Just exploring the wonderful and fascinating world of multi-world creation with Pattberg, one of the most brilliant and underrated german philosophers of the 21th century!
I enjoy reading these thoughts of yours. I wish I was in a café in 自由が丘 where I could directly converse with you about them. The CPC has taken good positions in many of the world's issues. However as much the Marxo-homo / Globohomo conspiracy attempts to slander China as you say, its note worthy that in many way, it is also their baby. I often think of Canadian Jewish oil investor Maurice Strong, who Al Gore sent to spearhead fake hockey stick graphs at the UN by creating the IPCC, dying in his Beijing condo. Or the Chinese government sitting down in Panama trying to flood the United States with bodies in preparation for the next census where voting apportionment will be decided by the count of both citizen and non-citizen bodies, and coordination with their violent, Marxist, Malthusian death cult Democrats. Economic anti-collectivist individualism is the very engine that has powered China in lifting more people out of poverty than any system before it. And yet the single party rule they did not revise is the envy of the ruling class everywhere. Especially the global sometimes zionist sometimes Bolshevik minorities who organize most of the bloodshed on this planet.
Thanks, much appreciate your input. We are a shelter and a home. We are a growing international community. You are not alone. More on the China situation soon. Stay in touch! All the Best! T
Don't care about the dying Anglo-Saxon Empire, they hate China and will do anything to disrespect the Chinese.
Years ago, Time publishers were asked to tone down their abuse of the fake CCP namesake. The answer came promptly:
TIME: How the CCP Is Redefining What It Means to Be Chinese
There is no hope for these hateful people. Years ago, I read the Asia Times, which had its headquarters in Hong Kong. Did these people know anything about China and the Chinese people? No nothing! They hired Western freelancers. Here is Asia Times for you:
Asia Times: Is the CCP a legitimate representative of the Chinese people?
Asia Times later went online only, and then went bankrupt. A new American investor was found, but to this day they can't find honest writers.
The list of fake media is long: the Council of Foreign Relations, Bloomberg, the Washington Post, etc. will never stop falsely labeling the Communist Party of China the CCP out of pure sadism and spite.
They even had the audacity to order the US Embassy in Beijing to use the false “CCP” in all their official communications, constantly mocking China’s State Department. I don't know where Chinese diplomats learned to endure such extraordinary ignominy, and yet I said nothing. The Chinese have to learn to stand up for themselves.
Don't even try to argue with these hateful bigots at the foreign correspondents club. They know what they are doing in China, and they do it because they need to feel like masters over foreign nations. Here's the Washington Post for you:
Washington Post: Blame the Chinese Communist Party!
I'm in the UK but I don't watch the news, they demonised the England flag as offensive many years ago but the union jack has always been a united flag non offensive... So that angers me it's now deemed offensive clearly by those who aren't British or maybe mentally ill... Brits used move to other countries and tell them their flag/government/rule of law is offensive. See how that goes in ten, twenty years. Bloody shameful how they treated China but nations won't change.
In the spring of 2010 a huge black triangle craft stopped directly over my head. My experience with the extra testicles opened my eyes to the real world we live in. Since that night I've focused on considering the powers that truly control our world. Nobody that has that much control is doing so for OUR benefit. They always do it for selfish reasons.
Its very rare that I find those people which is why I'm so glad I stumbled across this channel today!
China of today is not China of yesterday.
George Carlin said it in these words; "it's a big Club, and you ain't in it".
All sorts of things. Just to belittle the Chinese, we use belittling Chinese names.
Pattberg is a mix of ancient Chinese wisdom and German boldness.
My admiration for Dr. Pattberg is growing ever greater, he is a madman. In a good way.
Great. Looking forward to the book in print.
What is your IDT Institute doing today?
Right on! Thanks so much for this in depth analysis of the missing Chinese words in world history! It is about time!
Dear Dr. Pattberg, I like your writings. Now, I prefer to have a real book on the shelf. Which one should I start with?
Just exploring the wonderful and fascinating world of multi-world creation with Pattberg, one of the most brilliant and underrated german philosophers of the 21th century!
I enjoy reading these thoughts of yours. I wish I was in a café in 自由が丘 where I could directly converse with you about them. The CPC has taken good positions in many of the world's issues. However as much the Marxo-homo / Globohomo conspiracy attempts to slander China as you say, its note worthy that in many way, it is also their baby. I often think of Canadian Jewish oil investor Maurice Strong, who Al Gore sent to spearhead fake hockey stick graphs at the UN by creating the IPCC, dying in his Beijing condo. Or the Chinese government sitting down in Panama trying to flood the United States with bodies in preparation for the next census where voting apportionment will be decided by the count of both citizen and non-citizen bodies, and coordination with their violent, Marxist, Malthusian death cult Democrats. Economic anti-collectivist individualism is the very engine that has powered China in lifting more people out of poverty than any system before it. And yet the single party rule they did not revise is the envy of the ruling class everywhere. Especially the global sometimes zionist sometimes Bolshevik minorities who organize most of the bloodshed on this planet.
Pattberg is an autistic genius who ended up in Asia and gave the Asians back their key terminologies.
Thanks, much appreciate your input. We are a shelter and a home. We are a growing international community. You are not alone. More on the China situation soon. Stay in touch! All the Best! T
Don't care about the dying Anglo-Saxon Empire, they hate China and will do anything to disrespect the Chinese.
Years ago, Time publishers were asked to tone down their abuse of the fake CCP namesake. The answer came promptly:
TIME: How the CCP Is Redefining What It Means to Be Chinese
There is no hope for these hateful people. Years ago, I read the Asia Times, which had its headquarters in Hong Kong. Did these people know anything about China and the Chinese people? No nothing! They hired Western freelancers. Here is Asia Times for you:
Asia Times: Is the CCP a legitimate representative of the Chinese people?
Asia Times later went online only, and then went bankrupt. A new American investor was found, but to this day they can't find honest writers.
The list of fake media is long: the Council of Foreign Relations, Bloomberg, the Washington Post, etc. will never stop falsely labeling the Communist Party of China the CCP out of pure sadism and spite.
They even had the audacity to order the US Embassy in Beijing to use the false “CCP” in all their official communications, constantly mocking China’s State Department. I don't know where Chinese diplomats learned to endure such extraordinary ignominy, and yet I said nothing. The Chinese have to learn to stand up for themselves.
Don't even try to argue with these hateful bigots at the foreign correspondents club. They know what they are doing in China, and they do it because they need to feel like masters over foreign nations. Here's the Washington Post for you:
Washington Post: Blame the Chinese Communist Party!
Case closed.
"Hong Kong finally achieved full sovereignty!
CIA subversive elements like the NED, Radio Free Asia & fake journalists have already left.
Article 23 puts an end to US/UK imperialist foothold in China.
Next is Taiwan, but it will take a while."
--S. L. Kanthan
I'm in the UK but I don't watch the news, they demonised the England flag as offensive many years ago but the union jack has always been a united flag non offensive... So that angers me it's now deemed offensive clearly by those who aren't British or maybe mentally ill... Brits used move to other countries and tell them their flag/government/rule of law is offensive. See how that goes in ten, twenty years. Bloody shameful how they treated China but nations won't change.
In the spring of 2010 a huge black triangle craft stopped directly over my head. My experience with the extra testicles opened my eyes to the real world we live in. Since that night I've focused on considering the powers that truly control our world. Nobody that has that much control is doing so for OUR benefit. They always do it for selfish reasons.
So true, spot on! My favorite writer!