either entirely off the labor of the plebs and/or create power and wealth through usury, alchemy, or hypnosis. After reading this—the preamble was last week’s Philosophaster Censoria—you will have supreme clarity.
Well, before we start, I was about to say that now is the time to become a member of the inner circle. There is really no other path to access this kind of knowledge. We are a very secretive lodge. From a membership, you will gain access to the following secrets:
The creators are the thinkers and philosophers. Cause is not creation. Creation is causeless. Buddhism is good at explaining this, wherein we have the situation that the figures on a plain arranged in new ways affect their relations, their surrounding, and the universe. Just by rearrangement we create new realities.
In comes ‘the differences’, the smallest units in creation. Thinkers do not haggle about the general concept of the smallest units in creation, only about its names: The Buddhists call the differences the rupa kalapa or “form-bundles.” The Hindus call them the Brahman or cosmic particles. The Daoists have their own words for the smallest ratio and tiniest spin, they call it “the Tao.” The Platonists called the differences just “forms” or “ideas;” the naturalists called them “the universal particles” or just “the atoms.” Christianity, astoundingly, imitated the Ancient East and called the biggest as well as the smallest part in the world “the Spirit.” And when that Spirit gets into motion, it becomes the philosophical “Will.” The list of names for cosmologically the same thing goes on and on. The spiritualists call the differences “the singularity,” the scientists call them “quanta,” the mathematicians call them “ones,” and the physicists sometimes call them “the Planck length” and a lot of other fancy names.
All the same, by rearranging what was, is, or shall be, we create new differences to what already is, has been, or could be. All modalities are subject to difference. The slightest modification—a dot, a line, a number, a news flash, an observer—will manifest a new, enhanced reality.
No matter in which culture, if somebody knows this basic principle of the creative universe, he is, in theory, also able to create and scale up or want to create more and more of the strange stuff—the differences. If practiced in the extreme, through his power of creations, he is transformed into a miracle worker, a force of change, a spiritual leader, a Jesus, son of God; or a Tao, force of Everything; or a Siddhartha, Mover of the Worlds—one, many, or multiple personae.
Creating one, many, or multiples of cascading worlds of differences for as many participants as possible is all it took. And our super creators got very good at world building.
All governments, religious groups, and even corporations have adopted five-dimensional creation. They traversed the Fifth Dimension. Yes, there still is the physical production line of goods and services in the four-dimensional world of course. But that is just the world of matter, whereas the Fifth Dimension is the world of mind.
I use my own terminologies. Others don't say mind, they say “consciousness” or “world-spirit” or “God” or “electromagnetic waves” or “quantum thought,” whatever. All good. We are all referring to the same “realm of the transcendent world” that only a minority of super creators so far have traversed.
They coded out of nowhere our laws and governments and art and cultures. To the hypnotized admirers of the super creators, the power of juxtaposing must inevitably appear as serpent work or black sorcery. Meanwhile, new tribes of gifted creators colluded with the system of even greater creators to stretch us all out: It was not the religions and ideologies that punished us for blasphemy. It was the creators and their metaphysics.
The current line of creators don’t like competition, to say the least. That is why Goldstein is so pessimistic about the future of mankind. Men once subjugated the animals. Creators now subjugated the humans. Prime creators are not human, they take many, multiple forms, and they are everywhere at once, lest you forget: They have evolved and now have all the technologies to assist them in their world conquest. The creators will drive the humans onto gigantic farms where they may live out their boring, four-dimensional existence. It is happening right now. Look around you.