Greetings! More insane harassment by the Thought Police. Amazon, the digital monopoly on books, won’t show you my China books exposing Western propaganda and lies EVEN if you type the EXACT TITLE into search! Shout-out to Indian scholar S. L. Kanthan for sharing this information.
It has become impossible for me to ignore the Western propaganda and lies, and, as a German scholar from Peking University, not to speak up against the militarization of “China Studies.”
How only anti-China journalists are recruited
Yes, only anti-China. You have to write hit pieces on China. If not, you are anti-democratic, anti-human rights, and an enemy of free speech.
You must join and ferment the mass-hatred against China or else you won’t find employment in the West as a China expert.
We have tens of thousands of happy Europeans in China who love China and defend China, but those are banned from our media, our academia, our flagship companies. Instead, only a few dozen (often US-trained) foreign agents from Europe control the Chinabild—the “China image” we get to see and hear about in our fake news.
There are only a handful of China correspondents from each Western nation, and they were better screened than diplomats or spies. I focused on the Harvard clique. They all had Harvard degrees or spent some time at Harvard, like I did. I called them the “Press Soldiers.” They are not journalists; they are paid servicemen or mercenaries hired to engage in acts of psychological terrorism, namely to attack Chinese leaders, to vaporize China’s achievements, to incite ethnic hatred among the tribes, and to fabricate false Chinese heroes and dissidents.
I compiled their hideous deeds in a Book: Press Soldiers. How Western journalists subvert and destabilize China.
This is the link, btw.:
Why Western academia is full of people who don’t speak Chinese or have any real knowledge about China
Speaking Chinese is a disadvantage. It puts you down there, with the Chinese. What you do is, you hire Chinese students as translators, or employ a lot of Chinese researchers. The more Chinese coolies you can afford, the higher your status among Western expats.
But this colonial mindset is not only the fault of the Westerners. The Chinese themselves are partly to blame. They treat Westerners with Western degrees as gods. They treat Chinese with Western degrees as semi-gods. They treat Chinese with Chinese degrees as nothing specials. But they look down with contempt on Westerners with Chinese degrees.
Why, because half of China wants to study in America, and what Western loser would want to come and study in China? And study what? Communism? I tell you what exactly, I shared a Chinese dormitory with six local students, we had trench toilets on our floor for over one hundred twenty Chinese proles! Disgusting. China was, and in many parts still is the Third World.
In short, becoming more like the West is the ultimate upgrade in the life of a Chinese person, while becoming more like China is the ultimate act of self-sabotage in the life of a Western person. You don’t believe it, because you don’t want to believe it—the truth is too painful: To mitigate some of the disadvantages that a China degree inflicts upon them, Westerners demand westernized degrees, westernized universities, westernized student dorms, and—always, always—American-English as the language of instruction in China.
That is also the reason why America and Europe banned the Confucius Institutes, the correct Chinese names, and all Chinese key terminologies from the Western hemisphere. Everything Chinese is regarded as inferior.
“China Studies” is a warfare against China
It is about possession. Or dispossession, if you're being colonized. You Indians know all about it. How the British took India, ruled over a billion people, how? It is magic. Deception and control spells. As for Germany, we had this mindcontrol system introduced to us by the so-called Humboldt University Reformation during the early 19th century. Let me explain this, because America inherited the German Research University. You must understand how academia works and what a university is:
Academia is a branch of the government. A university is producing fake artificial knowledge and histories for the government. Our university professors are civil servants, they are political appointments. All my Asian Studies professors from Harvard had worked for the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency CIA at some point.
Ezra Vogel worked for the CIA to bring down Japan. Roderick MacFarquhar was onto the Chinese Intellectuals, helping hundreds to desert to America. Tu Weiming frequently lectured the Harvard intelligence community, thus the CIA, on Chinese statecraft. He‘s from Taiwan. This is not a secret. Even our German China expert must spend some time at Harvard, where they will be “initiated.”
As to Western professors, we call them appointees. The appointed professors, by the state and for the state, and never for the people, create history from nothingness, from the blue air. This act of creation is time-proven and tested. Academia creates legends, heroes, dissidents, ages, histories from fairy hair and pixie dust.
Once you know this about professors and the universities, there is no way turning back from this:
You had “scholars” in the Sixteenth Century who went to Paris in France to study Greek. They invented Classical Antiquity and called it a Renaissance. It had nothing to do with Greece or Athens. They staged the Great Revival of the Greeks... in France in Paris!
Oh but the British empiricists must have been different! We Anglo-Saxons really did travel the world! Not so, not academia. Since the Seventeenth Century, you had “scholars” who went to Cambridge in England to study Chinese. Chinese Studies is an Anglo-Saxon invention. The Europeans called their China Studies “Sinology,” it turned out even more ideological. They invented China, the History of China, the Science of China, the Philosophy of China.
With the result that today, in order to study China and the Chinese Civilization, you have to go to Britain or the United States. China Studies is for Western China experts, is for government appointed Western professors, and is for the West. It has become a weapon.
Shaping of the China narrative through control of search engines, textbooks etc.
Yes, we Germans call that Deutungshoheit. This is a term from high philosophy. It means "having the sovereignty over the definition of thought."
These things are only taught at PhD level. We control the lesser people through power language. We avoid foreign terms. We only use Latin, Greek, German, or English terms. We will never give any critic a platform, never. Everything is owned by the West: culture, ideas, concepts, history, art, philosophy, and the Sciences™--In case you haven‘t noticed.
If you enroll for a bachelor degree in China Studies anywhere in the West, you will be forced to cite Western China professors (to make them bigger), to identify Confucianism as moral tyranny, the dynasties as backward, to separate Tibet, Taiwan, and Xinjiang, and to hate the Chinese government, Chinese communism, and Chinese lack of creativity, whatever that means. For a master degree in China Studies, you will learn everything about how the Chinese eat dogs, copy Western technologies, manipulate their currency, poop on democracy, and plagiarize in academia.
And if you dare to take a year off and study in China to see it for yourself, the spiteful West will terminate your relationship and chase you out of your degree. It is disgusting.
Who are the “Meta” people who skip the line and advance ahead of others?
I used the term “meta people” in one of my essays at Tsinghua University because it can be universally understood in these day and age of recurring Greek prefixes. You know, Greek prefixes like anti-, anarcho-, anthropo-, or crypto-… the latter which means hidden, by the way. “Meta-” is Greek and means beyond. The meta people, as I have described them [in ‘Finis Sinarum’], are above the law and beyond humanity. They are beyond humans, essentially. You have such superior beings in India too, plenty of them. The Brahmin class, the Taoists, the High Priests, the Israelis… all have traversed the Fifth Dimension. They are not the descendants of mammals like us, and not of angels either; and they are also definitely not mere mortals, not mere humans.
They have discovered and live “in creation.” When those meta—beyond human—people talk to us about human rights, they really mean it: They want to give us humans some rights, some rights for the mere humans, how nice of them. Note, that we need all the rights we can get since we are living on their human farm.
I described in my works the portals they have erected at Peking University, in Harvard, in Paris, and so on. Our rulers and their meta people simply traverse through these portals. It is a metaphor for total planetary synchronicity. They are interconnected, control our realities, and they can be everywhere, anytime, and all at once. If you don’t get involved and act now, China stands no chance.
P.S. Buy a copy of Press Soldiers or Finis Sinarum. This will give you some clarity on where we secretly stand in the West on China.
It's about time to cry bloody murder on Western China Studies. T
Big money to be made in the No-Good-China Youtube space. God, do I hate unholy Serpentza, LaowY, Zeihan and the zealots at FaloonGung! F*kking insane China-bashers. They make FOX stinker Gordon Chang look pale in comparison! 🤯