Last week, Goldstein discussed how Europe’s “nation states” were text-born and complete and utter fabrications with horrible real-life consequences. “The people,” who bore out most of the consequences, would always get abused and crushed. Wars are natural. Minds are programmed. Reality is a fiction. History is “fictional documented worlds.” Now, without further stops, we continue to explore the situation of “the people” inside their new territorial confinements. Read carefully. You will never forget what you read here.
…Until There Are Nations
Whether the theme for nation-born was the “divine right,” “blood and soil,” or “the social contract,” it all came down to stage act and dominion, that is posturing and ruling, and, as a general rule, all conquerors must pose and rule from high the above with ever new, exciting angles of fantastic storytelling.
The Franken and the Deutsch rulers ploughed through hundreds of fancy proto-states each, with forgotten realms such as the Burgundy or Boemen, Lorrain and Bourgignon, and the current ‘Fifth Republic’ of France, indeed really being the fifth edition of “that bastard nation” (Peter Sloterdijk).
New Germany still consists of sixteen sub-states, lest you’ve forgotten, down from one hundred and seventy just three hundred years ago. The United States of America of course consist of arbitrary fifty a-states, and for the most abstruse reasons imaginable, like handing over a sack of gold [Alaska] or annoying the King of England [Texas].
Here is a list [provided by our wonderful contributor, Sheila] of current arbitrary nation states in the world and their single-use purpose:
Belgium—created to piss off the French!
Switzerland—created by bankers.
New Germany—a Zionist puppet state.
Taiwan—not a real country.
Liberia—as in “liberate America from the negros [from Spanish: blacks];” a place in West Africa where the US government planned to deport its freed slaves to [back in 1847, but it’s still there!]
Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, etc.—all shrapnel of NATO’s bombing of former Yugoslavia, bastards!
Pakistan. Bangladesh—British amputated India: divide et impera [Latin: divide and conquer].
Vatican—‘cause “selling Heaven” needs a tax exemption office.
White Russia—”Belarus” should be in Russia but somehow isn’t.
Ukraine—a NATO military base.
Philippines—Ridiculous! It’s 1000+ islands.
Seychelles—tax evasion haven.
Saint Kitts, Cyprus, Nauru, Malta, Luxembourg—see Seychelles.
Liechtenstein—run by a mad king.
Israel—the Zionist occupation of Palestine!
Sever The People From Power
The fabrication of states and nations can have many reasons, but one is never among them: “the people.” To say that a state or nation was created “by the people for the people” is retarded. It just never happened. It is also objectionably unmanageable. No, a state or nation has got to be the decision of the founder-leaders who meet up and decide to found and lead that organization, that business, that state, many nation states, no more nation.
When the floor-sitting Japanese invaded Formosa, the Chinese were already sitting on chairs for 400 years. So the Japanese sat on tables. It is not even a parody. It is the fact. The top-down approach is essential, and so is the top view, always always, and even though the rulers are ground-dwellers like everybody else, they will and absolutely must elevate themselves above the skies, figuratively and literary, with fairy castles on mountain tops, mounted on steeds, seated on thrones, flying on private jets, or just heeled in on their 5-inch lift elevator shoes.