The genius: Is indescribable

Pattberg: Describes it

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This is the cleaned and smoothened out version of my a little confusing comments from yesterday in here. For the record and thus Substack doesn't allow editing of comments, I add this clean version for clarification reasons here again - and yes, as you know my strange email-routine for years, this has been sent out to a couple of hundreds of "highest whatsoever Movers & Shakers".

I am not Aguirre – But I am The Wrath of God

Thank you, Thorsten, my Man. Your best and clearest piece yet, Dr. phil. Thorsten Pattberg. (For the full Pattberg article please see a little further down this page) I can't tell you how much I needed this. You literally transcribed the feelings of my current Saturday night.

And to every bigot European Idiot who is still claiming how great Europeans and our current culture and civilization still is, I challenge you: Come and join me for only one night in my Taxi and ride a 12 hour shift with me and you will clearly see what a primitive, cultureless, absolutely arrogant, preposterous and prepotent, hateful, intellectually and spiritually completely empty shells of dishonest hypocrites we, the current Europeans, are! Shame is a kindergarten word not even beginning to describe it! And yes, I do not talk about the various Elites here. On them words are already lost, but I am explicitly talking about the so-called Middle Class, intellectually higher Middle and lower Upper Class; the entire European Middle Class. “Clear head shots” for the entire European middle class is a thing by far too good for them! Lawful clarification of the meaning and juristic value of my words a little further down below, just be patient.

Oh, and while already being honest here: Thorsten, my Man, if I wouldn't have found you a couple of years back, the one & only, Pattberg, The Man, chances are pretty high that I wouldn't have made it that far but would indeed have already given up and would have ‘outrunned my motherfu****g gun into my Bombaclaad brains’, as our dear Jamaican friends would call it. Blowing out my brains, and I am talking literally here! Thank you, at least until here, you and your unrivaled truthful, integer and honest words have saved me, however that story eventually will end. So, yes, I guess then this here and now is the right venue to also ask you for your forgiveness, because even you haven't been completely spared from my hardcore rage. Dare I say: Sacred Wrath?! Yes, I do! Yes, Pattberg is one of those mentioned in the text below: A genius - stepping up when it's most needed - a true character of integrity and a Man risking it all for the actual Greater Good! So, again, thanks for being The Man that you are!


And to make it 100% clear and “water-tight”: The terminology “ ...clear head shots...” is not at all meant literal (wörtlich) here but instead it is used as common language street slang to express the deep and utter sadness, disappointment, despair and despise here and nothing else. If one likes, one could talk about semantics, rhetorical goals and literary, colorful artistic language in order to describe emotions which are not actually possible to frame with words. Ever heard the term: “The Wrath of God” or Dylon Thomas’, “I won’t go gentle into that good night. Rage, Rage, against the Dying of the Light” or maybe even read Augustino’s words about the definition of Sacred Wrath; something along the lines of ”Anger is the little unhinged and selfish sister of the wise, mature and fully empathic older sister Sacred Wrath”? My words have nothing to do with personal, self-enriching petty and pathetic ‘anger’ but everything to do with, yes, I dare say it: Sacred Wrath! But in no way, shape or form do I advocate for any form of physical violence whatsoever, which I never did or have engaged in during the last 50 years of my life! As it stands publicly clear by my openly accessible non-existent, meaning 100% clean, so-called criminal record! As the documents prove and as each and every man I ever interacted with while living on this Earth can and will happily confirm and swear an oath to, not even once have I been engaged in physical violence. Not even once! And I am happily looking forward to it staying like this for the next 50 years! I don’t deal in violence - Period!

This disclaimer is just an additional short notice to all concerned Law Enforcement Officers!


Maxim of Law: The Living Man stands before the constitution!

stefan : sattler - The Living Man


And sorry, for my typos and not corrected "auto-fill-ins" by the typing algorithms.

I wrote these answers last night on the smartphone, and I still deeply dislike mailing, texting and typing text on the smartphone, while being busy working as Cab-Driver on a 12-hour Taxi-night shift at the final end days of Austrian Fasching. You as a German know pretty well, as well I as a German & Austrian in Unionis Personalis, what Fasching – Carneval - is, including all the heavy drinking, partying, "chicken-farm-excesses", drugs and a lot more…

A very, very busy and especially yesterday, very hardcore demanding shift.

After driving Night Taxi, on and off - for sure I have done a lot of other work and jobs as well - for over 25 years by now, today was indeed the day, that I had long hours of seriously contemplating taking some 100 or maybe 150 bucks and go on Monday to buy a serious 500.000 Volt high-end Electrocutor, the strongest in Austria lawfully allowed Taser!

No, nobody touched me, don’t worry and sure, I earned some pretty little bucks, but, oh boy, that was a challenging night, my friend; yes, it was! But for whatever reasons that I won’t go into detail here, I am dead serious with what I am saying here. Nevertheless, in the end I clearly decided against doing so and to continue the Path of Peace & Non-Violence that I am walking for 50 years already pretty successful and yes, totally unharmed and actually never once had to swallow up violence against me though squatting around in the slums of Manila, living near areas close to the hardcore prison and most dirty and cheap brothels in Phnom Penh/Cambodia (“Looking for a quick shag for five Dollars, including the tip!?!”) or partying long nights in Bogota, Medellin, Cartagena and hooking up with the most firery Las Calenas (the dangerous ladies of Cali/Colombia) and much more things a young ordinary adventures man is, though not always needing to take an actual bite, at least carefully observing.

Sadly, it is not possible to edit my comments, due to Substack's way of styling their editing formats, to further clean them up and make them into 100% precise - lawfully, emotionally and intellectually – polished and socially acceptable words & terms. Into a kind of, though still hardcore and difficult content but nonetheless 100% clearly non-offensive and non-toxic kind of words. I would love to do that, but as mentioned, Substack doesn't give the option of editing comments. Maybe I am stupid, but at least I haven't found a way of doing it.

So, as an alternative, I was sitting down to do that anyway but then made it into an additional new comment; plus adding it a second time onto the current comment-thread of this here, my already published roughly styled comments.

But now, I have decided that the more appropriate, humble and literary way to do that, is to just write these additional words which I am offering here! I want to do that, to make it absolutely clear that I take full responsibility for my words (and deeds btw.) and also to 100% clearly show that I am not advocating for and in for trouble, hatred, violence, "revolution", searching for fame and the least to bring any trouble to you via my words. I feel that I might have humbly succeeded in that regard and think it is good and enough for now and that I do not need to add any further words and can sit back in the quiet background again and stay there where I am quite happy and satisfied.

Esto Est Tu Campo, Amigo!

Stefan out - staying fully present but staying empathically silent for a little while...

...to be continued in comment below...

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Am I Aguirre, The Wrath of God?

Allow me to add this little funny anecdote here from the year 2008/2009 from Colombia, being deep inside the jungles in the Sierra Madre de Santa Marta with some new friends from Colombia and some Colombians living in New York for many years, hiking to the Ciudad Perdida – the Lost City buried deep in the jungle. The place where they recorded these famous and beautiful pictures and scenes of the famous Indiana Jones Movie (“Hunter of the whatever Lost City, Lost treasure…whatever title”).

We were like 10 young people, all of Colombian decent except me, aged between the youngest from Bogota at age 22 to around maybe 38, while me being 33 years old staying together for 8 days, hiking with our guides into the jungle, meeting the “El Mamos” (The Shamans and Elders) and being invited into “Formerly To Outsiders Forbidden Territory”.

It was there, the second day, 40 degrees Celsius, we were sweating like pigs while dragging our smoke-loving civilized bodies and our two stubborn mules unto the steep and dangerous trails when suddenly, Nena, one of the young Colombian Ladies living in New York with her equally Colombian photographer husband “John” stopped some 40 meters in front of me on the way, said a few words to John and their friend Diego - her dearest youth friend still living in Bogota; no they didn’t live a “threesome” but were indeed emotionally close like actual siblings – and they all broke down and burst out into heavy uncontrollable laughter.

Turning around all three laughed till they had tears in their eyes and even pointed fingers at me while I approached the last meters towards them until she finally opened her mouth and started yelling at me: “I know who you are! Now, I know what I was always from the first moment I saw you tryong to figure out, namely who it is that you are so stunningly reminding me of?

And now I know, I know who you are!

You are this absolutely crazy, German actor who played in this strange south American movie about the Opera House in Manaus/Peru in the early part of the last century and similar absolutely bizarre and almost insane acting performances and movies playing in the Meso American jungles of the 16th or 17th century. Yeah, one was called Fitzgeraldo and yes, there was this psychopathic role of his in the movie called “I Am Aguirre – The Wrath of God”, about one of the Conquistadores, Senor Aguirre, one of the most filthy and mentally sick one who went crazy in his pursuit of gold, gold and more gold and fame and riches and power and slaves and women and whatnot. Just the usual story here, nothing to see; those were the days, my friends!

Yeah, exactly, that’s his name: Kinski – Klaus Kinski!

Well, now it was on me to start grinning with a big fat smiling and laughing because for sure, I do live with these kinds of comparisons for my entire life, already from my youngest teen years and even till today, and I pretty much felt at home now, feeling that they could see to the bottom of my very soul of my actual true sacred being.

A short afterthought might be appropriate here: I, like all the rest of us, later in life learned without any doubt and even publicly being proven to be true, that – sadly so - he indeed was not only actually mentally ill and indeed did cross the line of mental health in real life – which I always did and still do refuse to do only the slightest bit - but far worse was indeed a pedophile (His own daughter Nastazia Kinski!) and a physical and sexual offender and abuser. I am staying 100% opposed to such dishonest and non-integer, evil and sinister behavior, whether it is him or anybody else… and I would even stand against me, myself, if I would fall to such lows to engage in such despicable behavior, which I never have been, are not doing and will never do – A’ho!

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Which book should I start with, doc?

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RUUURIK!!!! Long time no see! I hope all is well! A real knockout is 'Finis Sinarum', about Chinese elite universities, the meta people, and the portals. If I was an American, I would be on the Joe Roggenbrot show for this, and world famous! :-) https://thorstenjpattberg.substack.com/p/finis-sinarum-why-i-think-china-cannot

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Since I found your site, I don't feel so alone and I understand that there are other people who think like me. Thank you for your interesting content.

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Much appreciated! Welcome, and take care! T

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So if you go into hiding does that mean you get to keep your genius until it is finally consumed?

As Mike Kay pointed out, only few people are born into circumstances where their genius gets to lay out their path.

As genius is god given how would it act in an objectively hopeless situation? Is it breach of contract when all genius of a generation refuses to fuel a raging fire like a world war?

Is genius in a situation like that doomed to produce atomic bombs and similar or will it transform into a passive expression of itself?

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By the way, the best novel on the destruction of genius by the school system is probably Hermann Hesse's 'The Prodigy' (also goes by 'Beneath the Wheel'). The translations are all awful, because the author obviously had genius while his translators had none. Anyways, this is about how the system abuses the 1 in a million. https://www.amazon.co.jp/Prodigy-Penguin-Modern-Classics/dp/0141182733

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After High school, because I didn’t want to shoot people (other than my parents maybe), instead of going to university I had to wash dishes for 9 months but at least I got a room so there so I could move out from my parents for the first time.

Some of the few nice memories from that time are lying on my couch at the end of summer, smoking weed and listening to Hesse audiobooks.

Particularly that one convinced me to silently endure the pain and stop looking for help within the system

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Most geniuses are shot down on sight. The elites really hate geniuses. Demons are tolerated. Geniuses are hunted down, for reasons explained in the story. Schools and universities are for intelligent people, but not for geniuses. As soon as his classmates find out that he lives in a completely different world, they will tear him apart like wild animals. Best! T

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Really brilliant That was great. Thank you.

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I am neither a genius nor am I looking for deeper wisdom... I just get along well with myself and enjoy being alone. Some call it "loner" when others say I am a genius... and that's fine.

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This chapter was phenomenal! Keep them coming!

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Genius and madness! The masses are simply stupid! Football. Goal, go to the ballot box and hand over responsibility, look, my new car. Oh, the credit vacation was nice, the next one is already booked, but the previous one hasn't been paid for yet. Community makes people mean.

Psychopaths rule the nation.

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You bet they do! Thanks, Mirco! All the best! T

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Your best and clearest piece yet.

Thank you Thorsten , my man.

Can't tell you how much i needed this. You literally transcribed the feelings of my current Saturday night.

And to every bigot European idiot who is still claiming how great Europeans and our current culture and civilisation is: I challenge you, come and join me for only one night in my Taxi and ride a 12 hour shift with me and you will clearly see what a primitive, cultureless, absolutely arrogant, preposterous and prepotent, hatefull, intellectually and spiritually completely EMPTY shell of FUCKTARD CUNTS we, the current Europeans, are!

Shameful is a kindergarden word not even beginning to describe it!

And yes, i do not talk about the various elites here...on them words are already lost, but I am explicitly talkind about the fucking Middle Class, intellectual higher middle and lower upper class....the Entire European middle class.

Clear head shots for the ENTIRE European middle class is a thing by faaar too good for them!!!!!

Oh, and while I'm being honest here: Thorsten, my Man, if I wouldn't have found YOU, The One & Only, Pattberg, The Man, chances are pretty high that I wouldn't have made it that far but would indeed have already given up and BLOWN MY BRAINS OUT!

I am talking LITERALLY HERE!

Thank you, at least till here, YOU and your unrivaled TRUTHFUL words have saved me... how ever that story eventually will end.

So, yes, I guess then this here and now is the right venue to also ask you for forgiveness, because even you haven't been completely spared from my hardcore, LETHAL rage.

Yes, Pattberg is one of thos mentionened in the Text above: A GENIUS - stepping up when it's most needed- a true CHARACTER!

So, again, thanks for being The Man you are - A'ho!

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Stefan, you are the one person in Germany that I definitely wanted to meet up with next time first thing after touching ground. Can't tell you when that is though. I probably have to wait until Germany allows free speech and freedom of research. Fortunately for now, technology bless, we have the internet to exchange ideas, internationally. All the best! T

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...and to make thar 100%: " ...clear head shots..." is NOT meant literal/wörtlich here, for sure but instead common language solange to epress the deep and utter sadness, disappointment, despair and despise here and NOTHING ELSE. In no way, shape or Form do I advocate for any Form ov physical violence whatsoever, which I never did or have egaged in the 50 years of my age!

As stands publicly clear by my openly accessible NON-EXISTENT, MEANING 100% clean socalled CRIMUNAL RECORD!!!!!!!!

As the documents and ALL AND EVERY MAN I INTERACTED WITH IN MY 50 YEARS OF living on this Earth can and will happily swear an oath to, NOT EVEN ONCE have i been egaged in physical violence...NOT EVEN ONCE ...and i m happily Looping forward to it staying like this for the nett 50 years!!!!

I don t deal in violence!!!!!!

Just a Notizen to All concerned Law Enforcement Officers here!!!!!


stefan : sattler - The Living Man

The Living Man stands BEFORE The Constitution!

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Thanks. I am grateful! T

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...and sorry, for my typos and not corrected "auto-fill-ins" by the typing algos.

I wrote these answers yesterday night on the smartphone - I still deeply not like mailing, texting and typing text on the smartphone - while being busy working as Cab-Driver on a 12 hour Taxi-night shift at the final end days of Austrian Fasching (You as a German know as well, as I as a German AND Austrian, what Fasching is; including heavy drinking, partying, "chicken-farm-excesses", drugs and a lot more) a very, very busy and especially yesterday, VERY demanding shift.

Sure, I earned some pretty little bucks, but, oh boy, that was a challenging night, my friend; yes, it was!

So, as it is not possible to edit my comments, due to Substack's way of styling their editing formats, to further clean them up and make them into 100% PRECISE - lawfully, emotionally and intellectually) - and polished, socially acceptable words & terminology, For sure, still hardcore and difficult content but nonetheless NON-OFFENSIVE.

I would love to do that, but as mentioned, Substack doesn't give the option of editing comments (Maybe I am stupid, but at least I haven't found a way of doing it.) So, as an alternative, I was sitting down to do that anyway but then make it into and additional, NEW, comment; plus adding it a second time onto the current comment-thread of this, my, comments.

But now, I have decided that the more appropriate, humble and stylishly correct way to do that, is to just write these additional words which I am offering here!

I want to do that, to make it absolutely clear, that I talk full responsibility for my words and also to 100% clearly show, that I am not for trouble, hatred, violence, "revolution", searching for fame and the least to bring any trouble to YOU via my words.

I fell that I might have humbly succeeded in that regard hereby and think it is good and enough for now and that I do not need to add further more words and can sit back in the quiet background again and stay there where I am quite happy and satisfied.

Esto Est Tu Campo, amigo!

Stefan out - staying fully present but staying empathically silent for a little while...

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Thanks, you are warming my heart ... again and again and again. We'll stay tuned!

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I am also lonely and therefore a "thinker" or a "genius" perhaps?! Or I am so intelligent and intellectual, so I should go into solitude from now on, like a genius going into hiding from the slavers! And everyone else who is loud on the Human Farm is just "mediocre"!

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Both demons and geniuses are perception-enhancing conjurings. The demons are looking for as power-hungry host, the geniuses befall the silent thinkers. It can be quite painful to see more than the rest, to "see a world no one else can see." Quite a few geniuses induce madness. Best ! T

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I've read it several times. It is fantastic. Thanks for that!

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I only deal with the really important things with myself, everything else makes no sense or added value for me, men or women. I have a job but I do not like it and I don't care except the bills I need to pay. My boss is a verbally abusive megalomaniac. I noticed a lot of narcissists and sociopath out there. Want nothing to do with it. I am glad when I am home, computer and alone. 👻

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Solitude is alright. Being alone is healing. But not forever. Obviously, we need balance, and we need friends and family. If, however, we live together with abusers, then solitude and being alone can turn out deadly to body and soul. The abusers know we are most vulnerable when locked up with the abusers in one cell block. It is a metaphor. Don't stay at home when home is a prison cell. Don't talk to a computer when in the room next door waits the abuser. Go out more and find nice people to hang around with. Best! T

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There is a huge difference between loneliness and being alone... I can be alone 95% of the time and not feel lonely for a minute.

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Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard are my favorite philosophers...

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The clever are clever because of their socially learned behavior of dominating others. Philosophers are no exception. Everyone strives for power, as Nietzsche said. Great article, Dr. P!

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True, true.

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A really great analysis on good and evil, the content of which I really liked. I can only agree with what was said, because I also absolutely prefer solitude. That doesn't mean that I completely avoid human contact on the Human Farm, but I am very conscious of who I communicate with, who I interact with and, above all, who I believe, who I trust and who I confide in. For a certain group of elites, connection is only transactional. They check you out and see what advantage you can provide to their business. If you have nothing to give, or if they cannot use you, they will drop you like a stone. Also, many women are predators who want to skin good men alive. It really is difficult to get on with people in this day and age. Everyone has to decide for themselves whether they open up in society or not, but for me personally I can say that I haven't been able to do anything with society for a long time, maybe even never have been. I probably used to adapt more, but now I notice that I either lack patience or just don't want to anymore. It often feels like I'm a puzzle piece that no longer fits into the big puzzle of the world. In any case, a very good analysis that addresses many important ideas about the evils in this world!

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I also think that this piece was particularly interesting. Humans, like animals, are inherently good. At least, this is what half of the philosophers believe. The program we are fed together with the environment we have to survive, makes us either winners or losers against millions of other competitors. So maybe 'demons' are ill thoughts while 'geniuses' are healthy thoughts. Or bad and good inputs. It is possible. Either way, humans are perceptible to outside control. Best! T

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