Here's 48. Polar bears are starving and disappearing because the sea ice is melting.

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Very good! I remember that polar bear story to "scare the kids" well. We had tv programs in which kids were paraded in front of the cameras, crying. Disgusting lying. Here are the photos from back then they used. https://polarbearscience.com/2019/09/12/these-starving-polar-bears-falsely-blamed-on-climate-change-have-scared-kids-to-death/

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Prayers go out to Denmark!

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Where can I download the Human Farm? Can't find the link. Maybe I am just overexcited. Great work, Dr. P! Keep it up!

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'Kenye West', please feature Kenye West next!

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Gaddafi was a people's leader. The people's leader will be mass murdered. Only the international mafia selects "leaders" for your country now. They will soon call this "the international democracy." Basically, every people's leader or natural leader will get sniped, until only foreign interests prevail, as we see in Germany, France, Denmark and the UK.

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Sauber, Dr. P!

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"6. Putin is Hitler" A resounding No because Trump is Hitler.

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We will never have freedom unless we remove the illegitimate predatory class from power.

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NO to 43. Not too bad!

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6. Putin is Hitler

Actually, if you know history, both Hitler and Putin have been forced to intervene to save their people, Hitler in Poland and Putin in Ukraine.

So in that regard there is similarity, but it stops there.

22. Oil is a fossil fuel

Oil (petroleum) is a fosil fuel. Please demonstrate (scientifically) otherwise (where does it come from?).

41. Viruses exist as we are told

The phenomenon (observation) of existence and their effect is real.

Most everything else that masquerades as a science around virology is dubious at best corruption at worst.

45. The world is overpopulated

That is a more complicated question.

Overpopulated considering the way we are interacting with the environment = yes, we have reached or passed the carrying capacity of the environment.

If our interaction with the enviornment was not bent on poisoning and destorying it, then no.

However, it is a self correcting problem, human population is entering collapsing period and we'll be lucky if 5-10% survive this century.

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"human population is entering collapsing period and we'll be lucky if 5-10% survive this century." You scared me here, Igor. 👀🥶

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No, it is called science and math... The demographic pyramids in most of the world is upside-down, population in many countries have death-cross, it is nearly impossible to recover from that. The only thing that is (still) holding societty/civilization alive are petroleum/oil-slaves working for us to the tune of 20-30 slaves (per person) working 24/7. Guess what, oil is a finite resource and is coming to an end too (as in energetic cost of extracting it will surpass the benefit).

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OMG! This is amazing!

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Mads "Mad"'Palsvig to Dr. P: "Hold my beer!" 😆

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Funniest thing I've read this year! Congratulations to both of you Gentlemen!

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You really got me with No. 10. I was checking it immediately, damn: There IS NO LAW that states THE MEDIA HAS TO TELL THE TRUTH! This blew my mind! They have absolutely NO OBLIGATION TO TELL THE TRUTH. 😱😱😱

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Excellent post, Thorsten! LMAO

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India is our last hope!

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