Arnold had a secret, second life in Japan in the 80s and 90s, hidden from his Western fanboys. That was possible back then because we had no internet to google such things.
Let's not forget what America did to Japanese economy in the 80s and 90s - ever! Total termination. Embargo, sanctions. It was much bigger than the embargo and sanctions in the 20s and 30s, but the Japanese are too meek to talk about their pain. The US said to Japan, look you can draw manga and anime and imitate German manufacturing and compete with those other war losers. After Japan was thus specialized, of course the US would now destroy the manga and anime market with Disney and DC and Marvel and Pixar and a million others, and replace Japanese technology with US technologies. Japan now has nothing left. So isolated. So vulnerable. The only way forward for Japan is joining NATO and USA as a new member state. This way, the pain of loser guy is soothed.
Arnold had a secret, second life in Japan in the 80s and 90s, hidden from his Western fanboys. That was possible back then because we had no internet to google such things.
It is more and more Western toys and games.
“Dear random person, you have a great taste in literature.“ –Giovanni Poggo
“One of the Internet‘s most depressing anthologies of horror and despair, and the ultimate guide to mental suicide.“ –Tim the Ghost
“Beyond belief, I have never read anything like it. Our world is going to pot!“ –IceMan
“The writing style is so realistic and fake at the same time it‘s mind blowing but my grandpa died.” –Grimmer
“Smurfette was the only female in The Smurfs, and the Smurfs on average had 4 times the number of sex partners than… never mind.“ –Kumbaya
“The Menticide Manual is one of the best series on the Internet ever written. And anyone who says otherwise is WRONG.“ –hwarang
“Dude had more passion in one friggin tune than 1000 pop stars now.“ –Rich Gouette
“A moment of silence for those who have not found the Menticide Manual.“ –Just a Normal guy
Those Hollywood actors make a lot of their income from side hustles in Asia where they are worshiped like buddhas.
Let's not forget what America did to Japanese economy in the 80s and 90s - ever! Total termination. Embargo, sanctions. It was much bigger than the embargo and sanctions in the 20s and 30s, but the Japanese are too meek to talk about their pain. The US said to Japan, look you can draw manga and anime and imitate German manufacturing and compete with those other war losers. After Japan was thus specialized, of course the US would now destroy the manga and anime market with Disney and DC and Marvel and Pixar and a million others, and replace Japanese technology with US technologies. Japan now has nothing left. So isolated. So vulnerable. The only way forward for Japan is joining NATO and USA as a new member state. This way, the pain of loser guy is soothed.
Ist ja in Deutschland nicht anders. Guter Post, mach weiter!