“its a big club, and you ain't in it”

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I liked China. I liked it better than Europe. But that could be because the Chinese are passive and keep face, while the Europeans are outright aggressive and shameless.

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British: We want piece........just a piece of everyone's country.

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Many misinterpret Dr. Pattberg’s arguments. He never proposed improving translations of Chinese concepts. He argued that they are untranslatable, seeing translation as an imperialistic act that violates the integrity of language.

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The British never got over their loss of total control of the world. What is the name for this syndrome of civilization loss and despair?

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The system we live in today is so full of greed, corruption, and is so flawed it's unsustainable we are close to seeing it all tumble down around us. And that is when the real fight for all our futures and children will begin.

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Mariam[翻译自法语.] 非常感谢你提出卑鄙西方及其对中国制裁的问题。我认识北京的裴德思先生,他是一个孤独的狼战士学者,没有得到德国政府或英国大学的支持。曾就读于中国复旦大学、北京大学,并曾在中国社会科学院、国家汉办、高等人文研究院工作。他是第一个拥有一切的德国人,他因对西方对中国概念的错误翻译的看法而受到西方的审查并被西方学术界降职。他在中国的导师是辜正坤教授、杜维明教授、段晴教授等等,都是亚洲研究的天才。我相信他在英国的中国研究教授们欠我们一个道歉。几个世纪以来,英国人民对中国做了可怕的事情,窃取了中国重要的术语、概念,如“道”、“儒”、“佛教”、“无为”、“文明”以及中国“圣人”文化传统等。当我们在中国留学的西方朋友公开谈论这一点时,他们会受到排斥。这必须停止。恢复裴德思先生的职务。他必须在中国成为一名教授。

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谢谢你,Mariam SX!我们无法改变西方。这也意味着我们确切地知道中国将会发生什么。小心!https://www.amazon.com/Finis-Sinarum-China-Cannot-This/dp/B0BNG5JB31

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Your UK professor is like my US professor. They have their marching orders.

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Yet another piece on the internet that deserves a lot more recognition! Beautiful work!

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Gorgeous picture collages and beautiful rare insights into corrupt China academia! China Studies can go to hell! Go for it! Chinese and other Asians of the world, prepare for RAWWW!

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Universities were once considered places of absolut freedom for rare geniuses who would then go on and selflessly better the human condition. Today, they are compulsory indoctrination camps for the mediocre and stupid masses, including prostitutes, degenerates, illiterates, and halfwits. It makes sense that your halfwits professors at Edimburgh University in the UK would send you to their colonies Hong Kong or Taiwan... and then if you don't go, get into a fit of rage and ruin your name and studies, and sabotage your graduation. At least you made it out and to China. Think about the hundreds of yesmen who have nowhere to go, have parents with a good name to lose, and therefor of course do all that Hong Kong and Taiwan UK brainwash thing, get grants, fake degrees, promitions, free airfares, stipends, more fake PhDs and PostDoc opportunites, and piss down the throats of the canceled bodies of real geniuses who were kicked to the roadside. I hate the system and I am glad I got my Masters degree but the got out of there just in time before that while wokeness thing started. I can't see anyone with brains surviving in Western academia. The brains do their own thing now. They need real stimulation, not simulation. Rage, rage, rage against the machine!

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is this you also, thorsten?

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You obviously allied with the evil orcs. No Western platforms for evil orcs and their wormtongues from the east. I am being sarcastic, obviously. The situation is hopeless. And the Western academic generals are all in this. And Western tech, Western finance, Western media. They have completely erased China and others, and build new ones. Like the new China where good Taipei is actually the real government, not evil Beijing. 🇹🇼😄🇨🇳😞

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The Chinese wenming is now completely cut off from the world. Whatever I "google" on the Internet related to China, I get US websites and US experts speaking for them: Wikipedia, Amazon, NewYorkTimes, Google Books, Youtube, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, CNN, .edu, Reddit, Instagram... IT JUST AINT RIGHT! This is worse than genocide. At least, with genocide, you are leaving traces. But if you kill off a civilization by deletion and censorship, all traces disappear. Thanks for this post! I think I bought half of your books already. Amazing! And eye-opening!

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Thanks for an interesting interview. I think you managed to plug at least half of your books!

"commentators Wu Qina and Wang Mengyuan. They long suspected there was something wrong with Western China Studies, especially all the fabricated lies about Xinjiang, the Confucius Institutes, and even coronavirus and the zero-Covid policy"

If you could hyperlink to things like this in the future, it would be appreciated by at least myself. I'm unable to find any of this. I had to go to Russia's Yandex to even have their names turn up in search results.

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