Since you’re busy and clicked on this on the fly, I start with a spoiler: We are being digitally experimented on. So I thought maybe I should try to write an obituary to our freedoms in the light of the ongoing global oppression games.
Internet Selects for Creators, Rejects Humans
Where to start. The Internet was locked down long before the planned pandemic event: The ‘big platforms’ are all cryptic surveillance camps now. In case you haven‘t noticed: Whatever you type here or post—it‘ll only show back to you, but to nobody else. You are a digital ghost, only visible to yourself.
America‘s Away On Bug Wars
The world wide web was a military project to prove a point: Total spectrum dominance. Mind control, even. Like the space race thirty years prior, however, it was shelved shortly after.
You are as lonely on the internet as you are lonely in your head right now. And you’re going nowhere on the internet just as you go nowhere now with your shoes these days. Earth is quite pointless. Everyone in the world is traumatized by mental lockdown. Everything on the internet is a designer trap.
Remember the biggest internet lie of the universe, when they told us about the coming 1.5 billion independent websites? Oh, graveyard! Or about the three billion of fellow users? Well, for starters, where are the billions of Asians in your feed? They are excluded of course. You have never encountered an African? Me neither! The U.S. spends five hundred million dollars each year to keep you from getting information from the Middle East. The human family my ass. There is a dictator class, and then there is the rest. The United States, or six U.S. companies, control the entire Internet and guard it against the outclassed krauts from Europe, the forgotten people from Africa, the bugs from the Middle East, and the spy people from China.
It is worse than you think in prison Europe. The internet of Europe is a tool for oppression. If you are a national of one of the amputated nations, notably Poland, Italy, Greece, Germany, Austria..., please disconnect yourself already. That, or unless you have a bombastic origin story or the face of the century, marry a Jew, practice your Anglo, be outstanding at something, maybe overthrow your government, and hand your money to global corporations, then pray they feature you as a dissident wonder. [And if the foreigners do feature you, just don‘t imagine anything about that, as you will be seen as desperate and incomplete to the history scribblers, in hindsight I mean, like a Gallic manlet in elevator shoes among gorgeous Ebony women.]
Of the two hundred countries left over on this tyrannical sphere they call their “democracy planet,” one hundred and ninety-five or so are just totally sanctioned, abused, humiliated—ready to be bullied and coerced in open daylight by the biggest super creators in world history.
The Connection That Drove You Insane
If you didn’t realize the apocalypse of the world wide web, your only connection to information by the way, that’s because you’re a brain dead ghoul like the rest of us... a Tim the Ghost in a vat. Oh sure, you think you are part of the special awakened community of truth seekers clicking eight hours a day on secret virtual stuff, but you are not, and the stuff is not at all secret: You are seeking nothing and going nowhere with your brains.
You [not “You” personally, the philosophical “you, fellow inmates!” I mean] are addicted to social media, that much is correct. But it is neither “social” nor a “media” (in the classical sense of a tangible anatomy). Like in a casino simulation or a role-playing video game, you don’t face actual humans. You face cheat codes, probabilities, and algorithms.
What was that, you think that you are cyber-bonding (as in “human bondage”) with real, actual human beings on the other side of the screen? And that they will cyber-follow you back on “your social media”? You own nothing, and nothing is “yours” here. Like you believed you could land on the moon or met Elon Musk or owned a social media company.
You probably thought capitalism was broken-bad insane. But under capitalism, at least “the creator” who repaired your roof in five hours got a one thousand dollar paycheck. In the internet economy, however, one hundred thousand idiots are required to click away five hours each, five hundred thousand hours in total, so that somebody you don‘t even know gets paid his thousand dollars in fiat credit (that’s the current rate for so-called “content creators”).
That‘s the end of humanity, right there. It is worse than finance exploiting labor. It is a general plan to obliterate us as a contemplating [thinking] species.
The sheer power imbalance on the web is so extreme, so unjust, so disgusting, so exploitative, that we humans still lack the words for it. We are probably talking about “cosmic-level abuse.”
The Lesser Order: Humans
Most humans, now a dead species, couldn’t compute (old reading: to survive) in the Fifth dimension anyways. Take the concept of ‘Absence’ in the Fifth dimension, the dimension of parallel worlds and the unreal: In the absence of light, there is no life. In the absence of the internet, there is no creation. People who are not on the internet rightly believe they do not exist.
Next is the concept of ‘Doubling’ in the Fifth dimension, the dimension of differences and the remove: A one thousand dollar monthly income barely keeps you alive, but a two thousand dollar monthly income is already the entire planet’s average, while a four thousand dollar monthly income puts you in the top five percentage of all human earners, so above 7.6 billion of your fellow human beings. Humans can’t comprehend “doubling,” even when trying hard to put their mind to it. For our primordial mind, it is just one sum and then another one, looking exactly like the previous, even if it’s setting you apart from 7.6 billion people beneath you. In the Fifth dimension, the dimension of multiple universes, our means as well as our effects, double at each corner.
Nor do we comprehend the concept of the ‘Remove’, which means holding the untruth. In an untrue world, what we focus on becomes “the truth.” It means that without a random focus, untruths make up the entire universe. Humans cling to one line of story, say it is true and a fact, but cannot transcend it—outside the Fifth dimension that is, which is exclusive, very exclusive now only to the new, generated race of super creators. And those super creators open up multiple “strains of untruths,” made-up of everything you only think was true but isn’t, imaginary stories like “democracy,” “gravitation,” and “evolution.”
Another blast from the Fifth dimension is the Internet’s so-called ‘Singularity’. In the absence of the consolidating internet, you needed eighty million independent bakeries and video-rentals worldwide; but in the presence of the Internet, you really need just one of those each. It’s a metaphor from the Fifth dimension, also applicable for schools, shops, parents, and governments. All free enterprise was fake, all sovereignty a hoax. And all is irrelevant now. The “Singularity guys,” or globalists or world eaters, or whatever name you call the power pigs, can replace everyone and everything with just one ”celebrity version”—their selected theirs. Just wait and see your people and civilizations of billions vaporized, thousands of years forever lost, bowing before just a few Anglo and Jewish master instructors.