Good Morning! This is probably the boldest piece I have ever written on America the Great. Listen, I went a bit over my head with the last installment on "the Advanced Institutes.” I got carried away by the sheer Jewishness of post-European physics. Also, US universities are Jew-worshipers, obviously. The technical term for this is not a democracy but a xenocracy—the rule by intruders. Anyway, here is the skeleton key to the meta-history of your country. Happy Halloween! T
How America Came About
The Bible encompasses Egyptian and Greek and Abrahamic storytelling. It goes back to the Creation of the Universe. Whether that is true or false historiography is irrelevant, because billions of humans believe exactly what’s been handed down to them.
The biblical canon is a migration story. From homeland to homeland, to another homeland, and perhaps back to the former but this time as a refugee: Canaan, Babylon, Egypt, Canaan again.
Christian Theology Is Migration Theology
This is hardcore-taking thinking. In Mark, we read: “Go into all the world [and not just some of it!] and preach the gospel to all creation […not half or three quarters but to all!].”
Nobody should stay home. Jesus didn’t stay home. Abraham, Moses, Joshua… nobody stayed put. Peter went to Greece. Paul to Rome and Macedonia. John to Corinth. The Old Testament is about refugees, blood, and greeting strangers.