What happens at Peking University, doesn't stay at Peking Uni....

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Saw your video on the Rise of the Shengren at Beijing University. Classic! Respect!

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Dr. Pattberg is often misinterpreted. He didn’t advocate for better translations of Chinese concepts; instead, he argued that they are untranslatable. According to him, translations are inherently acts of linguistic imperialism.

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The West is never gonna accept China on Chinese terms. It is Western terms or sanctions, embargo, military strike in Taiwan.

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We are one, only the roles are different, the memory fragments between life are what make humans feel different, and there are memory blocks so that we can forget the suffering in other lives

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Excellent! Well done and thank you!

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Mariam[翻译自法语.] 非常感谢你提出卑鄙西方及其对中国制裁的问题。我认识北京的裴德思先生,他是一个孤独的狼战士学者,没有得到德国政府或英国大学的支持。曾就读于中国复旦大学、北京大学,并曾在中国社会科学院、国家汉办、高等人文研究院工作。他是第一个拥有一切的德国人,他因对西方对中国概念的错误翻译的看法而受到西方的审查并被西方学术界降职。他在中国的导师是辜正坤教授、杜维明教授、段晴教授等等,都是亚洲研究的天才。我相信他在英国的中国研究教授们欠我们一个道歉。几个世纪以来,英国人民对中国做了可怕的事情,窃取了中国重要的术语、概念,如“道”、“儒”、“佛教”、“无为”、“文明”以及中国“圣人”文化传统等。当我们在中国留学的西方朋友公开谈论这一点时,他们会受到排斥。这必须停止。恢复裴德思先生的职务。他必须在中国成为一名教授。

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谢谢你,Mariam SX!我们无法改变西方。这也意味着我们确切地知道中国将会发生什么。小心!https://www.amazon.com/Finis-Sinarum-China-Cannot-This/dp/B0BNG5JB31

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Pattberg’s Lenin impersonation is legit

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Old colonialists die hard.

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True true.

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China Studies died a long time ago. It is just a Western cult, with Western China experts congratulating themselves on the successful enslavement of the Chinesheeple people.

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Excellent piece, as always. This might get you fired in our stiff Chinese Studies department though. Just saying. 😅

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Right. Watch out and be safe! Connect with like-minded free people. There are more of us than you think. Best! T

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Our Confucius Institute is still running. If you only read the papers from hell, you could get the impression our government was cracking down on Mandarin and Chinese influence. But it feels like there are more Chinese than ever in Britain, especially from Hong Kong. One day they might rise up and demand Chinese culture and politics in the UK. But this is a looong way, bro. First when get the Pakistani and Hindustani and Zulu rejuvenations shoveled down our throat. RIP England.

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Go get them, Bengali tiger! 😄

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It has a lot to do with international relations and soft power work. Japan ideas like Shinto, Zen, samurai, ninja, karate, or bushido ( way of the warrior) all became useful loanwords. But because China is the undefeated enemy of the Western powers, they refuse to adopt Chinese loanwords, of which there are thousands and thousands, bot just shengren but haoren, xiaoren, and junzi and daode. This could change when US-China relations calm down. But it doesn't look that way in international relations now, does it? Cheers!

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I am living in Japan, and this is true. Japanese loanwords are welcome in the West. Because the West has nothing more to fear from the Nihongo people. China and Chinese words instill fright and fear in the West.

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I didnt get it at first. Are you saying the Shenren should not be translated as sage or philosopher or saint but simply adopted as shenren? You are asking too much from our high-minded China Studies professor demigods, methinks. 😱

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I discovered you on the Saker blog. 'How America has infiltrated Chinese education.' https://thesaker.is/finis-sinarum-why-i-think-china-cannot-win-this/ This is bold narrative and absolut true writing not found elsewhere. I quit the mainstream four years ago and avoid "sanitized" schools indoctrination camps. The best and truest writers are those in the underground. Subscribed, and I ordered your 492-page tomb. See where this is going. Jolly winter season!

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Thank you very much! T

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