Mar 8Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

The dragon and long are energy streams, eastern nations especially China understand this and that is why they are revered. The west always has to have an enemy to slay. The Celts knew about the flow of nature's energy, look what happened to them, called names, killed and converted to the one God. Nature's way was the feminine way but the worship of the female gods were banned. We have today the inability of the west to revere the divine feminine. But human souls are lost and are crying out for what they do not know. If they would turn inward and find their opposite within, they would start to heal. Feng Shui, Geomancy. The art of placement. Ley lines are the flow of Earth's energy. The Chinese understand this. Europe's ley lines were changed and used through the use of the sacred sites, like Stonehenge, the placing of stones, planting trees, guiding the flow of water. Creating harmony. The ancients knew this. Dragons are not evil, they are symbolic of Earth's energy fields.

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Feb 4Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

...dragons in hogwash ! Now Satan should be our buddy, feathered & wreathing in the cerebral abysses of human cultural delinquency.

Ô but the dragon ball is only a simple vial where we've imprisoned the universal mercury of our ancestors' semen. Dispersed within the infinite spaciousness of our encaged vitality. Navigating the blood froth in our hearts. It runs in our veins. This is the GRAIL.

Saint George "slays" but never kills. The Holy Knight must endeavor in the COMBAT up to the FATAL TERMINUS. Il nargue le dragon, et oui, il est parfois vantard & taquin. Il apporte le SALUT (moksha) à sa belle demoiselle, nichée quelque part dans le ventre de sa bien-aimée Mégère (le DRAGON: être vital, force forte de toute force) qu'incarne l'AUTRE!

We ride the dragon.

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Feb 4Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

I wonder if the celestial aspect of Chinese long comes from their being used as a metaphor for comets and their concomitant woes (if the research of Hagstrum et al. is anything to go by). Some of the ancient characters attributed to 龍 look rather squat and earthbound for celestial beings.


As always, great article, Dr P!

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Feb 4Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD


You make a very important point, that ancient cultures offer their own explanations for this existence, and that translations only approximate their explanation. I can tell you have a great respect for Chinese culture, and attempt to educate us on the subtleties and sophistication therein.

I do attempt, despite my wounds and the reality of persistent efforts of a globalist elite to cancel everything and everyone, to approach this cultural view on its own terms to build understanding.

Your premise, that the loong is not simply a dragon raises questions in my own mind regarding clouds, water, and Chi.

I am not Chinese, but I do believe they have a right to their perspective and destiny. As you probably are quite aware, here in the west there is only one group allowed both perspective and destiny, and such occurs at the expense of everything and everyone else. I think this condition creates a meanness of spirit, a kind of existential bankruptcy, not only in the victims, but also in the perpetrators themselves.

May the loong bring to this world the gifts sorely needed in these times.

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Feb 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

The fact that all cultures had their special versions of "dragons", some with feathers and claws, others as reptiles, clearly shows that such beasts must have existed, and that they were probably romanticized "dinosaurs". This also explains why the Chinese only had their snake-shaped "loong", while the Europeans had these heavy monstrosities, and the Egyptians had their giant crocodiles. Excellent insights about China. Thank you!

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Feb 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan are both Jews. It's fitting they would take a grandiose name like Long, in the way the European Ashkenazi took names like "Castle" and "Gold".



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Feb 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Dragons, like all myths, firmly embedded in our collective genetic memory, have their basis in reality having existed so far ago in the mists of antiquity that any hard evidence of their presence has long since vanished. Factor in the tremendous losses stemming from periodic, cataclysmic, wipe-out. What once was, can always be again.

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Feb 3Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Actually, doctor the Dragon was venerated in the West before Christianity neutered western man. The Vikings used them as ornamentation on the prows of their ships and they were the symbol of Magick. Which is why characters like St. George and Tristan had to be invented so bejesus could overcome them in the minds of Kölns ("Rome") deluded sheep. In the Qabalah Seraphim (Dragons) are the fiery angels who defend all that is sacred in the World of Formation (Yetzirah). They reside in the realm of Fear (Geburah) and are kind of like Gods bouncers. Take a look at what's in front of the UN building in New York City as they proceed with their plans to murder the world.

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