They Will Blame WW III On Germany Too
A Berlin-Tokyo-Washington Axis in Asia; The Germany-EU-NATO Lebensraum Expansion in Europe
Olaf Scholz I. the Forgetful is the current chancellor of Germany. His ‘the Forgetful’ title is owed to the fact that Olaf cannot remember in any meaningful way his involvement in a certain multi-year European banking tax scam. [Just look it up: The Cum-Ex affair and Warburg Bank.]
In early October 2022, it was announced that Scholz and about 200 of his farmhands will be visiting Xi Jinping in China in early November. Scholz obviously wants to be the first head of state to congratulate Mr. Xi in person after the Chairman was confirmed by the 20th CPC‘s Party Congress [The Communist Party of China] for a third term.
A State Visit so Grotesque and Redundant
Scholz I. the Forgetful has completely forgotten that he was in Tokyo in August for 26 hours and asked the Japanese to sanction and cripple China‘s economy. The Chinese side was watching your actions on TV, you damn moron!
Scholz I. the Forgetful has also completely forgotten that his government sent euro-fighter planes and warships to the South China Sea in order to threaten Beijing with World War III.
Not only that, but it also escaped the German chancellor that the European Union had just so demoted China as, I quote: “rival system” [meaning the antagonist to the West], and the United Nations had just vilified China as, quote: “a human rights offender and a threat to the rules-based international order.”
Scholz isn‘t going to smile a lot in Beijing, lest he forgets that one of his henchwomen, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, had recently visit Japan, too, and called upon the Japanese shoguns to escalate tensions with Russian and China and join Germany and the EU in a full-scale hybrid war against “the enemies of democracy.”
This is World War 3, and the Germans started it.
Why did the Germans start it, and not Russia, China, or the United States? Well, because the Germans are the closet assholes that will be blamed for all World Wars. This theory is especially tempting because Scholz will forget everything ever happened anyway, so let us begin:
1. Scholz forgot he and his ilk started World War I and II
It is taught in schools around the world that Germany started World War I as a capitalist democracy and World War II as a socialist dictatorship.
It really doesn’t matter which political and economic system is on the start in Berlin. Germany starts a World War with everyone anyway.
2. Scholz forgot the Germans are the Nazis
It is politically correct to say that normal Germans were innocent during World War II. An evil dictator had come to power and the normal Germans just followed the orders of a tyrant. The orders were: a) to expand the German Reich to the east (new Lebensraum) and b) to defeat communism. Expansion and communism.
Forward 84 years and, starting in 2014, Germany is now expanding AGAIN to the east, just not in the name of the Reich but in the name of NATO and the EU. Defeating communism remains the same. But Scholz and his forgetful government don’t see it this way, he said: This time, Germany fights Russia not against Stalin but against Putin. So it is different. And Russia wasn‘t even Russia back then but the Soviet Union, so that is also different. Also, Putin was democratically elected. Scholz is not. The Germans can‘t elect any specific person. Anyways, in the history books, the Germans are the evil Nazis. Not the Russians. The Russians are the enemies of the Nazis, the communists.
3. Scholz forgot the German Reich had allies too
Also, in World War II, Germany allied with Japan, Italy, and Spain. That basically proves that Germany was alone. This time—World War III—it is totally different, according to Scholz: This time, Germany is not alone, the man insists: Berlin is not gonna fight Russia and China alone, no way. It would look like World War II again, so No thank you. Instead, Berlin now allies with France, England, and the United States. Evidently, this time, at last, Berlin is on the winning side of a World War. Nice.
4. Scholz forgot Germany was at war with China many times
For this one, Mr. Scholz cannot be blamed because he was born behind a bush in Großlohe near Oldenfeld and has no noble bloodline. However, it is true that the German Emperor Wilhelm II. went to war with Beijing in 1900. Then again in 1941, China was, alongside Russia and America, part of the anti-Hitler war pact. So China and Germany were at war. This entangles somehow with point 2 I was making above, that Berlin is essentially re-enacting World War II in this new World War III with the East.
5. Scholz forgot Germany was an export nation
Being labeled as another world’s leading export nation for machinery (not goods or services) could be seen as not so boff. After all, Germany is US-occupied. We would expect a colony to become an export nation. Truth be told, functioning as a construction plant for the US Empire of Sanctions [and Lies] does not really benefit the native Germans. Exporting a lot of machinery for the Empire sounds great in the Annual Report for the Empire—if only ordinary Germans would also get filthy rich. They don‘t, actually. Germany's bottom half owns nothing. Its major companies are up to 80% US foreign-owned. Scholz has no such memories, of course, and went ahead in February 2022 with cutting Germany off cheap Russian energy and low-cost Chinese goods. Don‘t need foreign meddling. Turns out, Russian energy and Chinese goods were the two things the Germans could actually buy with their US dollar trade surplus.
The Scholzesque state visit to China is likely to set into motion a chain of catastrophic economic events. Scholz I. the Fistfork is going to antagonize the leaders in Beijing badly, and on a scale not previously conceivable. If the Chinese were to stop buying Adidas panties and Porsche cars, the last two German industries would collapse. Although Mr. Scholz is sure to forget everything about ‘decoupling’ next week when he is supposed to middleman the latest US missile systems from the German Ramstein base to murder more Russians.
He really is this short turtle man. Small stature, bald, no neck. A lickspittle to the former God Empress, Chancellor Angela Merkel, who ruled Berlin and Europe for 16 unforgettable years of oppression and total decline. We recall Merkel‘s opening of the EU borders to millions of foreign invaders and the abolishing of democracy... we do that, but Mr. Scholz?... he won‘t remember a thing!
Harbingers of Complaint and Dissatisfaction
Just two weeks before Mr. Scholz was supposed to meet Mr. Xi, another ultra-warmongering parliamentarian called Peter Heil Heidt was in Taipei and vilified Beijing. He said something to the tune of “Germany would go to war with China over Taiwan.”
That pompous “possing and posing” is nothing compared to the endless anti-China routine back in Germany. It is just pure racism. Of course, Berlin says we have nothing against normal Russians, just against Putin. And says we have nothing against normal Chinese, just against Xi Jinping. And then they go on making the lives of normal Russians and normal Chinese the “Hell of embargo, terror, and lies.”
[Sighs] We must not blame the normal Germans, they are innocent and just follow US Imperial marching orders, this much is true. Still, the evil that this country produces is unbearable. Two cases in point, 'War Pandas' and 'Port Fortresses'.
Exhibit A. China makes tough politics with cuddly bears: “Beijing weaponizes panda bears as levers against Europe.
Exhibit B. China buys German port wholesale: “Chinese Shipping giant Cosco wants to own 35% of shares in Hamburg port.”
It’s all a lie. Pandas are cute. And the Hamburg port management consists of four major conglomerates, of whom only one Chinese Cosco wants to invest in. And it isn’t even about changing ownership; it’s just a damn lease. The German press, drooling in vindictiveness, reported the deal was going to be some hostile Chinese take-over attempt of an entire European port-city state.
Interestingly, Mr. Scholz remembered briefly that the Chinese kept infrastructure tidy and running, and the Germans... just don’t [anymore]. All public transport is shite in shithole Germany. Trains, planes, and ships don’t run on time. So, Scholz defended the China deal at first. We need this! The US criminals who run Europe, however, who largely have their US military bases in the South of Germany, totally objected to Chinese port wars in the North. They must have stepped on his right toe with a mighty bang, because in any case his memories were gone the next day. Mr. Scholz immediately forgot he ever said anything positive about China Hamburg and instead said Hamburg was indeed a US dinghy—ein Beiboot.
Flexible Mr. Scholz can have BOTH trade with China AND war with China. You don’t think so? If you are an anyhow kraut and forgetful, there shouldn’t be no moral conflict. Scholz just forgets which way diplomacy broke and fixes the whole thing:
“Ve want ze wars or ze trading!”
... Wars?
Or Trading?
In the end, it is entirely possible for Germans to kill your people AND take care of your wives, no problem. Under its moral leadership, Berlin has [so far] alienated China, Russia, Iran, and Turkey, but also India, the Muslim world, South America, and even European slave nations like Italy and Hungary.
Hitler once called Ukraine the “Occupied Eastern Territories,” but Scholz is different and calls Ukraine “a future NATO member-state and part of the EU.” See, it is different! The Reich bombed cities to rebuild them in the German image, but the Federal Republic bombs cities to rebuild everything. The keyword is afterwards. Which I just made up.
He said: “Rebuilding Ukraine is a generational task that must begin now.” When is now? Now, if we care to remember the proper proceedings, once came before the rebuilding but after the destruction. See, Mr. Scholz wants to rebuild now already what should be breaking afterwards. Never before has a German leader been in such a hurry to lay waste to a country with his time adverbs. Everything will be different in World War III from World War II. Last time, we borrowed money we didn’t have. This time, we borrow time we never had. Nobody will be able to say now then later “But the Germans… this time the Germans approached from backwards!”
What is the afterwards strategy of Berlin with this Scholz’ern in-person visit to Beijing? Especially because we know that US President Biden just called Mr. Xi of China via an online Zoom meeting before. Does Berlin have too much money, talk, and air miles? I can tell you what it is because they wrote it down: It is deliberate attention-seeking, that’s what it is. Europe is now so dysfunctional, it has attracted retarded prime ministers, ideologues, and psychopaths into the highest offices, everywhere. Not just in government, but also in academia, in the judiciary and the media, but also in the internet.
The chancellor kept his list of mutants he intends to fly over to Beijing a secret. But jolly commentators hoped it would be his fat cow Chief cattle Ricarda Lang from the Green Party, his analsexed friend Jens Spahn, the Goebbels impersonator Heiko Maas, watermelon head Friedrich Merz, and the narcissist toth, A Baerbock. Just to give Western audiences what they want: Total dysfunction, sexual perversion, and degeneracy.
Those mutants don't want to talk about stability, decency, and competence. They are activists. They want to change things with action. Was it Carl von Clausewitz who once said “There is no intelligence where nobody makes war.”
Says the President of the German Secret Service [Verfassungsschutz], quote: “Russia is the storm, but China is climate change!” He said this in the German Parliament! He then deep-sixed his own weather allegory and rumbled something akin to “Chinese firms should not be allowed to invest in German ports.” He calls China this: "A Menace!"—eine Gefahr!
[Pensive music playing] Of course, the Chief-of-Intelligence forgot to mention that German soldiers are part of US-military operations in Sudan, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Georgia, Cambodia, and Ukraine. What a douche to call China a threat.
The lesser Germans are no better. A list of 30 “China experts” who claim to be professors from Hamburg, wrote an open letter in the German media, asking Mr. Scholz to ban China investments in Germany until Germans can invest in China—a peach for a plum.
Which is an insane thing to ask, since Germany is 20 times smaller but has 20 times more direct investment in China than the other way around. Germany is the Imperial all-eating locust plague.
A Genealogy of Evil
Which brings us back to the 1900 declaration of war by Emperor Wilhelm II. at Bremerhaven: This fine speech of German savagery was later coined ‘the Hun speech’. It was the Germans who colonized, raped, and murdered the Chinese in China, yet the papers published the exact opposite: “The Chinese are attacking us! No mercy will be granted, no pardon will be given!”
This shows us that the German "China experts" are incapable of telling the truth, even when they know it. Because most German officials are inherently psychopathic persons with no faculty for empathy, none.
Mr. Scholz will humiliate Germany in China so much, will offend the Chinese commentators so much, that all hell will break loose and hatred and bitter rivalry ensues. Hundreds of millions will suffer from lost trade, war, and poverty. Who gives. Scholzes don’t care if all goes to pot. As the Buddhists say: All life is suffering. Say the Germans: Done!
Displacement, violence, and misery all equal eastward expansion, remember? If you are German, and you are already dead in 80 years, why not start World War III now while you can? The Americans arranged it, but they will probably say the Germans did it, because “Germany started World War I and II AND III”… is just the better story.
The Germans are the perfect closet assholes because they have passion but no compassion. They lack empathy. This lack of empathy passed on from generation to generation of surviving Huns and became the genealogy of Evil. Just read the archaeologists of Evil, from Hannah Arendt to Andrew Lobaczewski. The Germans are the world’s main source of Evil. Their own leaders say this much about themselves. Said former President of Germany, Joachim Gauck: “I feel ashamed to be a German” or “I am suspicious about the German language… because it breeds pride, hatred, and bestiality,” and… wait for it: “I hate and despise this country!”
This is real, folks. It is what it is. We must deal with these murderous lunatics before they murder everyone or themselves. Evil oozes from their huge foreheads, streaking their oily white skin. And if everyone says you are part of the historic Evil, you will probably turn out to be an asshole, just like Gauck and Scholz and the rest of them.
Evil goes with German as the Devil goes with Dr. Faust. There is no Mao or Stalin in this world that could have existed without German Hegel, Marx, and Nietzsche, verstehst Du?!
The coming War will be blamed on the assholes in the closet. It is too awesome an award to be handed to the Russians, Chinese, or the Iews. “Germany did it once again,” will they all sing, the voices of doom. Or they’ll clap “The Death of Europe!” and all its rotten brains. Either way, the Germans will be the peons, the scapegoats, the blame race.
World War I and II kind of won our attention, remember? Blood, soil, women, and resources. If you are a small militant nation, you can always destroy more than you can build. World War III is the most progressive thing that could ever happen to Berlin and Europe.
The world would be indifferent if China had never existed. But if the Germans had never existed, we would never have had Charles Bukowski, Klaus Schwab, or Donald Trump.
Beijing knows that Evil always triumphs for the Europeans. This law of History must be obeyed. My God, what have the Europeans done! Why would China even cater to forgetful Mr. Scholz in Beijing where Germans murdered Chinamen in the past? Why would China tolerate another military German-Japan axis? Because Mr. Xi is wise and will go with the flow of History. That much attitude he shares with most world leaders: When World War III breaks out, it will be blamed in any way possible on Germany. You better believe it.
The author is a German writer and cultural critic.
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Germany is very unhappy with Japan because Japan has electric power plants, good relations with China and Russia, and repels mass immigration. Germany wants Japan to join in great war against Russia and China. To that Japan says: Go home, Adolf Scholz of Germany!