Just imagine if every government official, police authority, council worker, judge, solicitor, teacher, parent, bishop, doctor, etc, had read the Menticide Manual.

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The manipulation of language to craft an image of reality that could, or might be genuine has been a cornerstone of literature ever since literature arose from the expression of language itself. Certainly Shakespearean dramas owe their popularity to successfully treading the invisible line between fiction and real conditions in life.

Journalism is now imitating literature, or perhaps more accurately, invading and appropriating the traditional sphere of literature in it's zeal to conceal and deceive. Such indulgence results in journalism transforming into something else, and concurrently assassinating literature.

I see much of the issue, for those bombarded by a journalism that isn't, in the loss of a central cognitive function that few know or understand; mythopoesis.

Currently, the dominant myth is destruction.

Certainly, a case can be made that such results from a cynical control complex. Indeed, this is a feature, yet it is far from the only one.

Thanks Dr. P., for another thought provoking read.

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"Journalism is now imitating literature..."

Yes, exactly. Most top foreign correspondents in China -during my time, from 2003 to 2014- are fiction writers. They imagine a story, create characters, invent motives, fabricate dialogues.

The journo himself turns into a literati, a prize-winner, a celebrity, a man with a vision.

Nobody asks why he isn't even in China, or why he doesn't even speak Mandarin. One guy I knew, from the Economist magazine, rented a penthouse in Hong Kong with whores and lots of drugs and sex orgies. He flew in various girls, one of them my classmate in Shanghai. He was later killed in Paris in a boat accident.

He basically sat there and invented stories in far away Beijing, Xinjiang, Tibet, whatever. It doesn't matter anyway, because the final Economist edit is always done by agents in London, who know nothing about China.

This was before the Internet. Today, nobody bothers to send expats. They just do home-office and google the topic, then imitate literature and have their imaginations run down the plot...

As to the foreign correspondents mentioned, all of them are now celebrated authors and literati, one became a guru, with China books that are fictions, detective stories, and entertainment. One guy became extremely rich and famous by coming on fake news media and repeat, over and over again, his mantra that China is about to collapse.

Real journalism has died. And, yes, all those foreign correspondents were Harvard fellows.

Best! T

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I have a mate who worked as a freelance for the WaPo once. He said he had never seen so much editorializing. Language is a weapon. Literacy with 'freedom of expression' is absolutely necessary for survival in today's world where everybody sues everyone for defamation, slander, disinformation. The 'Second Subjunctive', although the English have lost it, but not the French or the Germans, is the carful speculating with unlikely probabilities. In those societies, writing deliberately vage opinion pieces may indeed save the author's life. Kudos, for exposing this language stuff.

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"Literacy with 'freedom if expression' is absolutely necessary for survival..."

Illiteracy with freedom of expression may lead to prison and persecution, just as illiteracy with the law does. The propaganda press team up with lawyers. They can convince any jury or logician that what they were talking about were speculations, modalities and probabilities based on grammatical mind models, not actual the reality or even statements about the reality. They can never be found criminal or lying, because they were not stating the undeniable factual truth, because the grammar of the subjunctive mood implied conditional imagination and wishful thinking. On the other side of the law you have simple minded Simple Present Johnny Truthful who writes what he thinks on social media in uncomplicated straightforward grammar, and is reported to the prosecutors office for incitement, slander, hate speech, misinformation... Johnny Truthful picks the rope that hangs him by his illiterate neck. So yes, you are absolutely right. Language is a weapon. Best! T

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Thorsten, the Menticide book is extraordinary! The chapter on Dark Magic is the most honest, brutal story on financial fraud I have ever encountered in my life! You, Sir, are a genius!

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It is well documented that the CIA uses the media to spread disinformation. After 1945, the agency, in what is known as “Operation Mockingbird,” recruited journalists in major U.S. media to promote its Cold War anti-Communist perspective. According to former CIA agent turned whistleblower Philip Agee, the agency had journalists on its payroll across Latin America. In Presstitutes: Embedded in the Pay of the CIA, Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor for the mass daily newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), reveals how the CIA and the German Federal Intelligence Agency (BND) use the German media to spread propaganda to shape public opinion.

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Thanks, Tammy! Much appreciate! Udo Ulfkotte was probably targeted. He allegedly died of an heart attack. There are many ways to induce heart failure in a person. And if poison, chemicals, and energy weapons fail, German zersetzung induces so much stress in the target, he will either commit suicide or suffer years from high blood pressure, cardiac irregularities, or even cancer. And what did he do to deserve this? Ulfkotte exposed German journalism and published his timeless masterpiece: 'Bought Journalists'. Rest in Peace, Udo!

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American journalism (like the journalism of any other country) is predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its achievements are insignificant.

~ H.L. Mencken,

Occupation: Journalist

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A Roman maxim is an established principle of Law.

Roman maxims originate in medieval times in European states that use Latin in their legal language.

A prime Roman maxim is: He who would be deceived let him be deceived.

This Maxim means that if you are ignorant, then you may lawfully be deceived by every government connected to the Vatican. Ignorance of this law does not excuse its subjects.

Has the Western population been deceived into being re-subjected to Fascist Roman laws since 9/11? I think so, but I don't think for myself, so don't pin it on me. Deception by our rulers is normalized, maintains the civilization, is the maxim, is the law.

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With the advent of artificial intelligence rolling out to the masses things can only deteriorate even further on this front Thorsten, If the public only knew how long the 3 letter agencies have had this at their disposal online to combat the truth tellers of this world and drive them away in disgust at the lies perceived in the media, it once was fun to break a battalion 77 keyboard warrior,But with the advent of this technology real humans are being herded like sheep to the Fakebooks and twitter's pens where the truth is what they say it is

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Excellent, Thorsten. However, close scrutiny reveals the earth is indeed heating up despite the incessant flash freeze-downs in certain areas via atmospheric ice nucleation by the satanic climate engineers. The anthropogenic activities of man greatly exacerbated by the weather manipulators is causing a rapid breakdown of the earth's life support systems. Simply put, we're fucked. The CIA along with MI5 & MI6 in conjunction with their daddy organization, the Mossad, have long controlled journalism of any size that reaches the masses whether print, TV, or internet. The slimy tentacles of the Hidden Hand are ubiquitous. The scumbags are quite open about it too. "Revelation of the Method" or the "Making Manifest of All Thing Previously Hidden" "What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account? ..." "Macbeth" - Act 1 Scene 5

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Great ! As always ! Pattberg rocks !

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I did a few gigs for a reasonably well-known finance news outlet once and yes, the style guide mandated the use of “could” and “may” instead of “can” and “will.”

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First of all, the ice surfaces are increasing and it is not difficult to determine. The media do not maintain creativity, and they have interrupted every view of reality and life itself, of course I mean the media and journalists, and they do not care that they tell and write lies, they use lies as their existence and it is the Scarecrow that drove away reality, so we live in an unreal world. It is an essential lie, it is a necessary and basic dishonesty towards oneself and one’s whole situation, they lie reality, that is why we do not control our lives, because we rely on those lies. It is fateful and ironic how the lie we need for life condemns us to a life that is never really ours.

I have been convinced since the crossing of the Red Sea-Exodus that people like to be deceived, so I went the opposite way not from Egypt but to Egypt.

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"A good example of this is the Scamdemic predictions of Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College ( which has received over $200,000,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)and has had a long history of making highly inaccurate forecasts about the number of people who would/ could die from epidemics/ pandemics.

He was wheeled out by the media to state that there could be 500,000+ fatalities in the U.K. from the SARS CoV2 virus. Despite his abysmal track record for failed predictions, Johnson plus other government leaders took this as gospel to instigate a raft of totalitarian mandatory edicts that has witnessed previously open countries turned into enormous prison camps via lockdowns, mandatory Vaccination etc. So it’s not only the MSM plus state propaganda “ journalists” who live in the 5th dimension!"

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