Hi-de-ho, researchers! If you read this, you are a lucky bunch. The Jews and Americans control the internet, and this author is hellbanned—this author, and most German, Indian, Chinese, and even Japanese authors! The Americans prioritize the Jews and Americans in real life and on the internet, and channel all searches to their own tribe, and ban the rest of us. This author is a certified German polymath who went to Harvard, Peking, and Tokyo U, worked for CIA, BND, and several governments, yet you have never heard of him. It‘s because he is a full-blood German who sits on a writer‘s A-bomb, and the globalists don‘t like that! 10/10stars!!!

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If Thorsten ever travels in the Western World be carefull because they really want to get you Julian Assanged or Edward Snowdened. Your to Intelligent and that's a cause of concern for them.

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Aug 25Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Would anybody with a saint mind want to be a teacher in the mindfxxd western world today ? Nope, because they stand in the frontline of the battle where parents simply turn the other way and leave their kids in the void.

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Aug 23Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Pattberg-boshi's educational intelligence is first class! One of the best publications on the Great Transformation I have ever read. Greetings from China, where much is happening. Sheila

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Aug 20Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Avoid public edcation camp. Teach your children yourself until they can be self-taught. Find private teachers who have no government affiliation. Read the great sages.

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Aug 4Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Dear Thorsten...we very much respect and appreciate the quintessential black pilling in your article... minus the..."understandable"vulgarity in this 11th hour of declension..unraveling......zog induced pure preplanned chaos ..in the 11th hour in scorched earth America...some strive to hide their despair after decades of phd s being repressed. unemployed....the..war on intelligence...----as negro basketball stars easily made 6 or 7 figure

incomes......but lost everything if they suddenly .**.named The Jew *behind all the psycho malevolent sedition s...... clearly..our first impression was. surprised delighted corroboration...your writing is both accessible to the proletarian and the intellectual..more than that..you are a quintessential unpretententious. truth teller ..having a kind of concise justified moral sarcasm as well..........we find it quasi ...impossible..to explain to our Serbian and eastern European friends that...flaming professional Zionist dj trumprat..flaming Zionist rfk Jr..handled..managed by rabbi butt plug .schmuely boteach..Satan s best friend. ..and..word salad communist moron kameltoe the Hindi whore bot Zionist....are the only..*choices*. Americans appear to have to.."vote for"...All best ..God Bless you Thorsten". Fine commentary.

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Aug 25Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Thorsten has the benefit not having to live in Germany, a country that lost it's sovereignity in 1945 and is now turning into a North Korea type Dictatorship by Greens-that-turned-brown like Nazi brown. The proof of that is how they support the Nazi supporting Ukraine.

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Thanks, Peter. Yeah, and it is probably not a good idea to return to Germany in the forseeable future. 😢

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Awesome stuff, Seismic! The "struggling human"... is food. Take care, and stay in touch! T

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Yes....Soylent green is People..**'....but we thank you also dear Sir..for your kind and welcome..serendipitous words..it takes a great Man to recognize a Great Man".....still....there is War between Heaven and earth ...*some ask us..to keep all eyes on Iran as the weekend melts away into newer episodes of WW3.....for now...the Fate of scorched earth fallen America...and the world...is..out of our hands*

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Aug 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

A PhD in the humanities is useless, unless you are coming from the leisure class and it is from a very prestigious university. Otherwise it is like casting pearls before swine.

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Aug 2Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Very brilliant summary of the fundamental problem with the education scam, Doc. As they say, "The value of a PhD in 2024 is approaching $0.00" https://x.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1819319733373882572

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Thanks. There still is guarded knowledge at Harvard or Peking that is not available on the interent. We just don't expect it being useful to ordinary people. I would guess that about 5% of our PhD students have generous stipends and are paid a living wage. In order to pay our superstars, we have to charge the rest 95% of morons tution fees of course.

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Aug 2Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

I used to abhor the Prussian school sorting system, but seeing the deleterious effect of millions of overschooled swineherds, I understand the wisdom of it.

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Thanks. The Prussian/German education system is - in hindsight and from the liberal position viewed - a fascist, totalitarian system. The Germans sort out the children by the age of 10, not by ability but by family history and social status. After that, their children enter the three-tier school system (It's actually four, but we rarely mention the Sonderschule or schools for the feeble minded). Only the third tier school, the Gymnasium, leads to the university entrance qualification. In a way, I hate fascist ideology, especially in education. On the other hand, it does produce excellence. Also, look who our competitors in the world are. Under socialism, as in Chinese socialism, they really work all their pupils to exhaustian and there cannot be any freedom of thought. All educators should relax and realize that industrial scale mass education - no matter which ideological brand - is largely inhumane. Take care! T

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Aug 2Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Just google 'school drop outs' and you will find the most brilliant people that ever walked the planet, form billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg and Peter Thiel to Entertainers like Oprah Winfrey and Lady Gaga. The point of education is to drop out of it when the time is right. Everyone else who stays in it is either a masochist or a total retard.

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Thanks, Morten! Yes, I agree. We see friends and comrades dropping out of higher education left and right and starting businesses or pursuing dream careers. Only the uninspiring, insecure, and lazy philosophers stay in education, eventually to be awarded with a paper printout that reads doctor of philosophy, which basically was a welfare program for the working handicapped. Take care!

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Aug 2Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

I agree with you 100%. The only exception I take is that all four people you mentioned are pretty much filthy Satanists

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Hi Sharon, yes, there are many secret organizations that are accessible to students at our elite institutions. For example, the Freemasons have lodges in most university towns. The Rotary Club is recruiting business students as early as in their undergraduate programs. All the big scholarship programs are initiate by sinister organizations, such as the Rhodes Scholars, Schwarzman Scholars, or the Yenching Scholars. The CIA and MI6 come in master programs, recruiting theirs. Harvard, Yale, Princeton... are basically the Manor house on the Education farm, where the lords of culture hang around. Every Cult, from the Mormons to the Zionist and the Soka Gakkai, have rented themselves in close to campus as well. There is a constant rotation of famous scholars flying in and out Imperial College and J F Kennedy School of Governance. The "Satanists" you mentioned are mostly the people who are so high up their in the system that they don't believe in fairness and goodness, and therefore enjoy all the degeneracy, corruption, and lies and deception. That said, there are also forces for the good at every university. A lot! We just have to find them. Take care! T

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Aug 2Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Say it out loud: Art School! There! Biggest scam in the history of education! I wish getting in debt at 18 for a degree that sets you up for poverty was illegal.

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So true. The moment that “Art” became a university subject, rather than a profession and/or craft that required skill, lore, tradition, etc., was exactly when it started going steeply downhill. Decay = Decadence.

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Yes. That is how they created these 2000+ new-fangled degrees and programs. They were literally sitting there in their educational committees and conspiring about how to lure as many morons into their new programs and paying as much tuition as possible so as to benefit the ruling clique at the top. The best idea in this respect they ever had was to attract millions of Asians into worthless Western degree programs paying billions into the pockets of our Western culture makers. That said, the Asians are not stupid and most knew the money scam, but they thought of it as an entrance fee to the Western world later, getting working visas and residence permits, and building new networks in the New World, all the while being safely registered as foreign students. Best! T

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Aug 2Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

I once met a dude who studied for a triple MBA degree from Fudan University in China, Singapore University, and a university in the States that I can't remember which one it was. He spent three months on an educational cruise ship and had to fly between places for seminars a lot. He bragged it had cost him $40k a semester, that was back in 2003. I will never forget this story. He was a triple moron.

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Aug 2Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Wonderful essay! I agree with most of what you have said. Getting a real job? Getting a real education? Not for the corrupt state, I can tell you that! For my part, I prefer the holistic approach to education. Self-cultivation and emancipation. Homeschooling is unfortunately banned in the Netherlands, but we have alternatives, such as Waldorf schools, which combine wisdom and value creation to first become a better person, and then apply minimal standardized tests and grading. I believe this was once the case with the Greeks and Germans, who had this idea of ​​a polymath. Very few universities are like that today. Leiden was one of them, where you were basically free to study whatever you wanted, and when you felt you were ready to graduate. The European Bologna reform destroyed the Dutch education system forever, introducing multiple-choice tests, modules and test scores. Now it is really moron-proof, as Doctor Pattberg suggested. Polymaths of the classical period relied on mentoring and apprenticeship training. They even dedicated their doctoral theses to kings and emperors, personally of course! Oxford and Cambridge were once religious houses with private tutors. There was only one professor of English in the whole of Oxford University. Today there are 60, I think, or more. I would rather go to a Jesuit education in rural Italy than go to a public school and learn that Hitler was evil. I sort of figured that out myself, but thanks! Good article! Keep them coming!

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Thanks a lot! The schools are claiming that the era of the universal scholar or polymath was over, because expert knowledge in each area got too complex and vast. This could be the case in the hard sciences, but I do not see how a mathematicians cannot be also the world's best philosopher, computer specialist, and expert on human rights. No, the polymaths culture still exists, only that most mass universities are not encouraging it. It's on the individual scholars themselves how to create their own life (educational) trajectory. Best! T

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Aug 2Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

In Germany and Austria, it's the "Universalgelehrter". Real geniuses only. Leibniz, Schelling, Goethe...

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Aug 2Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

As it should be.

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Aug 2Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

“ You either are, or you are not what you wanted to be. No education fixes man.”


This is why the ‘state of education’ never really bothers me.

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Yeah. After decades of education, I look at all the fancy knowledge and still think, it is all me. Just me. I never changed. Education fixes nothing. Self-cultivation, know thyself, or As a man thinketh... is what guides our universe. The rest input is just data or programs run on us, or tested on us, but isn‘t really us. At least, this is what I slowly realize now while heading in my last years. Best, Mzlizzi! Take care! T

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This is very well put, good sir. I may just memorize it.

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Aug 1Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

How else to keep the morons busy? If they don't know what to do with their lives, they "stay in education" indefinitely. 😂

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Aug 1Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

It's great for the girls though. They are better at socializing and getting sugar grades. They hang around and try to find a spouse, then become stay at home moms. It's like this in Asia.

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Aug 2Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

We would all be a lot better off if it were true. This country needs a lot more stay at home moms or as I call them full-time moms

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Aug 1Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

The smartest thing I ever did was drop out of college at age 19. Within 7 years I had mastered several trades and built a home on my own property. This piece is a true summer blockbuster, as Hollywood burns.

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