Mr. Anglin, I appreciate your writings but please do realize that the correct name of the Communist Party of China is CPC—not CCP.
The incorrect CCP is a common insult and repeated by Western commandos in order to delegitimize the Chinese government as another failed (albeit Chinese) “Communist Party”—the ones that were all banned or prohibited in Europe, or murdered in Western wars of aggression (Vietnam, Korea, Soviet Union…).
Please note that the substituting of the sovereign C that stands for “China,” a country, for an imaginary C that now stands for “Chinese,” a race, was a deliberate Western psycho operation to insert racism and sinophobia into the conversation [the fear of everything Chinese].
Please also consult the horrible literature on the Western abuses of the Chinese people throughout history, painting them as Yellow Peril or subrace, drugging them with opioids, or belittling any of their racial achievements by adding “Chinese” to the matter, as in “Chinese Democracy” (=dictatorship), “Chinese Philosophy” (=wisecrack), or Chinese Medicine (=pseudoscience). The correct name, CPC, meanwhile bears no such incitement to racism or ethnocentrism.
C For Communists, C for Corn?
It is perfectly understandable that some corn-watching, rabble-rousering anti-Chinese agitator was deliberately desecrating a country’s good government. However, this is not the case here, where the false CCP renaming is pushed in synchronicity by all the Western media monopolies, starting with AP and Reuters, the Council of Foreign Relations, The New York Times, The Economist, The Guardian,… and trickling down to over ten thousand second and third-tier publications all over the West, kicking good journalistic practice in the face.
Either that, or “Western journalism” had always doubled down on brainwash and make-belief, once caught: Why else on earth would the rules-based press soldiers change CPC to “CCP,” but say, not USA to “USSA,” or DEI to “DIE?” This would be regarded as infantile and, frankly, retarded. So now you know how infantile and retarded those Western propagandists come across to us readers.
That is not to discredit the effectiveness of mass propaganda, not at all. Mass propaganda obviously works, there is no denying it. Over the last twenty years, China’s media hired a lot of Western copy editors and Westernized overseas turtles who now inserted the false CCP propaganda into newspapers, journals, and even the news in mainland China. It is rather astonishing to see CPC publications cheering “the glorious CCP’s achievements.”
When in doubt, those writers probably reassured themselves about the correct spelling of the government on the Internet. But the Internet is a US monopoly, and highly censored, so all sources, be it online encyclopedias or news landing pages or official websites such as the Pentagon, universities, and think tanks, have switched from the correct CPC to the false CCP narrative. This has led to the “Inverse Reality” fallacy in the West, wherein reporters who use the correct names are labeled fake news, while reporters who deliberately use the false names are given the greatest exposure and global reach.
CCP The One Child!
The incorrect “CCP” slur is also a sabotage act on the ‘One China policy’. The One China policy basically means that China and the West agree that there is only One China, alright.
But of course for America, the “One China” is the government of Taiwan, the “Republic of China”, and NOT the Chinese “Communist Party.”
The correct names are all-important, and it is known to scholars and historians that the first thing the rules-based Imperialists do is to rename the names of their enemies. So the British didn’t say Bharat but India. They didn’t say Zhongguo but China. Just endless humiliations.
The Americans said Nazi Germany, not Deutschland. And the West says the Chinese Communist Party. It basically signals “We call you whatever we want, and f*ck your real names.” It is a method of mind terror and subjugation.
Patience With The Retards?
So I asked the family-friendly, politically sanitized ChatGPT 4.0 who exactly was responsible or this massacre, and, of course, the thinking machine defaulted. It cannot for the life of it explain how intelligent persons IN ALL WESTERN MEDIA make the same mistake, and in total unison:
“The use of the acronym "CCP" instead of "CPC" for the Communist Party of China (CPC) is likely a result of translation or transcription errors. The correct acronym is indeed CPC, standing for Communist Party of China.”
Oh yeah, just “a translation error” then! No hard feelings, except, we asked those China expert idiots and over seven hundred of their media outlets from CNN over Fox News to the Wall Street Journal a million times over the last twenty years that they should be stopping the deliberately false transcription. They didn’t. They won’t.
The correct name of the CPC is CPC.
Eat [redacted]!
JUST NOW: Amazon, the digital monopoly on books, won‘t show you my China books exposing Western propaganda and lies EVEN if you type the EXACT TITLE into search! 🤯😔#Censorship #PressSoldiers @Kanthan2030
In the spring of 2010 a huge black triangle craft stopped directly over my head. My experience with the extra testicles opened my eyes to the real world we live in. Since that night I've focused on considering the powers that truly control our world. Nobody that has that much control is doing so for OUR benefit. They always do it for selfish reasons.