Ok, this is the boldest piece yet I had to write on “the Russian problem.” The Slavic people rank almost at the bottom of the Human Hierarchy, therefore get no respect from the Jews or the West. Worse, the moment the Russians react to the constant lies, provocations, and disrespect, the West is going to start a global hate campaign to criminalize, sanction, and debilitate Russia. The whole Soviet-Marxist program was a gigantic prison science experiment by the way. Here is everything you need to know about this slave people of history (behind the paywall)…
Slaves Of Humanity
During the Soviet Era in the Soviet Union, various measures of ‘population planning’ were implemented, often resulting in the displacement, removal, or even replacement of large populations of slave people. Hence, the dictionary word for them—Slavs.
Finalizing in the collectivization and dekulakization in the 1920s and 1930s—with kulaks being the Russian term for peasant communes—, the Soviet government collectivized agriculture and criminalized the wealthier peasants as “greedy capitalists” or “traitors of socialism.” In effect, one could not be not a Soviet in the Soviet Union.
When we use kulaks or peasants colloquially, we don’t actually mean just farmers but are referring to the entire labor- and underclass population, or about nine in every ten people. “Slavs” is literally the scientific taxon here; we are not making this up: Our scientists are literally referring to these people as the slave people.
The Slavs, which we actually call them in scientific literature, saw their land and livestock confiscated and were forcibly resettled into collective farms, often purposely on the other side of the country, thus causing the mass migration of millions of kulaks human slaves. Understandably, everyone who studies humans will at some point also have to study the actual slaves of humanity.
Population Planning During The Soviet Era
Whatever names we give to other people is our business of course. The Chinese call the Slavs “E-guoren”, the hunger-people. It doesn’t mean that every Slav is a starving serf. It does mean, however, that reputation precedes its people, always.
Those who refused to participate in the great reconstruction of their new Slavic society were often imprisoned as “counterrevolutionaries,” a political crime, and ultimately led to the creation of the greatest industrialized prison complex the world knows about. [It is, in reality, a very small prison state, compared to what is going on with the United States, but still: The Slavs in Soviet Russia were crushed like woodlice and ringworms, freezing and starving and locked away at Gulag Archipelago.] Between 1920 to 1953, about eighteen million Slavs were incarcerated for being bad Slavs who didn’t cooperate with the ruling clique of the Slavs. [Only the United States of America tops that number any time in its history. In 2022 alone, in just that one year, America incarcerated two million lowclass Americans, and had another three million poor folks in line on probation.]
Since all prison states are very similar, we could as well say they are of the same phenomenon: The masters build torture chambers, and jails and correction facility, and love to lock the people up, any time, for whatever reason, and often because we forced them to commit a crime, like the thought crime of saying Socialism was a brutal thing.
Moreover, the criminal justice system in any Empire, which summa summarum is just one Celestial Empire under Heaven, thus serves the global population planners not just as an instrument for arbitrary mass incarceration [the rule by fear], but also as a tool for mass dispossession [the rule of law].
The slaves see their income, stock, and land confiscated, and any income being taxed, traced, then taxed again. Once stripped naked of everything they own, they can then be allocated to free prison labor camps, collective farms, the nine-to-five wage slavery-force, or, in case of Empire expansion, supply the brainless hordes with biomass for future invasions.
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Population Planning is a fascinating part of nation building anywhere in the world and dates right back down to the dawn of civilization. The slaves are not bred into slavery, they are bred for slavery.
The particular population planning details during the Soviet era are the dearest to our historians because they occurred rather recently in shared memory. Soviet Russia is well studied and understood. It involved not just a couple but literally hundreds of ethnic, racial, or religious groups, from the deportation of twelve million ethnic Germans from Silesia, Czechoslovakia, and Sudetenland [in anticipation of an imagined German invasion], over the forced abduction of Polish, Finnish, Latvian, Turkish and even Caucasus Greek farmers to the Soviet interior, to the assimilation of countless Mongol hordes and Mandschurian Qing-Chinese.
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Slave traders always keep an itinerary, and while ‘prostitution’ may be the oldest profession when men talk, it really is ‘slavery’ that amounts to the oldest business: Go to any government or board of directors and kindly ask for a detailed itinerary of their inmate population, and they will happily provide you with all the details, data, and costs. Slavery begets bureaucracy. The more slaves, the bigger the bureaucracy. Seeing the system thus from the world spectre’s eye view, the obvious correctional facilities—schools and prisons—trail behind the total number of all facilities designed to discipline us. To the slave philosophers, from Alexander Herzen to Fyodor Dostoevsky, it was not a definite crime to live inside a criminal correctional facility, aka a socialist society; It was a potential crime to live outside of it!
The Soviet bureaucrats documented the deportations of the Crimean Tatars, the Chechens, the Ingush…, the repopulation of the Urals, Siberia and Kazakhstan (with prison kulaks)… and the complete reorganization of all borders, regions, and demographics of their people. Then the state turned around and said there are no differences, and all was Soviet Russia.
Where have we heard that before on our side of the world prison? The Soviet leadership of the 20th century resembled the US leadership of… any century really. All leaders in the world carefully dissect their populace and collect every data, then turn around and say there is no such a thing as various people, we treat them all as one. Hence the postwar dismantling of the German sciences, the Soviet sciences, the American sciences… into just “the Sciences.” Likewise, the dismantling of the nations, states, and borders: For “the sciences” and “the humans” to work, they would need to be one. Hence the Soviet introduction of the hammer and the sickle for a humanity of ‘workers and farmers’—bash them and slash them all back to size.
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The same slave masters who broke the spirit of the Slavs had broken the backs of the Europeans before, and are now hammering and sickling away their ways on the Americans. Worldwide incarceration will never stop. The masters just move from place to place or better yet, they focus their reign of terror on the next victim from the safe distance: This All-seeing-eye, the Panopticon, the Big Brother Surveillance State, the Gaze of the Devil, the World Spectre, or any other name we give it, is also illuminating our angst.
At its peak, the Soviet Empire controlled twenty-one human farms with approximately four hundred ninety million human inmates. These human inmates were subjected to the crudest human experimentations such as collectivism, materialism (Marxism), social engineering (Eugenics), and scientific objectivism (otherwise known as Darwinism). Passports for internal travel and special residency permits were implemented. Citizen movements were heavily restricted and regulated. Some borders were closed to keep certain populations isolated and incestuous (East-Germany comes to mind).
The Soviets implemented ‘socialism’—the science of human husbandry. Under socialism, humans are cultivated like cattle, and the ultimate evolution of the social man is higher productivity, destruction of the family, and artificial insemination, that is: giving life without women. In socialism, there are only brothers. Women are brothers too.
Socialism is the prison philosophy, but communism, oh communism is the compartmentalization of society into that prison.
Not a single communist superman came from within the Soviet Union, making it an alien plan [→xenocracy]. The leaders who enslaved the Soviets were instructed in London. Worldwide Communism was planned from London. Lenin and Trosky spent years in London preparing for the Communist takeover in Russia.