Human Farm. You been hoodwinked and bamboozled and robbed to boot.

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I read the Fourth Reich and now understand why the Second Reich is canceled from history and the Third Reich is demonized. The Fourth Reich cannot be taught about. But it is in the making. Well done, Dr. Pattberg!

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Farm Salad

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I subscribed to his Substack, and it’s such a pleasant surprise to see that much original content. Thank you for being around!

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Thank you, i needed this.

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As always, you do a great job with your analyzes and it never gets boring. Thanks!!!

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I'd just like to make one correction. Big Mike "Michelle" Obama is childless. The "Obamas" borrowed their children from Dr.'s Marty Nesbitt and Anita Blanchard. Go ahead, look up the photos. Fake mother, fake children, fake president.

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I have a friend who had a very good pedigree, including Freemasons. His IQ tested at 136 in early elementary school. He never got the kind of pass you mention, maybe because he resisted the nonsense from the earliest age. He was a ringleader among the children, at least until the majority were well-brainwashed, after which time he marveled that even the most intelligent of his pals were well-brainwashed. Today, at over 65 years of age, he'd sort of like to write a book about this, but he is way too busy with his Home Handyman service and plotting the overthrow and execution of the malefactors you write about. Let's wish him success!

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Thanks for the comment, Leif. Well, there is IQ and there is IQ. The story you mentioned is very unusual because if a child tests an IQ above 135 and it comes to light, there will be a hue and cry from the school board, the local youth council (government), parent groups, and various other parties. Different rules apply to these children, for example exemption from homework, numerous scholarships, summer schools, etc. In some countries, such as Germany, France or even Chile, the Ministry of Education issues letters of recommendation that can be used anywhere in the world. Like a Fast Pass for Disney Land. After all, the child is one of the 2% smartest people in that population. However, I understand that some children from disadvantaged families succumb to the injustice and the stress of it all. There is impostor syndrome. There are mental illnesses. After all, after coming out, it will be impossible to find friends and lead a normal life. The shame is great. Especially if the wunderkinder don't achieve anything special in life or can't live up to expert expectations. That's why IQ tests are banned in society. Public and state schools are not allowed to conduct IQ tests, it is forbidden. In any case, only state-approved practising psychologists are qualified to conduct IQ tests on individuals and must do it outside of the school system. In societies like Japan and Korea where IQ is paramount, it is a crime if schools deliberately try an IQ test. The same applies in the USA. They use SAT scores, grades and exams that correlate with general intelligence but are not an IQ test. The correct, unchangeable result of a real IQ test can destroy a person's life, entire families and the integrity of a school board. Honestly, I don't understand why someone with an IQ of 135+ should even go to school. For him it's a nuisance.

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Eye-opener. Really! I took the blackpill a long time ago. Im out of the system.

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Thanks for the comments! Much appreciate! Take care! T

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Selective breeding was I believe always a central aspect of ancient culture, from an individual level to a societal one.. It was once said, amongst the Lakota for example, that fathers wanted their daughters to reproduce with men who were worth something.

In this self described age of shining intellect and superiority, where moderns regularly congratulate themselves on escaping a caveman past, such conditions are now willfully surrendered.

We are rapidly moving into a global digital tyranny headed by those who view the majority of humanity as a problem that is solved through euthanasia. The electrical field is now scientific jargon for consciousness, thus the new digital overlords claim their ascendancy, a development that makes a sort of sense, according to the so-called smart people in society. The new self proclaimed gods of the dawning digital tyranny thus have it all figured out, they believe.

Where have we heard that before?

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Thanks, Mike! China puts mathematicians with mathematicians and gets... weaker mathematicians. (regression to the mean). So the truly superhuman mathematicians still come from a random genetic lottery, okay. HOWEVER, these minor mathematicians are still a formidable force, better than the rest of the world and good for China. They are mass produced. For the fatherland. They can be exported. For communism. It's technically a smart breeding program, lol. Best! T

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That is why the ancient Spartans, the most warrior-like of races, had their Hoplites produce at least one healthy son before he was allowed in combat. He had to provide a replacement in the event he was killed. The Spartans also left genetically deformed babies on rocks to die. David Starr Jordan wrote an excellent tome titled, "War and the Breed". In it, he documented how the best specimens of men get killed in wars, most of them young and never having made offspring. This inevitably leads to and accelerates dysgenic decline for a race. In the South, post War between the States, there is a county in lower Alabama that is the poorest and most backward, even to this day. The reason being every able bodied and genetically fit male from there was either killed or maimed beyond repair in the conflict. Thus the only men the women had to breed with there were mentally and physically inferior genetically. Cultures decline and civilizations collapse because the worst stock produces the most children and in many cases, the biologically superior stock produces none at all.

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Moral of the story… impregnate some beautiful, smart mistresses for humanity? Is the world really such a terrible place after all??

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Yeah. When I was in Beijing in 2003, there was this growth hormone movement (together with the trafficking of milk powder, nutrition supplements, and steroids, all new to China mind you). Basically, the families tried to boost their child's physiology. If you give a preteen some growth hormones, it will easily grow 180 cm in height. There are probably 100,000 such Chinese kids now in the north of China, before the government cracked down on growth hormones in 2008. I once saw the basketball team of Tsinghua University and could not believe my eyes. I am saying this: None of them was a natural. So the moral of the story probably is: why wait for a freak accident of nature, if we can control nature and design the freaks--easy!

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What hath man wrought.

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China's birthrate is collapsing too. One child policy was biggest biological desaster. Worse than war. War would have been better.

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It is hard to contain nature though. The creative Chinese still have more than one kid, they just register them with mistresses, extended family, or relatives living abroad. Didn't they catch that film director Zhang Yimo who allegedly fathered seven children? ROFL

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Jolly! Are you in prison now? Updates?

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A German defence minister with 15 given names, how is this possible! In East Germany, we could only have two. God I hate the bourgeoisie so much. You never meet them in real life. They do not travel by train and do not shop by Lidl. They do not live where the migrants live. They never work. They let others work for them. They become politicians. They arrange marriages.

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Western men established monogamy, so each man got a woman. In Persia, Arabia, India, East Asia, only the top 20% of men procreated. Then the West conquered the world with its hordes of overproduced lowlifes. I think England, Germany, and France had more surplus population than the Middle East. In the mid-19th century, a number of scientists realised that the genetic quality of the populations of the Western nations was deteriorating due to that relaxation of natural selection, the process by which nature eliminates the unfit in each generation by reducing their fertility and by early death. This view, and the idea that steps needed to be taken to correct the situation, came to be widely accepted by the first half of the 20th century. In the second half of the century, however, a reaction against eugenics set in, and from the 1970s onwards eugenics was almost universally dismissed in the West, and natural dysgenics accelerated. I observed this in Hong Kong during the 00s. Excellent Western persons in their late 30s with high salary had no children, while the excellent Hong Kong Chinese had already married in their early 20s and had three or four children. The masses of Chinese of course have no excellence and no money to support a wife and children, so they remain childless, but obviously for other reasons than those wealthy Western expats. I could never wrap my head around this. Why did the most intelligent Western persons had no desire to have many excellent kids. They have lost the intelligence to plan ahead. Instead, they talk about how the conceptional penis was a social construct and how oppressed the Chinese were under British rule. Just make babies already, will you! Grrr.

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