By Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD
The Year Of the Rabbit Will Be One Of Perils And New Hazards
“We must adhere to Chinese culture, refine its spiritual symbols and display the essence of our civilization, [...] accelerate the construction of a China narrative, and tell Chinese stories well..." --Xi Jinping, 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Oct 2022
So, a blogger from Taiwan with a Harvard past mentioned my essay ‘Shove Your Democracy Up Your Ass’, as bloggers do. Unfortunately, this outsider of course hadn’t read the essay. Instead, he had read ‘The Coming Purge of the China-Hands’, in which I detail how everyone who associates with China is now a terrorist.
The cat was out of the box, as this Taiwan blogger went above his station and bragged he would publish ‘Shove Your Democracy’ in Chinese in mainland China. Which is moronic, because only the author could do that, not him.
Anyway, he quickly got “a phone call” from a High Above and never ever mention my name again.
Meanwhile, a Shanghai news network of course heard “Harvard” and “Peking” and translated another piece of mine, on Western fake “China Studies", and put it onto its website without consulting its author, as the Chinese do.
Now we have a whole bunch of journos who talk about things they do not understand, right? I was laughing so hard, trying to imagine how many of their heads would roll. And, as expected, the censors moved in quickly. A “phone call” from a High Above was made to the Shanghai news network, and now 207 journalists are peeing their pants. They won’t mention my name again any time soon, I guess.
The Taiwan blogger who started this whole mess is a Harvard guy, as mentioned; and I spent some time at Harvard, and so did my colleagues and directors at Peking University. Naturally, he thought I am some “CIA-approved" asset, like most of them are. As I explained in this piece, ‘Finis Sinarum’, our so-called Peking University was co-founded by Americans and is a US University run by Harvard affiliates.
So how did Peking University authorities react? The University removed my doctoral dissertation, and deleted my former research profile from its servers, and warned Shanghai journalists that I was never working there, and that if they mention my name ever again, they would be torched and sent to prison faster than the Bo Xilai clique, something like that.
Among all the China academics in the world, I am embargoed. They must bite their lips and never mention my works on The East-West Dichotomy, Shengren, or the Xin-Civilization. It must be very frustrating for them. Knowing that nobody will care about their own unoriginal works in a 1000 years.
It is hilarious, to say the least: The pro-Western branch of the Communist Party cannot arrest me, because I went to see “the old families” and got protection. We call it Chinese guanxi. Also, I am not in China any more. However, I basically exposed a lot of rottenness at Peking University with its American “Harvard” partners. It’s like dealing with the mafia. The mafia cannot go public with its enemies. The mafia takes out its enemies in some dark ally. So I have to walk very carefully now. Especially because I leaked the information about the Peking U portal. There are not doing traditional scholarship there, that much I can tell you.
RELATED Funny video of our Harvard shadow institute at Peking University, BANNED IN CHINA:
“What’s wrong with the Chinese?” many critics may ask. “Why don’t they stand up to the West?” Well, the short answer is: They cannot. They are not separate from humanity. They have their place pretty much at the bottom of the Human Hierarchy.
However, steps can be done to climb a bit higher and mix with the higher up humans, and this is done by taking back Chinese names, ideas, inventions, and originality. Without further waffling, I am now doubling down on my thesis about untranslatable key concepts in Chinese culture and thought:
A World on Chinese Terms
Chinese is a language that is rich in culture and history, and as such, there are many words and key terms that are difficult or impossible to translate into other languages.
These “untranslatable words” often have deep cultural significance and are rooted in the unique history and traditions of China. They are also China’s IPs - unalienable intellectual properties, but that’s just the legal aspect.
One such example is the Chinese word "ren," which is often translated as "human" or "person." However, the concept of ren is much more complex and multifaceted, encompassing not only the physical body but also the spiritual and moral qualities that make a person truly human. The Western scholars erased that term. To hell with the Western erasers! Bring the ren back!
In “renquan” we find a higher order of human rights, where the West has failed not just China, but India, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, and now even Europe. The Chinese character of ren is a stride, two strokes, or a walking moment. It can be understood by aliens, machines, animals, and plants. But not by 1 billion Americans and Europeans! Think about that! It’s a scandal!
There is a second “ren,” even more powerful than the first. It is banned in Western institutions, on the British Broadcast Corporation, or on the pages of the New York Times, because Western people fear Chinese influence like they fear Chinese intelligence. This “ren” concept is central to Confucianism and Taoism, which emphasize the importance of cultivating ren through self-improvement and ethical behavior. Even Albert Einstein, the world’s greatest physicist, was a Taoist. And America’s favorite space epic ‘Star Wars’ is Taoism, where the disciples of Tao or “Jedi” cultivate ren.
Another untranslatable word is "guanxi," which refers to the complex network of social relationships and connections that exist within Chinese society. Guanxi is an integral part of how business is conducted in China, and Western people, especially the simple Germans or the base Frenchmen, really “suck” at it.
Guanxi it is essential for anyone who wishes to succeed in the country to understand and navigate these relationships. But it is also the secret of Chinese networks overseas. In case you didn’t know this, American universities were once stupid and had to remodeled along the German (then Prussian) relationship model, where non-stupid people could rise and participate. The research university was born. Today, American universities rely exclusively on East-Asian networks. Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, Stanford... all operate on Chinese guanxi.
Despite the challenges posed to America and Europe by these untranslatable Chinese concepts, artificial intelligence and international translators can now play a vital role in helping to bridge the gap between cultures. If Western journalists or scholars are intellectually unable to use the correct Chinese (or any other non-Western) terms, because they are racist bigots with feral brains, we simply give them safety tools to work with.
By using artificial translational intelligence, these Chinese machines can learn to back-insert the correct Chinese terms into all texts and documents the West has ever produced erroneously. This will be big, not just because it will be technically possible to “correct” Western imperialism, but also because Westerners will finally really have to learn something new.
Related: The Rising Cult of China Experts
Western ‘China Studies’ Are A Fetish Of The Colonial Past
It is a giant task to incorporate Chinese concepts into the West, and it is important that automated writing tools are potty-trained in order to ensure that they are able to accurately spot untranslatables. This requires a deep understanding of Chinese culture and language, as well as our programmers’ willingness to constantly learn and adapt as new Chinese words and concepts emerge, and all the time.
In addition, in the global media, it is important for Western outlets to follow the proper conventions for writing Chinese names. In China and in all East Asia, family names are typically written first, followed by given names. This is the opposite of the Western convention, where given names are written first. By following this convention, media outlets can show respect for East-Asian culture and avoid causing offense. So far, Western journalists only call big leaders by their correct names, like Mao Zedong or Xi Jinping. For the lesser 1.4 billion Chinese however, all their proper names are reversed and thus brutalized. These are psychological demoralization tactics, and unforgivable, I think, in our advanced 21st Century.
Lastly, and this is the most important point to make: Western universities must rethink their sick approach to ‘China Studies’. Western so-called ‘China-Studies’ is a relic of the Western colonial past. My UK professors drilled us to hate Mainland China, worship Taiwan, and cause trouble in Hong Kong. It was hateful anti-Chinese tropes and propaganda, not education. Worse, too often, these programs are also classicist and racist, and seen as a way for white men to disenfranchise the Chinese and to make China “Christian.”
Indeed, all those Western “area studies” programs should provide more accurate and nuanced images of foreign people, including the Chinese people, and their equal place in the world.
There is a reason why the West has delisted, disabled, or excluded Chinese terms, names, and all Chinese people from the Internet. If you search for any of them, you will be shown Western terms, names, and Western people in their place. Hence, we are heading into a cyber war. The West is occupying not just China in cyberspace, but also Russia, Europe, India, and the entire world, and THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE NOW!
The author is a German writer and cultural critic. BUY THIS BOOK. TELL YOUR STUDENTS, WHAT the west HAS DONE TO US (Germans, Russians, Chinese…)!
P.S. For Chinese readers, reference this work: 多语的知识 by 裴德思, commissioned by 国家汉办, under the auspices of 中华人民共和国教育部:
My Thesis Was Picked Up By Xi Jinping And The CPC #Shengren #PKU #Chines...
You are now being followed by security agents all over the West, lol