Last week, we started to see the biopolitics in all things. The politics of biology have been with us since the time of Uruk, the Roman colons, and the whole French hufflepuff about “human cogs in the wheel.” Humans are being farmed on gigantic human farms, that is a fact, that is what seems to be borne of all the evidence. This week, we are looking at the powers that abuse biopolitics to supplant the whole world actually. I shall call this nasty piece of exuding brilliance and reckless truth telling the Attack of the Evil Hordes…
The Evil Hordes
All invaders in history use the same tactics to achieve supreme victory abroad, namely sending in hundreds of thousands of low-lives, felons, and criminals deep into foreign territories and future colonies.
Once unleashed, these “evil hordes” start murdering the foreign men, or at least they abuse them or they endlessly humiliate them. They start disrupting the target society, raping the trophy women, and plundering the place. The invasion keeps proceeding by smaller dispatches of zealous middlemen, mending missionaries, and eager travel writers in cahoots [in-on-the-scamming] who then go on whitewashing the obvious savagery as “war of liberation” or the “freeing that poor country from terrorism.”
The middlemen then start writing beautiful poems about exotic native girls and their oppressive fathers who thankfully are now dead. Or about how orphans and crippled old men found Jesus the Christ. Or about how the evil hordes were in reality just “peaceful settlers” who “were attacked by the locals who had lost their mind for no reason.” Finally, the conquered people and the land legally and historically change their owners who are most likely to reside thousands of miles away in London, Paris, Brussels, Vienna, Lisbon or Antwerp.
The Europeans didn’t invent these invaders-tactics. They learned them the hard way. The European people are trauma-based people; they are inconsolable [heart-broken].
The original Europeans were founders and builders and pagans. They believed in family and order and home. All you need to know if you want to find out what happened to the early Europeans is to read the foreign scripture. About six thousand years ago, the Europeans fell from paradise and for the next one thousand and five hundred years were enslaved by a foreign power, many foreign powers, an organized criminal invader syndicate.
This invader syndicate was known as the Temple or the God. Today, in hindsight, we know that it wasn’t a Temple or some God but the Fifth dimension that these super creators discovered. And from the empowerment by their access to the Fifth dimension they found themselves alien on a planet populated with lesser humans. So they started to command the poor humans around and had them build stuff or sacrifice their labor so that their masters could have the best lifestyle possible.
The first Temple masters—or templars—came from the east, from the lands of the world rulers, king makers, and mind controllers. They had “heard the words of God” and enslaved the Judeans, Scythians, and Sumerians, the Assyrians, Aryans, Babylonians, and Khzarians, the Egyptians, Mongols, Greeks and a thousand more. They enslaved them all and even sent their evil hordes into the Indus valley and Ming China.
They sent their hordes of child slaves and womanless goons and criminals over to the European lands of the free to enslave us. They then extended their invader-protector rackets and extracted the life-energy, labor force, and creativity from the enslaved tribes. The Temple, or organized religion, as we came to refer to them, became the thieves and the insurers against thievery. This is the fundamental organization of Europe and Westroid to this day. A foreign-born world dominating criminal organization. And from here, the Western powers—the Western hordes—were hatched, trained, and unleashed on their foes to dominate Asia and Africa and the Americas. The European crime age is not the origin but a continuation of this foreign (alien) world control. The hordes are ageless.
Against this background, much of European imperialism is self-explanatory. The Europeans still operate under foreign induced trauma-based mind control. When the French opened the gates of the Grandes écoles [elite schools] to the middle class during the French Lumières, they did not do so to “enlighten the Europeans” but to recruit more henchmen, gangsters, and rhetoricians for the coming Great Invasion of Eurasia under whatever Emperor Napoleon. Likewise, the English Enlightenment was not so bright at all for the common Englanders as it was for the ruling caste at Oxford and Cambridge to recruit future middlemen from the middle class. Those ‘middlewits’ received their instructions on scavenging, torturing, and treasuring, and became the future lower aristocracy in colonial places such as Australia, America, India, and fifty more such overseas British workshops. We could go on and on explaining the British hordes, or the Viking hordes, or the Germanic hordes, or the Spanish murderers and thieves in Mexico, the Turkish hordes all over the Balkans and in North Africa from Damascus over Tripoli to Algiers, and a thousand more such examples. The learning from all of this is this: The hordes are the means of biopolitics.
Barracks For The Hordes
The Imperial Germans under Emperor Wilhelm were getting a little bit too enthusiastic while making state education compulsory: They established the horde university. They called it “the research university,” and it was revolutionary for its time and later adapted by the Imperial Americans. But it really was just this: the academicization of the hordes.
In such a modern research horde university for world domination through organized crime, everyone who obeyed orders could technically become an expert on something highly criminal, such as plundering, money laundry, word magic, advanced lying, and myth creation. The Imperial high courts became cartel courts, the Imperial lawyers and judges became cartel lawyers and state judges. The hordes became a scientific horde.
The science of the hordes was called anthropology. The anthropos is Greek for humans as the subject of study. Culture studies was invented, too, that really is the study of cultural parasites. Languages became a science, the science of languages, which really is just mastering foreign academese and mind control. And modern social science was invented, on an industrial scale, which really is the research on human husbandry.
The Germans had always been great engineers. Now they became great social engineers. All German states were given quotas and had to produce the perfect “recipients of orders,” the Befehlsempfänger, through centralism, multiculture, and academic militarism. Not attending German schools in Germany was outlawed and a treacherous crime.
The European continental thinking itself became totally militarized, and the so-called retro-Roman middle class could now participate in biopolitics and think of nothing else but world conquest; world conquest through more centralization, multiculture (which really means one culture, the Western one), and the endless collectivizing of the hordes of empire. Unfortunately, the Germans also did a lot of shit-talking the actual world rulers and made strides to replace them with Hans and Wilhems. [This is when the Jews noticed the Germans were going a bit extreme, so they started to decompose the Germans, which really is a topic for another book or two.]
Alongside the bastard French and empiricist English, the tactless Germans too were now ready for total war and control of every mountain river forest desert and ocean they pointed their rifles at on a Mercator map. Long story short, the evil hordes were revived in time for the expansion of the Second German Reich and pushed into overseas colonies supported by that ancient, foreign warrior cult of criminal collectivism, later called European Imperialism or Orientalism. What followed and is now well studied was that thousands of German missionaries were trained in Bremen, Hamburg, and Berlin to steal and steal the ideas and all knowledges from all the foreign cultures the Reich affected, and to biologically as well as intellectually dominate their victims and to recruit for the next generation of Western hordes a considerable chunk of the new biomass.
The hordes are a biomass. They are not the army. Researchers treat them as social phenomena. The control over the hordes lies not with our military command but with the dons and deans at Oxbridge, the elites at the French écoles supérieures, and those Indo-Germanic Humboldt professors in Berlin under the Linden at River Spree.
And while the papers and journals were full of praise for the “superior Western technologies” that were allegedly used to overwhelm the backward foreign races, technologies such as British iron class Nemesis gunboats, French Paixhans railguns, Dutch cartography, and astronomical table clocks from Augsburg, the same papers and journals could never mention the actual biological warfare that the Europeans inflicted on their victims. They were unleashing the hordes.
At the height of European expansion in the 18th century, continental Europe had more policemen than the rest of the world combined had man-at-arms, and Prussia had made more criminal laws to protect its intellectual assets than China and India combined had laws during the last six thousand years. And despite all these features of organizational genius, arguably, the German lords still pushed out millions upon millions of no-gooders and low-lifes and career criminals to “colonize” parts of Denmark, Poland, Bohemia (today’s Czech Republic), American Virgina, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Kentucky…, French Alsace, Brazil, Qing China, Burundi, Cameroon, Tanzania, and Cape Colony; in effect doing it like the French and British did it, only harder. No “superior technology” was decisive here. No regular armies did it. The hordes did it.
Stocking Up The Hordes
Since the hordes are instrumental to world domination by organized crime, they are protected by our criminal world overlords. Protected from whom? Protected from the natives! The moment the colonized natives started to defend themselves against any invading horde, the entire criminal global system would band together and fight the defenders even harder, and channel more war bands and pirates and criminal elements into that ridiculous speck of mud at the end of the world until it bursts and the resistance completely surrenders. The hordes’ middlemen would start to draw up extraterritorial rights for the hordesmen and thus enabled them to take more and more and contribute less and less until the place collapses.
It is what it is. Biopolitics.
Just to illustrate the situation, old Japan will serve: The European hordes arrived by pirate ships, literally, starting with wave after wave of Portuguese, Spanish, and Dutch hordes over Goa, Malacca (Malaysia), Macao in China, finally reaching the western shores of Nihon-go. Reports came in that the pirates behaved like pirates, basking on illiteracy and bad manners, and half-eyed the elf-like pillow girls of Nagasaki who had “the tightest vaginas and no common odor.” What the protective Japanese men did not realize was that “foreign demon pirates from hell” were already a mixed horde of Englishmen, Germans, and Latinos of all shades. Worse, the European traffickers already trafficked girls from China with girls from Manila, and other assorted drugs, bananas and spices. Suddenly, there were Italians. Jesuits from Mexico. French catholics. They quickly subverted everyone, incited chaos between Japanese rival clans, and otherwise did everything to destabilize the place, obviously. And when one Japanese emperor finally banned the European hordes from his islands, the hordes simply semi-colonized Cathay [China], Bharat [India], Vietnam, Cambodia, and basically all of the East Indies.
This just took them two hundred years, and when the foreign hordes returned to Japan, they came with all they got, from American warships over English drug lords to the Dutch art mafia, bible clubs from Dresden, boatloads of pisspoor mulatto, mestizo, and other mixed races that didn’t exist before, and Shanghai arms dealer, Jewish pedos, Spanish war criminals, and more French convicts.
Race Lords
Until here, fellow seeker. Make a decision. ↓ See you on the other side. :)