BERLIN - I cannot describe enough to foreigners what’s up with the German regime these days: Gay Soccer, Childlessness, Vaccines, Race Mixing, Jews, War!
When I take screen shots off the German mainstream and try to counsel the outside world, these images are held back on social media for degeneracy, even if it is the German regime press that is promoting it EVERY SINGLE DAY.
So now Germany mandates queer soccer and forces national players who don’t want to be persecuted as homophobes to wear pink. I guess, the plan is to build a HumanFarm™ in Western Europe and for us to shut up about it until they’ve completed it, then we go straight to EU-gulag. The laws are in place.
Note: There is double-standard at work, of course: The regime press can print whatever it wants, and Porn, Hitler, and Antisemitism are Germany’s greatest click-bait and the industry’s greatest source of income! Panem et circenses - Give them bread and circuses!
Also, notice how Brussels and Paris are so busy cracking down on the naysayers and Berlin is persecuting 60,000 regime critics that there are no resources left for building satellites or nice houses anymore, too bad.
Oh, and yeah, they are preparing for war against the Right and Russia and China but inside of Europe.
Which means they have no bags to go outside and start the real thing, but “fantasize” they are doing it hard so that they can justify the jailing of dissidents at home under martial law.
It is all going according to plan. [Sigh]
Here’s how they’re doing it→The Fourth Reich. It explains law and philosophy of these people. It explains how it resembles the Revolution of 1848. It is that good at explaining!
This is madness!
That's HELL for you when you cross the Jews as hard as the Germans did. Now it's homo soccer and decriminalizing child pornography + legalizing prostitution and drugs + supporting genocide in Gaza in "the best Germany that ever was". It's going to be Third World. The Jews demand deindustrialization of Europe, the Germans oblige. They have little to offer so they virtue signal race swap and gay sex hard.