Maybe that is ok. I couldn‘t care less about the millions of unoriginal, talentless writers. If i open my Youtube, all is see is brainrot and idiocracy.

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I applaud your effort, very good!

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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When I first read this piece, I saw it as a condemnation of gamers, a sort of sordid soliloquy concerning those those whose life choices are ruled by forces guaranteed to prevent them access to the hallowed halls of society.

Walter Mitty lives.

Yet it is also clear, that the first choice of that collective we call society is to abuse this condition by turning it into an economic windfall.

Smart kids are the problem?

Indeed, in pre-Christian society, wealth was intentionally circulated for the benefit of being human. Today, wealth is heavily centralized and used by demented perverts to destroy whatever it touches.


When the imagination is hijacked by cynical profiteers who lay their predatory traps for the unsuspecting, the trusting, the fearful, what motivation do those behind such activity have to assume a different role?

Has anyone in the hallowed halls of society found themselves humbled before the power they discovered with Covid?

Yes, I know, too many questions, and unfair to demand an answer here.

A most disturbing read, Dr. P., and that is not necessarily a bad thing.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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I will pray for you Dr Pattberg. I know your heart is in the right place.

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In Japan we have otaku, who are gamers and manga fanatics. They din't marry or have kids. They want their hobbies and be left alone. Their parents drive them mad, or into homelessness or suicide. But when western otaku come to Japan, they really don't have the downsides, only the upsides. Come to Japan!

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I live in Japan and know some Western otakus who are quite happy to be left alone from their parents. They live a secret otaku life in Japan, like in cosplay or gaming or hentai, and when they occasionally visit back their homeland, I am sure their parents and former friends are not suspecting anything. Most say they became English teachers, and everybody is happy.

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It started with RPG role playing games, then RED PILL, then PUA pick up artists, then MGTOW men going their own way, and now BLACK PILL misanthropy. Been there, rejected that. Good article! Ted

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MGTOW = Mostly Gay Transgendered Or Wimpy

. . . the (((Daily Wire))) with Ben Shapiro and Dave Rubin . . .

The Rubin Report is supposedly ‘an opponent of identity politics’, although Rubin ‘identifies with the libertardian/classical liberal wing of contemporary right-of-center political thought’. Rubin is really a Jewish homosexual activist married to another man and adopted a child, that’s his real identity . . . a ‘Jewish Pioneer of Sexual Degeneracy.’


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Thanks, Ted! I also have one chapter on the Black Pill. It is basically Darwinism. Laters! T

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I wonder if the red pill movement only affects boys.

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The so called 'red pill' is nothing but a kosher suppository . . .

. . . the (((Daily Wire))) with Ben Shapiro and Dave Rubin . . .

The Rubin Report is supposedly ‘an opponent of identity politics’, although Rubin ‘identifies with the libertardian/classical liberal wing of contemporary right-of-center political thought’. Rubin is really a Jewish homosexual activist married to another man and adopted a child, that’s his real identity . . . a ‘Jewish Pioneer of Sexual Degeneracy.’


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Half of all men really shouldn't be in the mating game at all. It is unnatural that all men should produce offspring. We invented monogamy and marriage to vastly expand in numbers and conquer our enemies (or become big enough so nobody can conquer us). Wait until there is nobody left to conquer, and we will select for excellence again. Maybe even 80% of all men won't find a spouse in the future.

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Monogamy is a hackneyed tenet of religion, an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.

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Yes, mostly boys. Some girl-boys also become toy collectors, but this is rare and probably a transgender thing.

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dream of a butterfly was written by zuangzi

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Taoism rocks! I believe it suits the new technological civilization best! T

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A sort of different story, that yours reminded me of; I remember a story I heard back in college, about a man who sold springs, the type you find in many fabrications where a button needs to say pop back up. Springs are sold by their 'springiness' rating, the strength of the push back they provide. He had hired a new employee, and left them in charge of the place. He returned the next day to see the employee had done some re-arranging, finding that many of the small springs that looked exactly alike had been put in various different drawers. Seeing no reason to have so many drawers of what looked like the same thing, the employee dumped all the springs of a length and diameter into much bigger drawers, to save space. The owner was put our of business by this, as now none of the springs could be sold as their various tensions were indistinguishable.

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That was... deep. A cautious tale about... the springs and the drawers. Saving space for properties nobody can see. </D

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I have seen the light and after decades of deep thought have decoded all

0.) white pill - to know nothing

1.) blue-pill to know that all demoRats are PEDOPHILES

2) Red-Pill to know that all RINOS are sodomite

3) black-pill - to know ZOG, to know MOLOCH history on earth and how Moloch Brought ZOG to rule the earth

[ Actually you don't even need to read my rantings to learn this crap. Go to the source, Carroll Quigley chief Historian for CIA, wrote 12 volumes on how anglo-american corporation came to rule the world. ]


Actually there are other paths, but all explain how ZOG rules USA & world

[ As I mention above, if you need a legitimate source of history, use other than the man whose only agenda was to document how anglo-america ( deBeers, rhodes ) came to rule the world via London; Quigley as top educator for the next generation of state-department leaders, saw it essential for his students to under the "REAL HISTORY" of USA-ANGLO power, in order to KEEP that power [

IMHO Quigley is right, because so few in power in DC understand how they got this power, they go on this GLOBO-HOMO crusade because they have the power, but the men&women who made anglo-america the most powerful "Pinkerton" on earth didn't come about by having cuck'd homos running the show; All the founders back in the 1800's were real men.

Most in the CIA hated Quigley for documenting the history of how CIA came to power, when he died in 1986, nobody after him ever publicly documented CIA history. So all we have is 10,000 BC to 1986.

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Cecil Rhodes was gay though

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Was he? Or was it his biographer? 😏

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I would say both but I let you be the judge.

Considering the Angloglobohomo imperialist world we swim in and where it came from, would it be surprising?

Egon may have been unfuckable, but he still got it from behind from all those boys in the end!

Anyway, great read as always Dr!

This portrait feels all too real and you probably captured an archetype of our decadent societies informing the consciousness of all those effeminate adulescent fat nerds

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No doubt that ALL great men were&are sodomites it goes along with the desire to be control freaks.

All black-slaves brought to America's by Jew slave ships the first thing the new owners did was tie the new knee-grow over a stump and sodomize him, they called it "Breaking the Buck"

Like Shawshank Redemption pointed out, "Those men aren't homosexual, they're psychopaths", Same now with Peter Thiel life partner of MUSK, they do the main CIA AI called "PALINTIR" and "CLEARVIEW"; All 100% sodomites, again its about power

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Excellent legend! And thanks for the link! T

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"The only difference between men and boys is the size and cost of their toys." This piece is awesome, Thorsten. So many truths herein. Fuck the matrix and the parasites who created it.

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When mom finally called the bulk waste collection service on my class-A 'Masters of the Universe: HE-MAN' toys collection, it felt like a huge crime. I felt... THEY made me feel like... I was being treated a terrorist! >/D

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My god, when I was young I would always tell that to kids, only diff between me&U is my toys cost 100000x

You know at the Saline Hot Springs SHIT-HOUSE in death valley written on inside wall says

'On both ends of the economic continuum there exists a leisure class ' - thorsten

Thorsten Veblen the fucking god damn man :)

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Your last piece is still haunting me. Hope and pray everything will be ok. Don't give up!

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Never! Thanks!

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Kids were always priced out for toys. All those toy lines of the 90s and 00s were marketed toward adults. The kids never had any money. In China, kids had no toys because parents had no money for overprized toys marketed at them. Western parents who had toys in the 80s and 90s bought tots for their spoiled brats. Egon is not to blame. He stole all the toys his parents could not afford. It is Western privilege to stay a child forever. Who is buying computer games? Dads! Always dads!

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Reminds me of LEGO. I used to play it as a kid, but a few cheap $10 sets back then were enough and plenty, whereas today they have $500 sets, and most of the shit is advertised to dads. Youtube channels on LEGO is the worst. Adults playing toys. Not a single kid. What a world! Cheers! T

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That's crazy shit, I don't remember the year but when I was a kid, we bought chemistry sets, and cannons that you could blow shit up with.

I guess that is the big diff between us old-timers that got to make LSD & TNT, in high-school and the cucks now that are not even allowed on have or own 'matches'

Fucking hell as a kid the library books told how to make nitro-glycerine & LSD, and it was easy to climb through the window of any college chem-lab in the area and get any & all supplys, what fucking cucks you are today.

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I wrote six OPS here on substack about AI an its history and what is coming, the above link is #1

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So what changed?

To quote the Joker in Batman, "Did your balls drop off"

Just directing this question to humanity.


Even worst is today, where ALL books are to be banned and children to only be given access to chat-GPT ( open-ai's homo-global-pedo mentor ) 100% woke all the time, and of course if you ask it 'how to make a bomb', or "how to cook meth', it will lecture you about why homo is better than straight;


Tomorrow is here today, and its 100% homo cuck'd

Yesterday we said "KILL YOUR TV", today its Kill your mobile phone, probably in a decade the AI will be a chip they put into the kids body's so it can't be turned off;

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If I'd met you I would have treated your for lunch and coffee. I don't use Paypal. Would have commented on the other three texts, but comments were disabled. Mmh, I liked the British social critic. Not much has changed, I fear. If anything, the situation for the white British underclass has somewhat deteriorated. London does not look like an English city any more. The youth try to cope with role playing games, superhero movies, and killer games on playstation.

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Congrats, Thornsten! Another master piece! Sorry to hear about your troubles. Brother Dostoyevsky was sent ten years to Syberia! All great voices of literature are at first misunderstood. Europe has little free speech left, it is evident now after covid and Nato war. Try to stay in China! Good luck!

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Thanks! Much appreciated! T

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