By Mads Palsvig, Denmark
Hi Mr. Reader,
TAKE THIS TEST with 47 questions
(dedicated to @realDonaldTrump the 47th President of the USA).
Please count how many YES answers you have, multiply by 100 and then divide by 47 to get how many % mind controlled you are.
1. Have you ever said ”hahaha you are a conspiracy theorist”?
2. You have never heard about the Holodomor, correct?
3. Was feminism created to benefit women?
4. Did the youth revolution happen organically?
5. Did Gaddafi kill his own people?
6. Putin is Hitler
7. 2 planes of aluminum can make 3 towers of concrete steel collapse
8. Office fires can make steel buildings free fall
9. Mainstream media tells the truth
10. There is a law that states mainstream media has to tell the truth
11. Our government controls the size of our money supply
12. Our government decides who, what and where the increase in our money supply is going to be spend
13. Israels right to defend itself includes committing war crimes
14. Hamas beheaded 40 babies
15. Iraqi troops took babies out of the incubator and left them on the cold floor to die (1991)
16. German soldiers speared babies to church doors in Belgium (1914)
17. Masks protect against viruses
18. You get healthy by injecting poison into your veins
19. Weather modification does not exist, correct?
20. Chemtrails does not exist, it is contrails, right?
21. Man-made CO2 is causing the Earth to get warmer
22. Oil is a fossil fuel
23. Germans changed jews to soap
24. And lampshades
25. And shrunken heads
26. And threw them in open pits of fire
27. And gassed them with poison
28. The jews have been thrown out 1030 times from 110 countries for no fault of their own
29. Anne Franks diary is real and written by Anne Frank
30. It is okay for a US Congress member to have dual citizenship and get paid by AIPAC
31. The Germans had an extermination plan to kill all jews
32. Our National Banks create money to the benefit of society
33. The National Banks are not owned by private individuals, correct?
34. The Talmud does not state to kill all gentiles even the best of them, correct?
35. The Talmud does not condone pedophilia, correct?
36. The Talmud does not condone lying to gentiles, correct?
37. Politicians are working for the benefit of the people
38. The mainstream media is doing a great job telling the truth
39. Immigrant rapists get severe jail sentences
40. The illegal immigrants are coming here by their own volition and not some concerted efforts by any wealthy group of people or organization, correct?
41. Viruses exist as we are told
42. The Russians want to take over the world
43. The Russians colluded in the 2016 election
44. Russia attacked Ukraine for no reason at all, the Ukrainian government had not been shelling Lugansk and Donetsk for 8 years killing 15.000 civilians, correct?
45. The world is overpopulated
46. Electric vehicles and wind turbines are green and beneficial to the environment
47. 6 million jews died during WWII
You can take the test a second time if you please.
I estimate the average European will answer somewhere between 80 and 90% YES.
And that is me being unusually nice.....
(I hope I am wrong, I am not though).
Fact is that the correct answer to every single question is a resounding:
Lastly I hope you scored less than 10% and that @realDonaldTrump will keep every single one of his 3. election promises.
Thanks in advance
Best regards
The author is a former Investment Banker, specializing in Government Financing.
(Republished from @Palsvig by permission of the author. Images and highlights added for illustration.)
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Brave Mr. Palsvig! They have exaggerated a lot of things and told us a lot of lies. That's why they now want to censor the Internet. Because otherwise the house of lies will collapse. I think that in the end, truth will prevail, and the truth is somewhere in the middle.
6. Putin is Hitler
Actually, if you know history, both Hitler and Putin have been forced to intervene to save their people, Hitler in Poland and Putin in Ukraine.
So in that regard there is similarity, but it stops there.
22. Oil is a fossil fuel
Oil (petroleum) is a fosil fuel. Please demonstrate (scientifically) otherwise (where does it come from?).
41. Viruses exist as we are told
The phenomenon (observation) of existence and their effect is real.
Most everything else that masquerades as a science around virology is dubious at best corruption at worst.
45. The world is overpopulated
That is a more complicated question.
Overpopulated considering the way we are interacting with the environment = yes, we have reached or passed the carrying capacity of the environment.
If our interaction with the enviornment was not bent on poisoning and destorying it, then no.
However, it is a self correcting problem, human population is entering collapsing period and we'll be lucky if 5-10% survive this century.