There’s a lot of confusion about Dr. Pattberg’s views. He never suggested finding better ways to translate Chinese concepts. Instead, he declared them untranslatable, criticizing translation as a form of linguistic aggression.
China is not playing any role in world leadership anywhere, in the foreseeable future. Its culture is not appealing. I have been to China many times before Covid. They learn English, they love Starbucks and all Western things. Only fans of Chinese eccentricities learn and study Chinese. Which is the same with Japanese and Hindi, by the way. But those Western fans are few and far between. The majority of Westerners knows that the future of the Chinese is either in the West or outside History. I like your books. They are superb. Especially 'Finis Sinarum' or 'Xin-Civilization'. Nobody else dares publishing the dark secrets about modern China. Thank you!
"這裏有一名德國“中國通”Thorsten Pattberg所揭露的内幕(參見《The Coming Purge of the China-Hands》),解釋他出道立刻遭到嚴格的審查和迫害,很快理解所謂的“China Studies”不是要研究中國,而是研究如何打垮中國。不乖乖合作、試圖抗議“Coercion”和“Blackmail”的同僚,都被“Decomposed”“肢解”!!其他的,即使願意復述新疆假新聞以求職業活命,仍然會活在嚴密的持續監視之下,稍有不慎,生涯當即不保。如果讀者對德國媒體知識界怎麽淪落到成爲美國剝削吸血自己國家民族的幫凶有所疑惑,應該可以從這篇文章裏得到答案;要是想得到更多細節,作者還著作有《Shove Your Democracy Up Your Ass》一書, 詳細解釋昂撒“民主”是如何被强行插入德國的屁股,亡國遺民的悲憤溢於言表。"
Base on this paragraph, he didn't mean 'Shove Your Democracy Up Your Ass' is a book about China. I haven't read the book myself, but it looks like his summary is pretty close to the excerpt from the Amazon page.
That's what I am saying, hehe. He hasn't read it, what a charlatan! 🥸 Why haven't you read it, why are we even having this discussion? The "influencers-experts" are all fake. They talk for talking's sake, and cheap clicks. 🫣🇨🇳 The work was always done by others. What a world! 😂
You are so cynical after being tortured by western intelligence agency. I understand and sympathize with you. But Mr.Wang is defineitely not one of "influencers-experts", I assure you. You complain he didn't read your whole book, but you didn't read his whole blog then firmly believe he "talks for talking's sake, and cheap clicks". Actually he deny all commerical request and make blog rules to expel "cheap clicks". In short, complete contrary to your preset prejudice.
He is already on and over to the next click-bait news piece, so calm down. What I am more worried about is that hundreds of German, British, and American agents/press soldiers have relocated to Taipei in the last 2 months, and that millions of EU money was channeled into LinkedIN and other Social media to spread more anti-China news and commentary. Pretty nasty situation. Substack, too, will soon fall to Western intelligence interference, new guidelines and rampant censorship. Watch and be amazed.
I don't know what's wrong between you and guancha, but it is a pity that you misunderstand Wang Mengyuan just because he graduated from Harvard and born in Taiwan. He is a total independent blogger and keep exposing western evil to Chinese since 8 years ago. Here is his blog Actually he mentioned you article as an example to explain why he won't post any English blog --- to avoid being targeted by western intelligence organization. Of course he hopes you books can be published in China, not only for you, but also for all Chinese, especially he has done similar thing successfully 5 years ago --- promote the publication of 《The American trap》in China to save Meng wanzhou by connecting guancha (actually for his Taiwan identity, it's one of the few tubes he can connect to mainland, he quit guancha columnist in 2019 for users in guancha become more and more stupid and editor has been warned after he critized some lier who wants to swindle Chinese technology foundation. He still connect guancha this time, not because he collude with 'The pro-Western branch of the Communist Party', just because he thinks it can help)
I will have to second with tonhaoruo. I am a long-term reader of Wang, Mengyuan's blog. He initially wanted to introduce you, Dr. Pattberg, to the Chinese public and journalists. He thought it could help both sides: let the Chinese know more about their real picture in the western world, and help your opinion be spreaded and funded (by publishing books). In this way he succesfully helped both Meng, Wanzhou and Frédéric Pierucci, the author of 《The American Trap》, years ago. It's shameful and pityful that Guancha did not ask your permission before translating and posting your articles.
I honestly can't tell if you're speaking facetiously about the "Prussian model," but what I understand, based on John Taylor Gatto's writing, is it is a system "characterized by compulsory attendance, teacher colleges, standardized national tests, national age-graded curriculum, compulsory kindergarten, the fragmenting of concepts into separate subjects with fixed periods of study, and the state ultimately asserting a superior claim to the child over the rights of the parents. This was a radical departure in methodology and content from the successful traditional forms of education in America."
meant to deliver "1) Obedient soldiers to the army; 2) Obedient workers for mines, factories, and farms; 3) Well-subordinated civil servants, trained in their function; 4) Well-subordinated clerks for industry; 5) Citizens who thought alike on most issues; 6) National uniformity in thought, word, and deed."
True, true. The Prussian model is the German model, really. It's mandatory kindergarten for early (slave) moral imprinting, compulsory state school indoctrination for the obedient masses, forced certification system for the wage slaves, and "free" research universities and fake degrees for the leisure class on their journey to self-actualization (they pray they are not down with the slaves and servants). It's very stressful existence. The German mind is a concentration camp. Get the book, thank me later! 😉
These Weibo influencers are a pest. They don't know what they're talking about. Especially in China, if they are overtly nationalistic and then get "the Call" from the authorities. I heard the sad news that the Saker Blog will be taken down at end of this month. No more Dr. Pattberg storytime from Zone C(nese).
Yes, influencers are the new yellow press and big brother entertainment for the gullible masses (they talk about their private life, preferences, gossip, all the time). That Taiwan blogger had not read 'Shove your Democracy up your ass', but simply talked about his own ideas about what it could mean (to him), next waffling about how he is helping to get it published in Chinese, even though it has got nothing to do with China at all, haha.
There’s a lot of confusion about Dr. Pattberg’s views. He never suggested finding better ways to translate Chinese concepts. Instead, he declared them untranslatable, criticizing translation as a form of linguistic aggression.
Chinese demands dismissed. Next idea.
Can I get a copy of this without a sub? I don’t use digital.
Good for you!
Glad I found your blog.
I am sure we can explain this using 5000 pages Confucius lore book.
China is not playing any role in world leadership anywhere, in the foreseeable future. Its culture is not appealing. I have been to China many times before Covid. They learn English, they love Starbucks and all Western things. Only fans of Chinese eccentricities learn and study Chinese. Which is the same with Japanese and Hindi, by the way. But those Western fans are few and far between. The majority of Westerners knows that the future of the Chinese is either in the West or outside History. I like your books. They are superb. Especially 'Finis Sinarum' or 'Xin-Civilization'. Nobody else dares publishing the dark secrets about modern China. Thank you!
Thank you! Best!
It's some misunderstanding in your article, I must say.
You think so? Buy 'Shove Your Democracy Up Your Ass' -> ... and tell me that this Chinese vlogger has actually read a single line or paragraph in it. 🫣🇩🇪
This is the exact quote from his blog:
"這裏有一名德國“中國通”Thorsten Pattberg所揭露的内幕(參見《The Coming Purge of the China-Hands》),解釋他出道立刻遭到嚴格的審查和迫害,很快理解所謂的“China Studies”不是要研究中國,而是研究如何打垮中國。不乖乖合作、試圖抗議“Coercion”和“Blackmail”的同僚,都被“Decomposed”“肢解”!!其他的,即使願意復述新疆假新聞以求職業活命,仍然會活在嚴密的持續監視之下,稍有不慎,生涯當即不保。如果讀者對德國媒體知識界怎麽淪落到成爲美國剝削吸血自己國家民族的幫凶有所疑惑,應該可以從這篇文章裏得到答案;要是想得到更多細節,作者還著作有《Shove Your Democracy Up Your Ass》一書, 詳細解釋昂撒“民主”是如何被强行插入德國的屁股,亡國遺民的悲憤溢於言表。"
Base on this paragraph, he didn't mean 'Shove Your Democracy Up Your Ass' is a book about China. I haven't read the book myself, but it looks like his summary is pretty close to the excerpt from the Amazon page.
That's what I am saying, hehe. He hasn't read it, what a charlatan! 🥸 Why haven't you read it, why are we even having this discussion? The "influencers-experts" are all fake. They talk for talking's sake, and cheap clicks. 🫣🇨🇳 The work was always done by others. What a world! 😂
You are so cynical after being tortured by western intelligence agency. I understand and sympathize with you. But Mr.Wang is defineitely not one of "influencers-experts", I assure you. You complain he didn't read your whole book, but you didn't read his whole blog then firmly believe he "talks for talking's sake, and cheap clicks". Actually he deny all commerical request and make blog rules to expel "cheap clicks". In short, complete contrary to your preset prejudice.
He is already on and over to the next click-bait news piece, so calm down. What I am more worried about is that hundreds of German, British, and American agents/press soldiers have relocated to Taipei in the last 2 months, and that millions of EU money was channeled into LinkedIN and other Social media to spread more anti-China news and commentary. Pretty nasty situation. Substack, too, will soon fall to Western intelligence interference, new guidelines and rampant censorship. Watch and be amazed.
I don't know what's wrong between you and guancha, but it is a pity that you misunderstand Wang Mengyuan just because he graduated from Harvard and born in Taiwan. He is a total independent blogger and keep exposing western evil to Chinese since 8 years ago. Here is his blog Actually he mentioned you article as an example to explain why he won't post any English blog --- to avoid being targeted by western intelligence organization. Of course he hopes you books can be published in China, not only for you, but also for all Chinese, especially he has done similar thing successfully 5 years ago --- promote the publication of 《The American trap》in China to save Meng wanzhou by connecting guancha (actually for his Taiwan identity, it's one of the few tubes he can connect to mainland, he quit guancha columnist in 2019 for users in guancha become more and more stupid and editor has been warned after he critized some lier who wants to swindle Chinese technology foundation. He still connect guancha this time, not because he collude with 'The pro-Western branch of the Communist Party', just because he thinks it can help)
Nah, he is just s blogger.
2.接到“上峰”电话不得再谈您纯属无稽之谈,他不仅在自己的博客向读者推荐,还上了电台节目向大众推荐,包括联系大陆的观察者网,希望能像上次联系出版Frédéric Pierucci的《美国陷阱》使得中国人了解美国长臂管辖的邪恶本质,推动了孟晚舟的营救的良好前例一样,让中国人了解西方在文化领域的堵截和邪恶。如果说观察者网没有征得您的同意便擅自发稿乃至删节对话使您不悦,这和王孟源没有任何关系,甚至王孟源也因为观网不能完全接纳他的文章所以退出观网。这一点我在上一条回复已经说得很清楚了。但是您仅仅是选择忽略,仍然用no来回应,这让我困惑。
That's a good essay, indeed. 😉
I will have to second with tonhaoruo. I am a long-term reader of Wang, Mengyuan's blog. He initially wanted to introduce you, Dr. Pattberg, to the Chinese public and journalists. He thought it could help both sides: let the Chinese know more about their real picture in the western world, and help your opinion be spreaded and funded (by publishing books). In this way he succesfully helped both Meng, Wanzhou and Frédéric Pierucci, the author of 《The American Trap》, years ago. It's shameful and pityful that Guancha did not ask your permission before translating and posting your articles.
I honestly can't tell if you're speaking facetiously about the "Prussian model," but what I understand, based on John Taylor Gatto's writing, is it is a system "characterized by compulsory attendance, teacher colleges, standardized national tests, national age-graded curriculum, compulsory kindergarten, the fragmenting of concepts into separate subjects with fixed periods of study, and the state ultimately asserting a superior claim to the child over the rights of the parents. This was a radical departure in methodology and content from the successful traditional forms of education in America."
meant to deliver "1) Obedient soldiers to the army; 2) Obedient workers for mines, factories, and farms; 3) Well-subordinated civil servants, trained in their function; 4) Well-subordinated clerks for industry; 5) Citizens who thought alike on most issues; 6) National uniformity in thought, word, and deed."
True, true. The Prussian model is the German model, really. It's mandatory kindergarten for early (slave) moral imprinting, compulsory state school indoctrination for the obedient masses, forced certification system for the wage slaves, and "free" research universities and fake degrees for the leisure class on their journey to self-actualization (they pray they are not down with the slaves and servants). It's very stressful existence. The German mind is a concentration camp. Get the book, thank me later! 😉
These Weibo influencers are a pest. They don't know what they're talking about. Especially in China, if they are overtly nationalistic and then get "the Call" from the authorities. I heard the sad news that the Saker Blog will be taken down at end of this month. No more Dr. Pattberg storytime from Zone C(nese).
Yes, influencers are the new yellow press and big brother entertainment for the gullible masses (they talk about their private life, preferences, gossip, all the time). That Taiwan blogger had not read 'Shove your Democracy up your ass', but simply talked about his own ideas about what it could mean (to him), next waffling about how he is helping to get it published in Chinese, even though it has got nothing to do with China at all, haha.
You are now being followed by security agents all over the West, lol
Cool move
My Thesis Was Picked Up By Xi Jinping And The CPC #Shengren #PKU #Chines...