British expats are the nicest people because they know how good they have it here in East Asia, away from “Asian gangs abusing little girls.”
So, Keir Starmer, unelected Prime Minister of the United Kikedom, this week had the audacity to THREATEN his servant people with “charges and convictions” for taking part in anti-stabber protests. The “family’s traditions” leader is taking sides with the foreign invaders stabbing English children, apparently. His family’s traditions are… Jewish.
I know what you are saying. You are saying, “Hitler was bad.” But I also know what you are thinking. You are thinking, “I should make no children so they can’t be stabbed or raped by foreign invaders.” That is good thinking, but in reality misses the point of Adolf H. He very much wanted you to have many English children and NO foreign invaders stabbing them, but hey, what do I know about Keir “family’s traditions” Starmer and the other Great-Replacement-guys, right?
Take the indigenous Englishmen and lock them all up for antisemitism or islamophobia, I don’t care. I maybe want Negro Kingdoms and Muslim Sharia law, and low-IQ inbreeds, and gay fag-flags-camps for white English natives, but I am not sure.
Oh, and the United States of Good Relations and its testicle in the Middle East are provoking war with Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran of Allah the God Almighty, and maybe for London even to get more Muslim immigrants. Good luck with that, Jews.
Anyways, let‘s continue here with the world‘s alpha log on the Human Farm [Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, and Part V are already out!]. It is read by all of the important people in philosophia, so welcome, I guess, to our monkey‘s sphere.