"The 🇬🇧🇺🇸Empire is built on rape, pillage and plunder. They hate China, Russia and Iran because, try as they may, the 🇬🇧🇺🇸have had limited success in making these countries bow down to 🇬🇧🇺🇸white supremacy." --Rebecca Chan ❤️❤️❤️

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Brilliant! Many thanks!

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Apr 5Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Fully agree with your assumption and direct experience. Very similar situation on anything related to Israel/Palestine/Iran etc. You critizise Israel you're labeled a Anti-Semite. But in 2024 who really is the biggest promoter of Anti - Semitism ? ISRAEL !

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Apr 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Pattberg and China: Pain and Love. So, do you believe, Professor, that the West should censor the "press soldiers" who are also accredited journalists who are protected by the UN Human Rights Office and the OHCHR's safety of journalists convention? Isn't the punishment more despicable than the original sin? What is the West without its freedom of speech? Curious to hear your opinion. Thanks.

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Apr 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Big money to be made in the No-Good-China Youtube space. God, do I hate unholy Serpentza, LaowY, Zeihan and the zealots at FaloonGung! F*kking insane China-bashers. They make FOX stinker Gordon Chang look pale in comparison! 🤯

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Apr 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Very entertaining. Do the Chinese know? 😆

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Apr 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Bravo, Doc P.! They make poor Chinese parents pay rich dollars for an American degree in which they learn how awful China is. Classic cognitive dissonance.

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Apr 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Chinese is an official language of the UN. But Chinese diplomats are on record who said that the Chinese office is patchy, slow, and undermanned. Western diplomats are purposely not fluent in Asian languages. As you said, it would be degrading.

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Apr 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

They told us that in China there are so many dialects in the Chinese language that even Chinese people don’t understand others in their own country, so don't even bother. The trouble with learning a language is the fact that if you aren’t exposed to it you will soon forget it. We learn stuff because we need to. We forget the stuff we don’t use. It’s just human nature. The Americans forced all their immigrants to learn American and pledge allegiance to the American flag. That seemed cruel but was necessary to build an empire, something that the Europeans didn't bother with and made them impotent. America will never allow the Chinese language. China could force all Americans in China to master the Chinese language. This would obviously cause World War Next. If America has the most genocidal language policies in the world, that doesn't mean any other country gets the same language policy to itself, because that would be genocide. Orwell called this doublethink or holding two opposite standards at the same time, one for America and one for the rest of the world. Chinese will be banned in America. Schools will be monitored. No Chinese for Americans at all cost. If China does the same, we bomb Eastasia.

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Apr 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Direct your anger towards the systems that oppress you, not towards the other victims or the man helping you to see them.--Dad

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Thorsten is gonna shake the Chosens again 😁

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Apr 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

But, but, It is illegal to defend yourself, Dr. P. The colonialist powers outlawed all kinds of global resistance. Hong Kong and Taiwanese people are so Western brainwashed, they want to get out of the China mindset and become honorary Western citizens. The Chinese patriots are hunted down or driven back into the jungle as terrorists and right-wing extremists, communists, or Maoists. As a Chinese from China mainland, if you want to study in America, the authorities will strip you naked and commence a security file that follows your footpath and every step you take in Western nations and throughout your life. All Chinese in America are tacked this way as potential suspects of China espionage and subversion. As you said, if humanity does not wake up to their Western slave masters, China and the other former civilizations stand no chance of survival. I‘ll give it twenty to fifty years. The surrender of China and its annexation.

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Apr 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

We need more of this content! I don't even really care about substack, I just wanna read these ahaha

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Apr 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

If there's anything positive I can say about Pattberg‘s marketing, is that he‘s very self aware. In a good way. Two thumbs up!

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It's about time to cry bloody murder on Western China Studies. T

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