“As a rule, for any society that is single-mindedly interested in its own promotion and thus survival and preservation, it would have to have a huge population and it would have to send its people out, not letting too many others in.” —The East-West Dichotomy (2009)
The premise of ethnic conflict suggests, in essence, that a) there EXIST various ethnicities, and b) they CLASH.
And yet, who said that ‘EXIST & CLASH’ wasn’t an inherently good thing? I am walking on my nipples here and carefully proclaim the following truism (take out your notebooks, grads!!!): All Western literature is essentially… MIGRANT SHILL!
All Cultures Of Immigrants
Behold in history how a whole new genre in literature emerged with migrant stories and how Englishmen or American men saved the darker races and showed them the way of democracy, or imported them back to London for more clarity. The Anglo-Saxons are, for lack of better terms, the kingmakers of migration tales.
If you don’t believe it from a long time ago, watch American movies today: American action movies for example are mostly about Americans murdering as many Afghans, Vietnamese, Germans, Russians, or East Asians as possible. Or consume English novels. English novels are mostly about Englishmen seducing Orientals and fighting Asian despots.