That one got you on the map, Dr. P!

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The whole charade about private enterprises and free market is a complete hoax. We may open a company... but must register with the government, pay taxes for the government, obey the laws and regulations of the government, and pull the pants down for the government.

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Taiwan is Chinese but upgraded with Japanese, American, AND Chinese money.

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Thank you for this piece:-)) Excellent & so True !!!

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You are too smart for your own good.

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Hellstorm of an article! Congrats! It made quite the rounds on sina and guancha net. More of it!

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This is definitely something. A cultural achievement and cause for celebration. If only people would see through the democracy lies. I once applied to Google. Got pretty far on interview stage. Did my research. Talked to people. Read the forums. No democracy at Google. Nobody at the top apparently is elected. It is hierarchy just like any other feudal organization in Big Tech. Do not get deceived. Technology leads to tech feudalism. We will own nothing. And call it democracy.

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It needed be said. It is all democracy brainwash. Democracy is a synonym now for just politics. It is all democracy now, and if you don't agree, you are our enemy and we sanction, humiliate, then remove you.

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Awesome, mate! Now that guy will probably get "the phone call" and will never mention the book or your name again, haha! Taiwan is a political powder keg.

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