Thank you Thorsten Pattberg, it's a blessing to hear such words from an expert. Take care of yourself and keep on giving us your courageous contributions for a long time to come.

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Your treaties on language imperialism and global language are superb!

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Xi is too busy overseeing the decline. The West really pushes for war against China. Wait, until the Russia war is over. China is next with almost absolute 100% certainty.

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China again, uh em. I agree with everything you said most of the times.

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It's funny to me. The last few years I have been wondering if I could consider myself as successful. Me, late 60s. Raised 5 kids to adulthood. All productive citizens. Within the last year each of my kids have told me that they hope to end up in the situation I'm in. Retired with a 6 figure income. Relatively healthy and able to enjoy my hobbies. After listening to you, looking back, I guess I haven't done too bad

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The East Asians have ruined their history, culture, and economies, finally, thanks to the Rona-Virus measures. They won't come back from this. Taiwan will provoke the war with China, just like the Ukraine provoked the war with Russia. The USA has won over the planet. The virus attack was the key moment. They do this any time again they want. What can China do? What can Russia do? Crisis upon crisis that makes the enemies weaker and breaks their spirit. While the US controls everything now, from bioware to cyberware and global supply chains, legal framework, currencies, ideology... EVERYTHING.

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Jolly, I didn't know all that. What is the point of proving that China is an old civilization. Every person on earth is proof that their ancestors made it. This is just pseudo-science. I do understand, however, that China has got to do research im archeology and genetics, because if it doesn't then the West will dictate a fake superior Western history for them. (P.S. Every government should write its own history. Just like individuals.) Thanks!

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the author did not expect such comments, in Chinese saying, spring breeze blows through the donkey's ears.

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I don't care how much "Confidence" the Chairman wants Asians to fake, at the bottom of evolution you don't get to be confident. You are either meta, alpha or beta (simps), or you are gamma and infra and subhuman. You cannot train an Zejiang Chinese to feel super confident around a group of Germans, Dutch, or New York Jews. Every group of humans by automatition knows its place. Sure, on an individual level there are rare mutants. But that doesn't bother with the general rule. This while China talk about getting your act together or learn to be confident like an American reminds me of the pick-up artist scene or new age self-help groups. It doesn't work. You cannot fake it, because confidence comes naturally. Not, because you want it. Xi Jinping as the father of a nation will push his sons to the limits of course. That is important psychology, no doubt. However, it would be better if all came naturally to them. Kudos, for ridiculing the power fantasies of the East-Asians. No, Mr Chang and Mr Lee, wearing a diaper masks and washing your hands 25 times a day does not make you attractive. And now get your Jewish Pfizer Jabs and mask off again, please!

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Thank you that there are so many of us and that there are more and more of us. I VERY much hope that it doesn't take much longer!!!

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The problem with confidence coaches is that they all lie and are pretty insecure. If a nation becomes a lying confidence coach... then we got a serious insecurity complex.

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I agree. Japan is watching the Soccer World Cup and sees all those maskless players and officials and fans. Oh, sorry. They don't see any of it, because National Broadcaster NHK ONLY show the playing field, not the stadium. Glad, Japan lost and went home. Now those moron players have to mask up again if the want to be living in Japan.

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Japan went home. Siccer Cip is over for them. So it is for the Koreans. Why do they even play soccer? Because as colonial serfs they were told to ply Western sports.

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Nice thumbnail. I was expecting white paper pants.

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Taiwan is running tv shows on heretics who defy masks mandates on public transports. Fines up to 5000 Taiwanese dollars for the poor wretches. Witch hunts. And better than live tv shows. Sure they love corona and can now show off to white nations how clean and considered they are. They don't sell perfume in the Far East like we do in Europe. They think Europeans smell like bears and foxes. And generally Europeans are considered dirty and unclean, but still better than South Asians who all smell like curry and feet. The masks in East Asia are the new style. Watch East Asians do that globally now just to annoy everyone. I am just worried about the babies and kids. They are forced to wear masks all day. It is worse than the Islamic burqa, because it us ideological, not religion. Political message: You are a disease, we have to cover up! We are better than you! 🤮

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I think law and order and organization is great. Germany was once like this. Coherent and disciplined. Now there is too much diversity. America is even worse. No discipline at all. It is the battle between order, the East, and Chaos, the West.

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It is true. There is a Confidence doctrine. For many years now. Renewed in 10/2022. Should be all over the news but... Crickets.

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It was reported in the alternative media a few months ago as a campaign to recruit into the military and make men more "macho," rejecting the k-pop tranny stuff. It was positively received.

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Madame China can only do wrong in the eyes of Mister West. It is the eternal relation between the abused and her abuser. @niubi @GordonGChang #AntiChina #EastWest #InternationalAbuse #PressSoldiers

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What's most baffling to me is that China is doing the lockdowns to begin with. The CDC admitted over 75% of cases had 4+ co-morbidities. Take away the co-morbidities and "/with" cases and you're left with a normal flu season. The CoV is just a numbers game based on a bogus test.

What are they really accomplishing by locking down healthy people who've tested positive? They surely must know.

I mean, in the beginning, China was specifically targeted with a bioweapon affecting predominantly Asians, https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/6371/ but unless they still are facing something deadlier than the current variant and are not saying, why bother with the prospect of bad press and domestic strife?

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