It is not just Europe. Replacement is real. The US is rotting in front of our eyes, yet police and military are growing exponentially man. The only escape now is the unreal world of iphones and tiktoks.

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Good bye Germany then. Who cares.

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great Thorsten J , hope you going on with it ;o) and thanks a lot for your greatful work

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She ruined Germany. Go to hell, Merkel!

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Eye-opening article about the downfall of the European Union.

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I started wheezing, giggling like I was high on helium, and because I am getting over covid near dying. It is a work of genius!

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I heard that Germany now also wants to take in 250,000 Turks and Syrians from the earthquake disaster area in 2023. Can't Turkey's Ankara take care of its own? Berlin, just like London, has lost its mind. They want more Muslims no matter how absurd the justifying.

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Good bye, Germany.But first: World War 3!

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They are going to blame WW3 on Germany too. It is the tradition. And just the better story. Wait... and see! 😉

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On the one hand, Hitler was a rousing orator and statesman, who by all accounts stood for everything good and reasonable. Not an irrational barking madman, but a man who could lead the world to a just future, liberated from the yoke of the parasitical banking class- https://www.bitchute.com/video/gx5qqh528zSp/

On the other hand, all signs point to him being Jewish. Not "his servant mother was a secret Jew," but hidden Jewish bloodline nobility, meant to usher in the New World Order, built on the humiliation and defeat of the German people- http://mileswmathis.com/hiller.pdf

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Great piece! Translated it here: ドイツの崩壊とアステカ帝国の間の痛ましい類似点-メルケルの破壊的影響 https://note.com/ftk2221/n/nc2850b1865e1

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NEW piece: Painful Similarities Between the #German Collapse and the #Aztec Empire 😵‍💫– with Some Clarification On The Transformation Of 🇪🇺 Europe Against 🦎 Mesoamerica

🫣🇩🇪🇲🇽👉🏻 #Merkel #Moctezuma #Downfall #OpenBorders

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