Since you’re busy and clicked on this on the fly, I start with a spoiler: We are being digitally experimented on. So I thought maybe I should try to write an obituary to our freedoms in the light of the ongoing global oppression games.
Internet Selects for Creators, Rejects Humans
Where to start. The Internet was locked down long before the planned pandemic event: The ‘big platforms’ are all cryptic surveillance camps now. In case you haven‘t noticed: Whatever you type here or post—it‘ll only show back to you, but to nobody else. You are a digital ghost, only visible to yourself.
America‘s Away On Bug Wars
The world wide web was a military project to prove a point: Total spectrum dominance. Mind control, even. Like the space race thirty years prior, however, it was shelved shortly after.
You are as lonely on the internet as you are lonely in your head right now. And you’re going nowhere on the internet just as you go nowhere now with your shoes these days. Earth is quite pointless. Everyone in the world is traumatized by mental lockdown. Everything on the internet is a designer trap.
Remember the biggest internet lie of the universe, when they told us about the coming 1.5 billion independent websites? Oh, graveyard! Or about the three billion of fellow users? Well, for starters, where are the billions of Asians in your feed? They are excluded of course. You have never encountered an African? Me neither! The U.S. spends five hundred million dollars each year to keep you from getting information from the Middle East. The human family my ass. There is a dictator class, and then there is the rest. The United States, or six U.S. companies, control the entire Internet and guard it against the outclassed krauts from Europe, the forgotten people from Africa, the bugs from the Middle East, and the spy people from China.
It is worse than you think in prison Europe. The internet of Europe is a tool for oppression. If you are a national of one of the amputated nations, notably Poland, Italy, Greece, Germany, Austria..., please disconnect yourself already. That, or unless you have a bombastic origin story or the face of the century, marry a Jew, practice your Anglo, be outstanding at something, maybe overthrow your government, and hand your money to global corporations, then pray they feature you as a dissident wonder. [And if the foreigners do feature you, just don‘t imagine anything about that, as you will be seen as desperate and incomplete to the history scribblers, in hindsight I mean, like a Gallic manlet in elevator shoes among gorgeous Ebony women.]
Of the two hundred countries left over on this tyrannical sphere they call their “democracy planet,” one hundred and ninety-five or so are just totally sanctioned, abused, humiliated—ready to be bullied and coerced in open daylight by the biggest super creators in world history.
The Connection That Drove You Insane
If you didn’t realize the apocalypse of the world wide web, your only connection to information by the way, that’s because you’re a brain dead ghoul like the rest of us... a Tim the Ghost in a vat. Oh sure, you think you are part of the special awakened community of truth seekers clicking eight hours a day on secret virtual stuff, but you are not, and the stuff is not at all secret: You are seeking nothing and going nowhere with your brains.
You [not “You” personally, the philosophical “you, fellow inmates!” I mean] are addicted to social media, that much is correct. But it is neither “social” nor a “media” (in the classical sense of a tangible anatomy). Like in a casino simulation or a role-playing video game, you don’t face actual humans. You face cheat codes, probabilities, and algorithms.
What was that, you think that you are cyber-bonding (as in “human bondage”) with real, actual human beings on the other side of the screen? And that they will cyber-follow you back on “your social media”? You own nothing, and nothing is “yours” here. Like you believed you could land on the moon or met Elon Musk or owned a social media company.
You probably thought capitalism was broken-bad insane. But under capitalism, at least “the creator” who repaired your roof in five hours got a one thousand dollar paycheck. In the internet economy, however, one hundred thousand idiots are required to click away five hours each, five hundred thousand hours in total, so that somebody you don‘t even know gets paid his thousand dollars in fiat credit (that’s the current rate for so-called “content creators”).
That‘s the end of humanity, right there. It is worse than finance exploiting labor. It is a general plan to obliterate us as a contemplating [thinking] species.
The sheer power imbalance on the web is so extreme, so unjust, so disgusting, so exploitative, that we humans still lack the words for it. We are probably talking about “cosmic-level abuse.”
The Lesser Order: Humans
Most humans, now a dead species, couldn’t compute (old reading: to survive) in the Fifth dimension anyways. Take the concept of ‘Absence’ in the Fifth dimension, the dimension of parallel worlds and the unreal: In the absence of light, there is no life. In the absence of the internet, there is no creation. People who are not on the internet rightly believe they do not exist.
Next is the concept of ‘Doubling’ in the Fifth dimension, the dimension of differences and the remove: A one thousand dollar monthly income barely keeps you alive, but a two thousand dollar monthly income is already the entire planet’s average, while a four thousand dollar monthly income puts you in the top five percentage of all human earners, so above 7.6 billion of your fellow human beings. Humans can’t comprehend “doubling,” even when trying hard to put their mind to it. For our primordial mind, it is just one sum and then another one, looking exactly like the previous, even if it’s setting you apart from 7.6 billion people beneath you. In the Fifth dimension, the dimension of multiple universes, our means as well as our effects, double at each corner.
Nor do we comprehend the concept of the ‘Remove’, which means holding the untruth. In an untrue world, what we focus on becomes “the truth.” It means that without a random focus, untruths make up the entire universe. Humans cling to one line of story, say it is true and a fact, but cannot transcend it—outside the Fifth dimension that is, which is exclusive, very exclusive now only to the new, generated race of super creators. And those super creators open up multiple “strains of untruths,” made-up of everything you only think was true but isn’t, imaginary stories like “democracy,” “gravitation,” and “evolution.”
Another blast from the Fifth dimension is the Internet’s so-called ‘Singularity’. In the absence of the consolidating internet, you needed eighty million independent bakeries and video-rentals worldwide; but in the presence of the Internet, you really need just one of those each. It’s a metaphor from the Fifth dimension, also applicable for schools, shops, parents, and governments. All free enterprise was fake, all sovereignty a hoax. And all is irrelevant now. The “Singularity guys,” or globalists or world eaters, or whatever name you call the power pigs, can replace everyone and everything with just one ”celebrity version”—their selected theirs. Just wait and see your people and civilizations of billions vaporized, thousands of years forever lost, bowing before just a few Anglo and Jewish master instructors.
Oh, but there is more fascist, five-dimensional maths for your certain mental collapse! [Do not read any further if your are suicidal…]
Before you take this in, however, consider that some of them dabbled into the Fifth dimension thousands of years ago, when the creators “doubled” the Self into the psychological and the transcendent. And the transcendent immediately started to “create” new, unreal stuff. This led to the first split: we created fictions, avatars, roles, and, later, legal and social personae.
Today, if a government summons its “properties,” that is the meat walker we call our physical bodies, complete with identification code, family register, credit score, social insurance number, police record, occupational status, school certificates, list of vaccinations, employment history, and hundreds of other metrics, that “composition” wasn’t us, the feeling organism. It was the "inventory us," the vitreous, taxable “glass citizen.” Likewise, your numerous carbon copies traverse the bureaucracies even while your helpless organism was peacefully asleep in your cell.
That is how they first virtually “doubled” us, then multiplied us, and so on, until we became mere projections or ideas of man, until each of us became many different things to the many different branches of human filing and farming. Our bodies are rented. Our spirits, programmed! Try to leave your “prison camp,” your designated area country. It is more difficult than you think, as there are Checkpoint Charlies, camera terminals, and background checks with manhunters and sniper commandos on every crossing. “Illegal” border crossers are immediately detained, and robbed many years of their sorry lives.
They fed us with basic misinformation about freedom, contracts, and subsidies, and fabricated biological “truths,” even though those truths were their bogus [psychological] farm rules that never applied to the owners of the farm, never to the creators and super creators of humanity.
And now the whole matter is put in its proper perspective, when we realized that the tyrants made up the rules and regulations, “twenty thousand laws and regulations for safely walking down the streets in Brandenburg,” for there needs to be twenty thousands crimes to take you down and out, for your own safety, at any time. This is how they prevent the Human Farm from entering the Manor House.
To select for future creators, all they had to do was either looking for permanent rule-breakers or testing potential candidates for “truths,” for they knew what they themselves had created. If, by slightest chance, the creators noticed other accidental creators, humans could never fake it: The human body cannot think. Something or somebody else does the thinking for them. “But the truth!” gives the humans away. No wise man, if he was honest and among his peers, ever believed in an unalterable “the truth.”
Right off the bat, if you are a nobody in the Human Hierarchy, you will be a nobody on their power matrix, you will certainly NOT be made visible to the thirsty mob, and you will never be featured on their supremacist pyramid ponzi Google, FB, IG, X, YT, SS, TikTok, LinkedIn, unless you are:
First and second tier content creators:
Everyone who is mainstream + press + government;
Everyone who is big corporate + big money + big brand;
Everyone who is already famous + sponsored + well-connected;
Everyone who peddles queers, homos, and the pedo-baiters.
Third tier content creators:
Everyone with big budgets for ads + PR + marketing;
Everyone with big background + family + ivy league credentials;
Everyone who is Jewish, white, and speaks fluent Anglo;
Everyone who from the USA, EU, or from an allied country;
Everyone who is handpicked by some oligarch to become the next president of Ukraine or Argentina;
Everyone who is super hot - Stacys or Chads preferred;
Everyone who was there first, until a proper replacement is found;
Everyone who references the above everyones.
Garbage tier content creators:
Everyone who is a psychopath, a narcissist, or a sexual degenerate (because everyone wants to see them in action).
And, finally, the content consumers, the mob:
Hundreds of millions of commentators, useless swipers, touchers, clickers, hypnotized fools who provide the “celebrities” and “brands” with billions of views, likes, and promotion.
[We are living in a digital tyranny. You may skip the following little discourse on surveillance. Here is a compact statement on mostly automated processes that run in the background while we are using the “free internet”:
Fully automated retrieval history, government interference (providers, servers, phone companies), commercial or media licensing (registration with the authorities, place of jurisdiction, place of residence), third party sharing, email tracking, price controls, boards of directors, community guidelines, restricted spaces, fact checkers, criminal records (state security, Trojans, cookies, browser tracing, IP watch, phone surveillance), quantity controls (spam filters, beacons, limited access, premium membership, content filters), customs (purchases, payments, transactions), sanctions works (delistings, blacklists, demonetization, visibility filters, flag and report system), registrations, frequent upgrades (change of terms), comment history, cross-references, personal websites, social media accounts, credit cards, point cards, favorites log, cloud services (image storage, documents), app downloads, security repetitions (passports, phone numbers, day of birth), report works (denunciation, report abuse), pay-to-play, civil warfare, ads, malware, feed by algorithm (you are fed garbage based on your online profile). End of the little discourse.]
Their screening processes [for recruiting rare creative outliers] are vast and perfected, and it rarely bothers them that formulas and secrets leak to the public, because the public is literally only human, and thus of a lesser order, incapable of apprehension. In England or France, you could show to the public every minute of their leaders’ corruption, and they would still not be able to compute that revelation. Writers, for two thousand years, openly toyed with the features of the Fifth dimension, only for the human rubble never to take heed.
On the other hand, the creators are mightily steered by the other creators, and speak the same cosmic language. Hence the notion of ‘Co-Existence’ of the Divine [god-like] and the lesser human realm—“They can‘t see us,” juxtaposes the creator. “They are not our equals!”
China has no creativity. India’s caste system only gets stronger. In Germany, social mobility is close to zero. Nobody who isn’t supposed to, understands. In America, the ninety-nine percent are simply left behind and permanently persecuted (by laws for thee). It is what it is. The masses believe it was all trickery—"The elites don't work, they don't play by the rules, they draw everything!"—while the real magicians were always they themselves, who couldn't get enough of sniffing around power farts.
For those of us who are delusional and still believe we, too, can fake it till we make it: The maths involved are definitely not your ordinary maths, and few people can even fathom the consequences of, say linear exponential growth, let alone non-linear fuck-o-nential creative expansion. First, the former: If you fold a sheet of paper six times, it is “only” sixty-four times thicker then. But if you fold it sixty times, it is 1152921504606847000 times thicker, an unimaginably large number. [My word processor just read the number out loud for me: it‘s a quintillion!]
And this was merely a linear function that defies human reality. With non-linear functions, the mind simply collapses. A single, unremarkable happenstance, like being the first who bought land in Jamestown, can produce astronomical, incomprehensible inequalities down in Richmond. Like when you read that “one percent of men own half of the world,”… what it actually means is: “They run the entire continent, and then, some… space-galactic frontiers.”
The internet is not made for humans, this much is borne out of the evidence. It is made for corporations, multinationals, governments, machines and superintendents—the predominant caste of creators. On social media, this means that “a person” [its virtual representation] who has “only” sixty times more followers than you have, is not sixty times more successful, but an immeasurable gazillion times more so. The "remove" is inhuman, insane and utterly incomprehensible: It renders our mammalian [natural] existence small, smaller than the smallest microscopic plankton drifting in the Seven Seas. That is why, if we recall our venerable philosopher J J Goldstein with his four thousand PhD degrees from MIT, concluded that the age of humans has come to an end: “The age of the super creators must commence.”
So there you have it, painful and concise: The internet is now better guarded against humans than our government palaces are shielded from the homeless crowds. Between a single ruler and the next eighty million thralls now gaps a universe of trillions of d’s (Goldstein‘s ‘d’ unit for “Difference” in the Fifth dimension).
The Higher Order: Creators
From Goldstein’s Law, we must subsume that there are now forty billion more non-humans than actual human beings already now “killing the internet.” A further expansion through A.I. technologies [Artificial Intelligence, e. g. computer machines] could certainly kill off the last of us, and replace us with sock puppets, bots and swarms. I recently discovered that I posted five thousand messages on X (formerly Twitter), never to be shown to anyone, and that I left two thousand comments on Youtube videos over the years, never to be displayed to anyone but myself. It is called hellban, look it up.
Worse has happened to others: I cannot prove this because I am not with the government, but it should be obvious for all to see that U.S. Big Tech are preventing hundreds of millions of Orientals and other lesser humans from participating in world affairs. I am sittting here in Japan internetto but never get I to see Japanese content. The Japanese see some, but largely, they are slowly turned, like the rest of the world, into mindless US worshippers and client states. It is the greatest global tyranny ever been created.
[Just because the U.S. Big Tech monopolies are preventing the Asians from participating in world history, that doesn’t mean they do not welcome the annual transfer of ‘lifetime’ to America. Consider the horrifying waste: Japan spends 170 minutes per person per day on the Internet, times 365 days, times 120 million people. That is 7,446,000,000,000 minutes in total spent. That is 14,166,666 years in Japanese lifetime transferred onto U.S. companies such as Google, Youtube, Amazon, Yahoo! and so on. Japan has no relevant tech companies to speak of. I don‘t know about your Big Bang space PhD, but on this side of the quasar, if you suck 14 million years annually from any sovereign nation of geeks, that nation quickly turns to quark-luon plasma type of primordial dust---it is deader than primordial death itself. It will never rise again.]
We have thus learned that we are actually less valuable in our human skin-tubes in tow to them than a digital, intangible copy-form of ‘We the People‘. “Make an account” means the cloning of you and I in an artificial universe that we do not comprehend and over which we have no control. I am going out on my nipples here, but I would estimate that four fifths of all “followers” the U.S. super creators are showcasing in our faces are fake and artificial—computer-generated “cheer-crowds” to feign massive validation where in the real world it just isn’t the case. And I know from relevant anecdotes and my satellite vision that said U.S. firms are auctioning fake “followers” to satrap regimes and unnatural leaders abroad, certainly to the subservient, US-occupied Europeans.
Alas, we would be better off if we, we the ghosts I mean, would follow our designated corpses to the early grave than fool around on the world wide web of whelk. “Just don’t enter it,” is the advice I hear from the resistance.
Oh, but we can’t. We have no functional family, no career, no homelands, no hope to readjust to in the biological realm. If anything, the digital now imposes on our very biology. We are hopelessly addicted to the alien program. And we haven’t even exhausted our conversation yet on the brutal censorship and visibility filters by the web owners who are determined to enslave us all to the digit. You see, nobody wants to hear from us, unless we provide senseless data and lifeless ping.
This post is not shared, not featured, not listed by the platform it was posted. SS Substack is a digital hierarchy and designer trap. They hung me up and dry—Hellban. I am in a pyramid scheme and you are the prey. They don’t need human organisms here, they have automated code for that. We, my dear friends, are having
… a ghost party.
Strong essay, Dr. P! I'm worried about what's going on. This A.I. and U.S. mind control is highly dangerous and should be stopped immediately, but how, and most importantly, by whom? The fake anti-civilization we involuntarily helped to create should be treated as an organized crime against humanity, no matter if conducted in a cloud lab by (mostly) untouchable computer Jews with unlimited resources. Dr. P, again, thank you for your illuminating insights!
Really excellent, Thorsten. It is called the interNET for a reason. It's all connected to the military, military Intel, and civilian Intel which is under the authority of the military. And they all are under the thumb of the money printers. All of the high tech stuff emanates from DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). They have their own timetable for rolling out technology accessible to the masses and of course, some things, the most potent ones, they will never roll out, keeping them for their own use. Take your most sophisticated I-Phone today and I'll wager they had the tech savvy to make that well over a half century ago. The public is kept in the dark about what really lies in their sorcerer's cauldron. Only an idiot would believe their puff piece, fairy tales about teen-age geek/nerds inventing high technology in their parent's basements then getting some start-up capital and becoming overnight billionaires. Sure Jew, and the people control their governments and destinies with Democracy. These B.S. stories would make Uncle Remus blush.