We are taxed 35% in USA. In Europe it is 45%. In the UK, close to 40% Who wants to live as tax slave like this?

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Listen, my Western brothers. The worst is that I was 35 y o (the best age) single working 45 h a week in London UK just to pay rent and bills in a sh*t share house without social life and was taking toll on my physical and mental health. It was dramatic 🥺 I left the UK again to never return again, except as a tourist. I feel so sad for the oppressed people here, but everyone is on his own and must survive at this point. The government has not your best interest in mind.

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The truth is unshakable! Thank you Mr. Pattberg

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For me the articles can't be long enough, Dr. Pattberg, blessed greetings. How do we get out of this? will that also be an issue?

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Sneaky Western language terrorists.

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T J Pattberg-Spiritual Entertainer!

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Most of the population don't seem to have a spiritual bone in their body due to reasons that are described in your great works.

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He stood with China during a time when the West stood on China‘s face. I prefer his books over the mainstream China experts any time. Best are Language Impirialism and the Diary of a Mad Imperialist, and of course, The Shengren!

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I feel these great teachers of the mind with me.

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Keep china in china and we will be fine. We don't need china in our United States, they have cause quite a lot of mayhem.

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"My language is the world." - Wittgenstein

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Yes, language is a code for storing data (memories), just like like particles, elements, molecules etc (matter). What better comes after language remains to be seen. Waves (consciousness) could be next, as light seems to be the fabric of the universe. Best! T

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Well I don't believe in countries anymore. Obviously we are owned by global owners who lie to us about everything and set up these huge prisons we call states. I honestly feel Canada is now a concentration camp. We have no freedoms, rights, or mobility left. This is the sad story of our annihilation.

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Yes, they enslaved you. No way out. Everyone stays put. Just... survive. T

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Yes, but appart from accepting that and promoting the learning of English; we should focus on multilingual is and not English only, especially since the US is losing weight international l'y.

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Honey, we aren't going anywhere. Stop spreading this globalist chineese bull***, its part of the rhetoric. Cheena needs to stay in their lane- practice their policies with their people, who will stand up when it chokes them. As for the United States, no, we are not allowing the goofy global regime to take over our country. Anything to say this is true is a lie. Ploy of the left to make people dispare and comply.

Again, not in our country. We have fought hard for our beloved country to remain free and the Lord God, Heavenly King, will deliver His people. Even though these crazy tactics confused people for a minute, they aren't weak. They aren't going anywhere. This regime is of the evil one, that serpant in the garden tempts again, know who you serve- No place for evil here.

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In the past, I believed that with the help of technology we could learn 30 to 100 languages per person easily, thus store the cultural information. Computer told us a different story, wherein human users would always fall back on the lingua franca, English. So the only way it seems to preserve the other world cultures from extinction is the opening of our language borders to the millions of foreign loanwords. This way, we can all cherish what is best in all of the original cultures. That was the basic premise of my little book collection:

LINGUALISM: https://sites.google.com/view/lingualism-book

PROBLEM OF SINOLOGY: https://sites.google.com/view/problem-of-sinology-book

KNOWLEDGE IS A POLYGLOT: https://sites.google.com/view/knowledge-is-a-polyglot

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Those site you give are plain old rhetoric. No, we do not want cheena here. Stay in your lane, keep your customs in your home, don't force them on the world. I know these writings were meant to convince people of the writers hope for conversion, or manipulation. We like America just as she is, and thats ok. We will keep our values here, you keep yours there. We will never be China, and thats ok. One is enough. There can be beauty in every country and culture, but it doesn't come by manipulation. We do not need the whole world to be chineese. Good gosh, get over yourself.

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and oogl eyes is a big problem. Throw away all those devices. They come to kill, steal and destroy. Microshaft, part of the plan to get all humans into more usery. It isn't Gods people who have come to bring darkness and chaos, it is this evil tech world we live in today. Your freedom depends on unhinging from their rhetoric and rules. Think about it, is it God who forces his will on people, or the ugly tech regime that plans to track and program and measure and rule you and your neighbors. God is the God of love. He gave a way out of sin and darkness, the only way. He died to take on the evil that resides here. And the battle is already won. Repent, and know the God of love, order and provision, never here to take over or harm.

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oh my. Rhetoric. How about each country stay in their lane, as we have successfully done for millenia, other than a few rogue regimes who tried to take over the world. From China to Russia, now those ollies who protect themselves because they are wreaking havoc on the rest of the world, hiding in Geneva.

Its only poor demented, evil souls that want to wipe out humanity. Are you one of them?

God has provide a way out of the evil brought into the beautiful garden. Repent, and return to the Lord. You are living among the wolves here. No truth in these, but meant to spin a narrative to scare people into compliance. BACK OFF! God takes back His kingdom. He wins, and his followers are spared the terrible days to come.

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I got your Menticide Manual, Dr. P! It is insane! Meet Dang Dang is the scariest Taiwan story I have ever read. You will become very famous with this!

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Dang Dang is real. She is still running... the Cult. Take care! T

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Japanese in Hawaii ate treated like shit because the Americans want everyone and the Hawaiinese to self-delete their ancestral languages and buy more iphones. 😅

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I am in favor of preserving all languages for future generations, which can be done electronically. It is practical and realistic to accept English as the global language (Lingua Franca) for all humans on this planet. However, to ban foreign ideas simply because they are written in foreign languages is discrimination. The New York Times and our scholastic industries should restrain from such outdated, racist rules of writing and become more open and exclusive.

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Dr. P.,

Don't worry, the ones in charge here are killing us all as fast as they can.

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Yeah, I think so too. It is getting increasingly difficult to pay for heating/airconditioning AND healthy food in Japan. The Yen lost 30% against the dollar though and foreingers are welcomed more than ever. So what are you waiting for, Mike, come and visit us in Tokyo! :-D

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Dr. P.,

I wish I could, but the truth is that I cannot afford the travel expenses, at least not the way things are right now. Then too I wonder, if it would be fair to the Japanses, to have to face the perplexity of dealing with someone like myself. Here in the trainwreck formerly known as the USA I can unequivocally state yes, they deserve me.

One thing I do know, most people can't tell the difference between desire and love. Desire always has an object, but love? Love is something else. Do the Japanese know love, Dr. P.?

I wonder.

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To a degree, I agree with you. But you're operating under the assumption that it is right and just that the US be a *multicultural* institution. The term "Melting Pot" was introduced by the Jew Israel Zangwill in 1904. The US had strict immigration requirements which limited acceptance to people of White, European extraction. That is, until immigration laws were changed by the corrosive influence of world Jewry at the turn of the century, and again in the 1960's. Were the US a primarily ethnically homogenous nation, things might be different. We'd have more appreciation for other cultures if the "melting pot" hadn't been foisted on us by a hostile adversary.

And I need not remind you, when you speak of "America" and "Americans", you're actually speaking about the Jews who rule us, and who dictate our policy and to a large extant, our social environment, not the actual people, who are by and large very decent.

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Wow, just wow. The Jews are amazing. They inserted themselves into EVERYTHING. So Israel Zangwill coined "melting pot", Walter Lippmann coined "multiculturalism", Magnus Hirschfeld coined "transgenderism", Judith Butler coined "gender studies" (or at least she became the most prominent activist), Harvey Milk became synonym with "gay rights", Miriam Ben-Shalom with "homosexuaks in the military" and finally Ray Kurzweil with his "singularity" (he always meant it socially, aka Jewlarity). And we haven't even discussed the Frankfurt School at Columbia University, which was exclusively organized by the International Jewry, aka the Deep State. Yeah, they really are supercreators of the Fifth dimension, haha. Best! T

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Great piece. I read your Euro-Tao and I think it is informative but only scratches at the surface. I've been walking the lonely path of philosophy and Taosim for about 15 years. At 33, I've noticed that many philosophers(from different backgrounds and ethics) share their views or mentally cross the same paths. I often say this: Science, Taosim, Psychology, and Philosophy saved my life.

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Amazing? More like disgusting. But you're dead on, about everything else.

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Great piece on Sir Jew Steimer of the United Kikedom is coming up, tonight. Europe is such a shitshow now, hehe. Take care! T

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They really get around, don't they? I took a humanities class about trans-humanism, we read one of Kurzweil's books. It was many years ago, at a time when I would have defended Jews.

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