Brutal. EU-Clusterfuck in Tokyo.
[Transcript] Hello, Dr. Pattberg here at the German Embassy in Tokyo. In this presentation, I would like to pertain to the brutal truth about German-Japanese relations and the painful roles these nations are forced to play in America's end game.
Did you hear that chancellor Olaf Scholz was in Tokyo on Wednesday for a full 20 hours? He wasn't even on an Asia trip or something. He really just went on a plane in Berlin, met Kishida in the evening, and flew back to Berlin the next morning.
In the global press you will read about “a 2-days summit,” April 28 and 29. But that is not correct, I assure you. The German chancellor was last seen in Berlin on Girls' Day on Wednesday 27 with little girls who are forced to study engineering because they perform even better than German boys.
Next thing you know, on Thursday morning, April 28, Scholz landed on an undisclosed US military base near Tokyo. He gave a meaningless pop to his own people at the German Chamber of Commerce, for which he could easily have used a Zoom call or sent a fax.
At last, in the afternoon, Scholz met prime minister Kishida Fumio. The two men held a press conference on the economic war against Russia and China. They didn't wear plague masks in the deadliest pandemic the world has ever seen, but all their underlings did.
After dinner, Scholz went to bed, and the next morning, April 29, he was off and about on his Airbus-350 back to Berlin. That was a 2 x 9,815 km 1-day excursion, wrapped up in under 20 hours, so Jesus Christ what is happening in the world?
Part I. Future Roles For The Past's Two Villains.
The relations between landlocked Germany and pirate nation Japan are hostile. You won't know about this from the press swindlers. In the lying press, it's all about “shared values” and war against those who don't share values, so I am here to tell: These two countries have had it.
First, there is their unholy past record –the past of Imperial Japan and the German Reich. The two nations were bombed to bitzes in World War 2 and lost everything, including their sovereignty and... unagi.
The last word I just made up. It is Japanese fish slang for mojo.
Naturally, the losers avoided each other's presence. It's what normal healthy people do. They avoid hanging around with convicted rapists and Nazis, or creeps who carry contagious diseases.
Second, penance. Both nations have undergone thorough Americanization. So in the loops of their tortured minds, they wonder if they can ever have back their unagis from Captain M'elikka, if only they found and delivered the legendary One Piece pirate treasure or whatever tasks they were asked to perform naked.
Yes, for their loyal services to the US Empire of Sanctions [and Lies], their nationals might get a blue check-marker on their Twitter account, but they no longer get their own military, food supply, energy self-reliance, rules and standards and so on.
Germany's role on Planet War is to ruin the European Union from within. For her services, Germany gets cheap labor and access to markets in Eastern Europe, for now.
The closed-off island of Japan, meanwhile, fell into the role as US custodian over Korea, Taiwan and thousands of jungle islands.
It really is a back-and-forth between Tokyo and Berlin for US ass massaging. Kishida just two months ago commissioned new warships to defend America's Taiwan—sugoi!
The German president Walter Steinmeier, meanwhile, announced that Germany would pay the rents of all Holocaust survivors in Israel, how's that!
Japan's Kishida Fumio went hand in fist with an extra $100 million aid package for NATO's war against Russia—shinjirarenai!
Scholz seemed wallet-blocked for a while. But then he had the brilliant idea to send 'a menu' to Ukraine: Just pick the weapons you want, and let the real man pay with credit card.
Baffled Japan which, as a US concubine, doesn't bear arms and has no army, was outmaneuvered. So Tokyo can't send arms to Ukraine, but maybe it could send some cosmetics?
Japan's former prime minister, Abe Shinzo, last week penned an op-ed in the LA Times, calling for Washington to start a war with China, prompto. Japan was more than ready, he insinuated. Just sell us arms, we do it.
Couple of days later, on April 26, Germany rushed to deliver free Gepard anti-aircraft tanks to Ukraine to kill some Russians.
Urusai! cried Kishida again. Japan is strongest ally of USA ever! Maybe we are 100 years from delivering a big U-boot to Taiwan to kill some Chinese. What to offer M'elikka Capita now?
Not to be out-classed, Prime Minister Kishida at once ordered free housing and an all-you-can eat cafeteria for life for all US military personnel in Japan, from fiscal year 2022 onwards.
And so on.
Part II. Where $4 Trillion and $5 Trillion Economies Become Expandable.
There isn't enough brown butter to which these two asswipes wouldn't fall over and degrade themselves before America.
It is what psychologists call preemptive obedience. The leaders of Germany and Japan compete for the eyeballs of far-away Immortan Joe Biden and his US pan-galactic universe.
But this is where their commonalities end. Germany and Japan harbor impossible differences that cannot be overcome without mass blood shed.
For example, the Germans hate Japan's guts for having cheap nuclear energy. When the 2011 earthquake hit Japan, the Germans were the first allies who abandoned their short-legged friends. The Merkel regime declared Tokyo was radioactive contaminated, and the Japanese should be left there to die of cancer.
Next, the German regime also hates Japan for having too many Japanese. Angela Merkel in 2015 opened the German borders to another 2 million foreign men, and Japan did nothing like that, so Tokyo must be racist.
Both nations claim they are “democracies“, which is code for having been had good. It means you have been conquered, stupid.
Democracy is such a rag. Olaf Scholz was selected as successor of Angela Merkel. As if the Germans had anything to say who leads them. During this author's lifetime (45 years), there have only been 5 German chancellors, all US-vetted hand gloves. Meanwhile, Japan has had 24 Prime Ministers.
Why, because the BRD regime prefers national socialism with a Führer, while the Japanese noble families prefer to evenly distribute the high posts and take turns in exploiting the island.
It once took me two hours to convince a group of German professors that Japan was a constitutional monarchy, not a democracy. They laughed.
But exploitation it is. Germany and Japan have 50% income tax, 9-19% VAT on all goods and services, and thousands of hidden taxation, fees and penalties. Unless you are part of the state, you cannot avoid the rape, theft and bankruptcy of your business.
It is said in the Imperial press that Germany and Japan are “export nations,” therefore they must be rich. That makes no sense. Does that mean that Russia and China and India, Italy, France, Mongolia and the Philippines and Africa and South Africa must remain poor, and import your stuff? Is this the export nations' business model?
Besides, if they really earned that much profits, would they not use those profits to buy stuff, therefore become the biggest import nations also? Yes, they would. But they don't, because they don't have real economies. Here, I said it! Japan and Germany are not only fake democracies, but also fake economies. In fact, they are not even real nations.
I would even go as far as saying that Germany and Japan must follow all US dictates, not just international laws and regulations, global standards, policies and ideologies, but also the marching orders of the US-led World Bank, the United Nations, the WHO, the IMF, Hollywood and Wall Street, and so on.
So, the colonies pay feudal tax in form of US debt certificates, and pay for US military operations abroad, and always use the US dollar, which is fictional, to convert their goods and services and own worthless currencies.
If I was completely cynical, I would accuse the two US colonies of M'elikka money laundering.
Part III. Leftism, or: The Age Of Idiots Is Neigh.
Anyways, the Germans have no self-awareness. Imagine Kishida and his tuna brigade crashing into Berlin for 20 hours and praising Germany for standing behind Japan's values.
The Germans are mocking the Japanese, and all the time. It's definitely something biological, because it wouldn't work if the Japanese did it.
Take politics. I mean, Berlin is so debased and corrupt, with all her decisions made in Washington and Brussels, London or from outer space, the regime literally puts retards and morons or women in posts they naturally disgrace. But it works, because all these freaks have to do is appear in prime time talks shows from Anne Will to Markus Lanz and cause drama and incite hate.
Please have a look at the above images of German top officials; they look like any NHK Japanese comedy show (see next image). There is the land whale-sized parliamentarian Ricarda Lang who makes TikTok videos, the watermelon head Friedrich Merz who wanted to become Chancellor (God help us!), the ugly long-haired psychopath Anton Hofreiter at his pult, or this sicko here, Tessa Ganserer, who claims he is a woman.
These are clearly the results of dysgenics and mental illnesses. To keep these disability quotas, the state must expand. The German Bundestag has 736 parliamentarians, while the Japanese House of preventatives has only 465, but with an impressive 50% more population to govern.
Berlin is the most bloated, useless government in the entire world, and probably of the human species. And these horrors and mental basket cases eat up lots of resources. Team Scholz has five (!) Air Force Ones; team Kishida—just two.
It gets better. These dysfunctional freaks humiliate Japan for being right-wing and backward.
It just so happened that only 3 of Kishida's 20-persons-strong cabinet are female, while 8 or half of Scholz's cabinet are. So pushing unqualified quota females into top governmental leadership positions is a must in the Age of idiot.
It certainly didn't escape Kishida Fumio and his straw-hat pirates when the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Madame Annalene Baerbock, threatened world governments with “a more feminist foreign policy.” Can you imagine those white feminazis liberating strong women in the world from… Asian men!
Leftism, which others—including Donald Trump and the Unabomber—called socialism, is destroying all life forms of success, ability and achievement. Able men are replaced with man-failures, non-talents and white knight midwits. Add to this emotionally unstable, entitled and revengeful women folks, and they will ruin humanity.
For example, here are horror images of the last three German Ministers of Defense: The grotesque little she-ogre is Christine Lambrecht, her predecessors were Annegrete Kramp-Karrenbauer and Ursula von der Leyen, sitting in this image together with the Queen bee and destroyer of Germany, chancellor Angela Merkel.
None of the defense ministers ever served, none of them served in the military, none had combat training or any other qualifications as chief commanders of the German Defense forces.
Beloware the images of the last four Japanese Ministers of Defense for comparison. All those manly generals of course are just as well a farce, because Japan, just like Germany, is a completely emasculated and defeated society.
The USA military occupier has the over-commando and the nukes, so it doesn't really matter what breed of man, woman, or animal those regimes put in leadership posts, as long as those (candidates) are good for clickbait and total clusterfuck.
On the contrary, it is in the interest of the foreign, occupying power to sabotage the target civilization. So if a capable, assertive and popular politician arises, he will immediately be blocked, canceled or smeared as extremist.
Olaf Scholz is childless, like Angela Merkel before him. And like Adolf Hitler. These politicians should not be allowed anywhere near the deutsches Volk. They have nothing in the game.
The chancellor flew to Japan on behalf of NATO and G7 to get some photo shoots with Kishida for the historical proceedings. He had nothing else to say, and no reason to be in Japan for full 20 hours.
The regime press had their flower pieces written well in advance, as is common practice. Berlin and Tokyo issued joint press releases that are disseminated throughout the world, with propaganda terminology from NATO and G7.
The first of such propaganda terminologies was 'shared values'. Never mind that Japanese people are Asian, not Caucasian, and that they are Buddhists or Shintoists, not Christians.
The next term was 'common interests'. Never mind that the Germans have no common interests with the Japanese, except for the natural interests of all tribes: to survive, to follow the Imperial mandate, to share in the spoils of war and to shut up.
Apart from that, the Japanese have actually more in common with the Chinese than with the Germans, so why go to war against China, again? As for Russia, well, Russia is Japan's neighbor. It would go against the interest of the Japanese to act white and kill more Slavs, no?
Part IV. Globalism Threatens All Human Life.
The Japanese hosts are frequently irritated by German visitors who speak for all of Europe. This pathology goes back to the Eulenburg Expedition in 1860, when the Prussians acted on behalf of the European Zoll-Union.
Believe it or not, this behavior is incomprehensible to most Asians. They would or could never act like this. O, the criminal hubris, the brutal exaggeration, the superior vigor of the white race.
First, think: there are “only” 60 million Germans left in this world, the other 23 million people in Germany are foreigners. Compare that to 126 million natives in Japan.
Therefore, if all was really fair in the animal kingdom, the German brute must roar twice as loud, or, if it wasn't nature but cunning that makes us superior, the impostor must pretend to speak for 450 million Europeans. The choice is obvious.
Scholz spoke for the seven Western industrial nations, of which Japan is the only non-white member. In case you wonder, this G7 dictate the earth's food supply , issue climate change mandates, massive sanctions, coordinate mass migration, the war on terror and forcibly lay down the “rules-based international order.”
Second, think again: German companies are at a huge power-disadvantage against American conglomerates. If they want to act up globally, they better register in America or as pan-European entities, not as German.
The Germans shamelessly exploit this trick. Scholz speaks of “us Europeans” or “us, the West.” You are either with us, or you are with the authoritarians of the East. Japan could be collapsed again, any time, if it chose to go against the interest of the West.
The fact that Japan and Germany are still US-occupied, after 73 years of humiliation and servitude, is horrible.
M'elikka leaves the two no time to plot a revolt or mutiny. Look at the world today. The regime change in 2014 Ukraine. The NATO coup in the Ukraine 2014, the migrant crisis in 2015, the censorship laws in 2018, the Great Reset in 2019, the Pfizer gene therapy, the US empire of sanctions [and lies]. Now, Immortan Joe and his evil skeksis plan to take over Eurasia once and for all. And Germany and Japan are expected to stare down Russian and China to extinction.
Just weeks before last Christmas, Merkel sent a gunboat, the Bayer, to the South China Sea. The Chinese fumed with spite–almost 40 years of good Sino-German relations shattered. And for what, Berlin–what for? Well, for power obviously. If Germany doesn't do it, Britain will. Or France. Or India.
The Bayer docked in Tokyo last November, in a joint fete with American, Australian and Canadian battleships. When German Vice Admiral Kay-Achim Schoenbach dared to criticize the unnecessary provocations thousands of miles away from home, he was fired. That was three months ago.
What could Olaf Scholz possibly disperse to the German expats in Tokyo? We didn't vote for him. He has no leadership qualities. Politics are too corrupt these days. When Helmut Kohl visited China in 2003, Germans could just join the open celebrations.
Angela Merkel ruled like a despot, had all public appearances staged, had the audiences selected and the questions arranged.
But this Scholz is really just a sell-out, a new type of leftist leader that needs no election, just a global media ticket. Like Macron in France, or Zelensky in the Ukraine, or Trudeau in Canada.
Part V. New Fascism, On Land And At The Sea.
Olaf Scholz praised “the good working relationship” between the two powers.
But the relationship is not good at all.
The number of Japanese who study German has halved in just a decade. Part of this is the EU's appalling woke propaganda. If you walk into the Goethe-Institute in Tokyo, or the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or any other German regime font that poses as a non-governmental organization, you can see that Germany turned into a fascist death cult. Japan should stay away from that.
For example, if you study Italian or Hindi, you will literally study Italian or Hindu culture, history, arts and so on. But not so in German. In German studies, you will be lectured on Nazi guilt, analsex, feminists and the importance of staying childless, and you will be lectured on everything you need to know about democracy, the rule of law, diversity and gang bangs.
It is a disgusting moral lecturing and brainwash that no totalitarian cult in the world matches, not even the old Soviet regime or North Korea, let alone Muslim nations, who may teach you about Islam and their particular branch of terror, but certainly do not even pretend to speak for all of humanity. Well, the Germans do that. And it is caustic, belittling and abusive.
The would-be-students in Tokyo are greeted with alarming brainwash and misinformation, images of brown and black “New Germans”, ridiculous lies about the biology of men and women, and utter pseudoscience such as political correctness and antisemitism.
Abortions, prostitution, childlessness are all good-to-go. Gay sex and genital mutilations and drugs and idiocy are now Western mainstream. Merit and genius are absent; competence and success—canceled, because “oppressive.” And uh oh—all Germans are Nazis.
If you step into a German kids library, this is basically Sodom and Gomorrah and child abuse via the hoofed one. Why would you want to associate with the Coven of Satan?
If you study English, you talk about the weather and family; and Spanish, about weather and food. In German, you talk about racism, guilt and holocaust. It is the most insane, unnecessary and mostly self-inflicted collapse of a society in all of human history, comparable only to farewell of the Ostrogoths and Aztecs.
The final blow to the former land of poets and thinkers was undoubtedly the politicization of German grammar. This should turn any new German learner off, at once. Since English is a Germanic language, I do not have to switch to German to explain the following mechanics: In the Germanic languages, we may take most verbs and turn them into persons by adding -er.
Grammatically speaking, that noun is then masculine. Semantically, however, we know it refers to both genders, thus is neutral. But not so the leftists who feel that a “doer” or a 'swimmer' are offensively male privileges. Therefore they insist on a grammatically unambiguous female ending -(er)ess, preceded by an asterisk *.
All major regime media, newspapers and journals, textbooks and magazines and even the radio in Germany must now use BOTH –masculine AND feminine– endings. Thus, a simple address “Pirates, distinguished swimmers!” becomes “Pirates and Pirat*esses, distinguished swimmers and swimmer*esses!” All German texts are thus deliberately made stupid and eyesore.
Japan needs to investigate this crap and close it all down, also to save Goethe and for Germany's sake.
Our elites know about this evil transformation of our society. They wouldn't send their own children to Germany, except if they are broke. In that case, German education is not so bad, because it is free. You couldn't sell it, because it offers little value. All you learn in Germany, you could have learned better in America or Britain.
That said, German regime money is not to be turned down. Everybody exploits EU money now, because we know the totalitarian block may not last another 50 years.
For example, the EU and Japan heavily subsidize projects on communication and information technology. But we know that all communication and information in the EU and Japan are US-American, run by US BigTech, US Education, US SocialMedia and so on. So we know that the last 30 years of EU and Japanese “free money” was laundered. In a previous presentation, I explained how Japanese research universities are basically 90% bullshit jobs.
Part VI. How The Expats Community Is Coping.
The sycophants of the Empire behave accordingly. The former boss of the once venerable German Japan Society mainly enriched himself and his few cronies. Millions of Euros disappeared.
The German School in Tokyo/Yokohama lost most of its students after the 2011 earthquake, naturally, but it has also absolutely lost its Western halo and prestige, just like all German schools and universities in the world have lost their pull. Most universities and journals from Berlin over Heidelberg to Munich have switched to the American curriculum anyway, so why even pretend in Japan that German was somehow useful.
Said boss of German culture has done nothing for Germany, and us expats know his over-the-top EU salary, shameless grants and endless moral creativity. He later led the globalist Economist Intelligence Unit in London, thus spy work. After that, he was hired by US Coca-Cola to make Japanese kids healthier. Here is he in cosplay dancing in gay rainbow trans colors.
We can't blame corrupt officials. Everybody does it in Berlin, in Brussels, in Washington, in Tokyo.
When Olaf Scholz left, one disgruntled businessman who only knew about this summit through American social media remarked: The best innovation ever happened in 150 years of German-Japanese relations is this American Linkedin.
Most jobs for Germans in Japan are superfluous, and I am not sure if we even need a German ambassador. For example, the former ambassador to Japan, Hans Carl von Werthern, didn't speak Japanese at all. He had studied politics in Washington D.C., USA. He once gave a mirthful talk at the German East Asia Society (OAG) in 2019, about how Abe Shinzo's Cool Japan campaign inspired him to travel to 42 Japanese prefectures.
There was an awkward silence in the room. Three quarters of the 40 audiences were impoverished German elders who may have travelled 3 or 5 prefectures, if that. And here comes this clown arse with his big taxpayers' purse. And to really show us places, His excellency doubled down and explained how he previously did the same as envoy to China. Politicians have lost all touch with the realities of ordinary people.
There is no future in capitalism. These two nations have no future. Second and third nations have no future. What are Volkswagen and Toyota gonna do, sell each other their cars? Japan either keeps its own Takeda or Daiichi Sankyo pharmaceuticals or lets Boehringer Ingelheim and Bayer take over. Trade makes everyone lose. And what is the point of those silly take-overs, if global US Pfizer wins in the end anyway. Or do you honestly think the USA won't sanction your laboratories, Japan, like they did with all your industries before?
When his trip became official 4 weeks earlier, the business community in Japan got very nervous. The Chamber of Commerce was asked to report back to Berlin what actually was the situation and what could be improved. They came up with... nothing.
There are no bilateral future projects at all. Only pseudo-money to collect from governments. So they came up with... hydrogen! A hydrogen plant! We could build a hydrogen plant, with the help of US technology. So that was announced the next day in Germany on the 6pm news: “Scholz plans to build a hydrogen plant in Tokyo!”
Part VII. Your Country's Leaders Are Not In Charge.
“Japan is growing in importance,” Scholz said–which means that Japan didn't amount to much importance in the last 40 years. Everybody agreed. This presentation was absurd. The man knows nothing about Japan, so he knows everything.
His German minister of economics, Robert Habeck, is a philosophy major. I am not making this up. His doctorate from Hamburg University is doctored in the most political sense of the word, as he was already a salaried politician at that time.
It does not matter that the economics minister is not into economics though, because the German economy, as mentioned before, is outsourced. Scholz and Habeck do not know anything about the German economy, because that economy is completely undemocratic, technological and automatized, and largely controlled by foreign interest groups of omnipotent billionaires and stateless societies, usually referred to as deep state or new world order or just the globalists.
To give an allegory: Neither Olaf Scholz nor Robert Habeck have the faintest idea about how to construct an Airbus 350. They do not comprehend the 10,000 degrees of engineering that go into constructing one. They haven't got the faintest idea about the costs and the forging of high-alloyed steel, aluminium, copper and hundreds of synthetics, let alone building the state-of-the-art airframe, fuselage, flexible wings and infrastructure. No single human does. Over a hundred departments, firms and even mathematicians are involved in manufacturing airplanes, and a thousand things must come right to deliver one.
In the spirit of that allegory, neither Scholz nor Habeck have got the faintest idea how the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement or “EPA” works or came about.
The text is in American and was not even written in Germany, because it can't be. Germany has no personnel for this, its contents are too technical, inter-legal and inhumanely complicated, so the European Union did it together with US advisors.
Not our leftist politicians, but big corporations and their lobbyists, armies of lawyers and legal experts, international watchdogs, auditors and even the United Nations, global financiers and trade courts know the economy. Therefore, whatever our leaders tell us, their economies are already in the hands of the globalists and beyond our local politicians' reach.
So what the EU is partnering up with in Japan is really just an extension of Western global hegemony.
This EPA trade agreement does the exact opposite of what it pertains to do. It pertains to create a free market and fair conditions, but what it actually does is subjugate the world under a totally planned global economy with brutal unequal conditions that give ownership of all resources, innovations, techniques and processes to its signing members, while the rest of the world is shut out, punished and criminalized.
Last Part. The Way Forward To Restore Unagi.
So, after showing up for 20 hours, can Tokyo trust this Scholz? It surely can't, because Berlin is ruled by mental ideological totalitarians.
If you are Japanese, ask yourself this: Would the Germans inject their population with a Japanese experimental gene vaccination? No.
Would the Germans accept any Japanese motion, standard or policy, ever? No.
Why do you collaborate with the BRD regime? It wants to dominate you, Japan. Neither the USA nor the EU want you to succeed. 40 lost years, and counting.
If it was all about innovation and fair markets, why did nobody in Germany in 40 years buy your heated toilet seats and automated taxi doors?
Honestly, you need to kick Germany in the iron nut sack; better, kick each other in your fishing ticklers, because both loser democracies will be disposed of once M'elikka cancels the remaining sovereign nations on this planet.
In order to start your journey to independence (or martyrdom), do these revolutionary things:
Set up courts, institutes and agencies to study the Human Hierarchy, media, science, leftism and—just to be sure> satanism.
Mobilize your entire population and kick the US military occupiers out of your territory, followed by US foreign media.
Join Asia, not Europe, because Europe is fascist. The European Union is a totalitarian block, and it will ultimately go to war with Asia, if not sooner than later.
Burn all unfair Western trade treaties. All is yours, and the world's.
And last, reveal to the world that Japan is not a democracy, and never was or will be, and that that's okay. Because Germany is not a democracy either, nor are the United Babies of M'elikka and the Ui-Eww. Bury their filthy propaganda lies. The people want the truth.
That's just in: “USA trains Ukraine military on German soil.”
Kishida: “I want to train Taiwan military—urusai!”
Thanks for listening, and see you later!
Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD: Links:
German philosopher and cultural critic. Ex-Peking, ex-Harvard, ex-Tokyo university scholar and Author of 'The East-West Dichotomy', 'Shengren - Above Philosophy and Beyond Religion', 'The Menticide Manual.' China and Japan expert, political commentator. Disciple of GU Zhengkun, TU Weiming and JI Xianlin. Edinburgh University alumnus. Founder of China government project: Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture, under the auspices of Vice Premier Madame LIU Yandong and Chairman XI Jinping. Currently residing in Tokyo, Japan.
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Scholz will soon be history.
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