This is probably my best piece this summer. I don't know exactly why that should be so. It's just my feelings. Anyways, the Jews are bombing Lebanon and they are downloading this manifesto from Google Play like crazy. Also, a reader from Taiwan ordered 900 copies of 'Shove Your Democracy Up Your Ass'. Couldn't be more happy.
How Could We?
Wisdom beats intelligence beats knowledge. Education is but replication, the replication of knowledge. It cannot make somebody more intelligent or wise. Education produces mindless repetitors. It was devised for morons.
Till Wipe-Arse [that unteachable jester in Western literature] was never schooled a thing, yet he “taught the donkeys how to read.” Who believed it? The teachers believed it! All those teachers and headmasters and professors are the chief morons of education.
The perfect society does not ex... Oh!
Everything about our education system is moronic. A moron is somebody who does mindless things. He also lacks self-awareness [of his utter stupidity that is]. Like somebody who watches, say the Bill Nye the Science Guy show [a total educational scam] and then talks like… Bill Nye from the Science Guy.
Mass education works every time on these morons. That’s why it had to be made compulsory, until the age of sixteen for the working-class morons, and until the age of twenty-four for our middle-class morons. We told all those morons that they would have to mindlessly repeat whatever we educate them about, or else we would have to melt them in large ovens.
The Right Dosage Of Information
The content of knowledge—or the information, as the progressives call it—is almost irrelevant as long as the providers control all terminals, dissipators, and channels that transport information. Whether the morons repeat bad information or good information is irrelevant to their personal growth. They are still, and always going to be just that, morons.
The only true diversity in the outcome of education lies in the quality of the receivers. Great education only works on morons, never on wise men. The wise men have, for lack of better words for it, “a shit filter for moronic information.”
The wise men are born that way, with inbuilt moron filters, and then go around and collect valuable life experiences. They also gather valuable knowledge, needless to say, but self-selected, or from the mystics and sages, never from bureaucrats or headmasters.
To take stock of the situation: The makers of education want a homogeneous receiver class made up of morons who have no genetic make-up to clean-filter the information we drown them in. The replication of our ideology is the prime goal of education. The final product of higher education is “the peer man.”
Peer Man As Pinnacle Of Moronic Education
The peer man is an expert moron, very advanced in the education system, who assigns his own articles to his students to replicate himself and his buddies, or “the peers,” so that the peers peer-review each others’ articles and thus maintain the system. Humans trying to evade the plastic peer-to-peer culture they were packaged in alive are easily found and neutralized. All avoidance is illegal. Do you hate your peers? The planning and plotting of an education break (as in home schooling or fleeing abroad) is a serious offence! Talking about conscription evasion and how state education was crushing your soul? That’s the thinking crime of fomenting a criminal agency to undermine the state (as in running a school without permission), two years in prison!
The first sighting of “the peer man” as we understand to venerate him today was a military draft of the Prussians in Eastern Europe when parts of today‘s Poland belonged to the German Reich of Holy Emperors. The aim was to draft all children of book age into state education that taught them whom to read, what to think, and how to repeat after me: “You read your poems, you think like your peers, and you keep out the Mongols!”
Stop Education Before It’s Too Late
Educating the mindless people inevitably leads to catastrophe. All totalitarian systems of government have always also been the most educated, and the first thing that any despot or one-party state enacted by decree was indeed a public school system and free education for the midwits. The colonists in New England opened schools and next thing we know they killed savages at Stockbridge. The communists in Mao China had teachers like birds and eyeglasses long before they drew hammers and sickles.
I should add: Modern education [mostly the university, which is a scam] is attracting more psychopaths who want to abuse the morons to no end. Pursuing wisdom goes against their nature, but pursuing power does not. The psycho here is derived from Greek psykhe and means “soul,” while the path here is not a track for walking but is derived from Greek pathos, “to suffer.” All state-enforced education is the torturing of souls. It is unnatural and, for the masses of people to pursue higher education, cruel. Having them pay $100k for it… the final insult! [I’m not saying that education should be totally free. The sandwiches are great. I just think that the people in America before their $100k student loans and after are still the same person.] The most sadistic, suffering souls, the psykho-paths, find the operating system of mass education most stimulating: Evil thrives in compulsory education like violence thrives in the collective, and the most unethical among the humans endure whatever humiliation it takes to become the future lawyers and taxmen of a new totalitarianism.
The only ways to avoid the burning of the soul during formal education is taking a long journey [just like in the Iliad, don’t come home before ten years] or choosing one of the so-called elite schools that allow maximal autonomy, hire outsiders (not peers), have little to no compulsory attendance, and have networks extending far beyond the valley of the morons.
The Successful Evasion Of Education
All nations have backdoors and elevators for the rulers to pass by formal education. Just as the rulers register as citizens of their states but are not, they register as students of their universities but are not: They completely pass by the simple morons and expert morons and all those fake peer men, as they possess the instruction of the Human Farm that I shall herein deliver to the uninitiated:
Education, all education since the industrial age, is a technology for the transformation of humans into learning stupid. Let me rephrase that. Not a single wise man or what is commonly known in the vernacular as a genius or a great mind was educated, and certainly not the ministers and divine rulers and owners of education all over the planet. The farmers of humans are not themselves human.
The Tenno of Japan, a literal god-person, may have registered at Oxford University in England, he may have even attended, but he sure was never spotted in a lecture hall, and the prince of the Tenno of Japan, born from the left eye of a Chaos deity, likewise, may have attended the best schools in any country, yet he surely was never found to have passed a single examination. The [unelected] European Parliament blathers over 1000+ doctoral titles combined without a single doctoral dissertation that ever brought any value or new insights into anything. The parliamentarians registered at the beginning and handed in a ghost-written or staff-curated text four years later, and collected fake educational degrees just so to pass off as one of you. They are not one of you. And neither are the fordmakers, the governors, the super creators. Our super creators who traversed the Fifth dimension are immediately recognized and passed on to the top of anything. They do not need the education designed for morons.
PTTs Or “Personality Transforming Technologies” -USE THEM!
The world leaders are graduates of “schools”, schools in name only, that are not accessible to billions of servant people. They already inserted themselves as “the grand peers” that are to be worshiped in moron education. The correct term for them, since their discovery leading up to the French Revolution, was “aristocracia” or rule of the elite. Going back to the Greeks again, aristokratia means rule by the best. And “the best” in such a corrupt system are the grand peers or old families who pass on the successes and credits to each other. They don’t want their kids to hang around morons.
Education will lead to your failure as a creator. Mindless testing, grading, and stupid mass examinations are sure signs of human farming and must be avoided at all cost. Instead, find the masters, the super creators, the schools that are not schools.
“Don’t take in their education” usually means don’t take in their false stories of heroism, how they allegdely shaped the earth like some expert morons, how they evolved into peer men morons, how they defined humanism, history, and public morals… all under the clapping of morons. Don’t believe the Westroids who want you to be educated their way.
You either are, or you are not what you wanted to be. No education fixes man.
The smartest thing I ever did was drop out of college at age 19. Within 7 years I had mastered several trades and built a home on my own property. This piece is a true summer blockbuster, as Hollywood burns.
College enrollment rate in the USA is well above 65%. For comparison, three hundred years ago it used to be 4%. We are now a country of midwits and affirmative action morons, haha!