And he already crossed the Rubicon.

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Everyone needs to share this everywhere before it is too late, and we give up our lives on the internet.

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तत त्वं असि!

Tat twam asi

That is you!

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Myth is a manifestation in symbolic images, in metaphorical images, of the energies of the organs of the body in conflict with each other. This organ wants this, that organ wants that. The brain is one of the organs.”

― Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth "

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My heart aches for truth. My spirit cries out for relief. My soul is made whole by the life of the light.

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Calm down. You compiled some of the best poems in the world!

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I see insane stuff, I click like, I go to Substack, but it is behind a paywall. I despair. Can I download that stuff somewhere?

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So amazingly beautifull.

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Every article i have a radically different opinion of Pattberg.

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What a brilliant series, made even German ideas sound interesting!

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Everyone online is a loser. Even Elon Musk, doesn't matter how rich or established you are. Once you become terminally online (using the internet daily for things that are NOT study, research, programming, intellectual discourse, business, etc.) you officially become a loser.

No one who is well adjusted wastes their time online. This is a fact of life. There are just as many maladjusted men as there are women today.

Women see their social media profile as their real animus/persona, almost like an RPG character to be leveled; XP points and leveling up include body shots, work out shots, boyfriend shots, marriage/ring shots, narcissistic pictures... these photos are actually more important than the significance of events themselves. Women rarely sock puppet unless they aren't attractive enough to play the narcissist game.

For men.. it's changed... I met a young Aussie who hated snowboarding but had tons of pictures of himself visiting ski resorts in Japan on his social media account; he tells me he does it just for the pictures, that today's dating market is all about your social media account and women like seeing an outgoing independent guy doing all those things. It felt like real-life sock puppetry. It made me wonder if there are men out there photoshopping or AI enhancing themselves into all kinds of fake scenery to project a persona of types. We already see people photo editing large crowds out of tourist spots that we all know are jam packed and annoying.

I've been online since '94 (Gen Y) and never really engaged in the social media psyops projects.

I've mostly sought long-form reads such as this, the Saker, Unz Review, etc. or when forums were popular be part of specific forums for specific hobbies (where sometimes interesting discussions reveal nuance about a particular topic).

That being said I've ghosted people I've known for 10+ years in real life (I'm not online anywhere to ghost them non-personally). To be fair I've grown up across 16 different schools in 5 different countries and never stayed in a company for longer than 1-3 years so being able to pick up and let go of friends was never an issue. I have been informed it's alarmingly rude to stop speaking to people though I wish they would see it from my perspective that once a nomad always a nomad; people who actually had childhoods and long-time friends will never understand how thin water is to blood.

From my perspective you realize that no matter how hard you try there are people in your life that won't see what you see, they are so confused, so lost, so "I support the current thing", so programmed by nonsense like "Myth Busters" or some other plebeian midwit nonsense that after decades of trying you just can't make people see their own dissonance. They would fall for things like Saddam WMDs, Ukrainian freedom, Putin blew up NordStream, C19 kills trillions, Israel is an eternal victim, WTC7 didn't happen, etc. etc. etc. over and over without pausing to reflect "hey, wait a minute, I was wrong ALL those times, maybe... just maybe... the source of information I'm using might be BS".

Or worse they fall into some Cass Sunstein-like fake conspiracy (flat earth, QAnon, etc.) making them a real nuisance to be around.

You get tired of people like that. It actually becomes mentally healthier to let those people go. You realize you are not talking to a person but an actual NPC with internal scripts to react appropriately. No one ever questions "who put this mind golem in my head? I didn't come up with it naturally".

Obviously it goes without saying but the sword cuts both ways... people stop talking to you because they see your unconventional views (or let's say critical analysis) as "troublesome" or as a "conspiracy theory" (a weaponized word today). A part of peoples indoctrination is to revile at wrong think, to feel genuinely uncomfortable and to physically distance themelves from engaging about certain topics instead of reflecting on why one feels this way (accusations of antisemitism, anything labelled a conspiracy theory, etc).

Sock puppetry is real and sad, the amount of energy required is so tremendous it's genuinely easier to hit the gym and get that beach bod. No joke. It takes 1 hour a day 5 days a week to get a decent body in 3 months (and proper diet). It takes 8-12 hours daily to sock puppet multiple accounts with ZERO pay off (except a sad death at 51 in a literal closet).

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Such a joy to watch and hear you.

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I've been calling it ANTI social media for years. Real people with real relationships are what matter. When someone tells me that they don't need our "club" anymore because they can have a "car show" on Fakebook, I'm aghast. It makes no sense to me. I'm a "boomer" who has a son of four who has "cancelled" his mother and I for over two years. He says I'm a "terrible person" and yet will not explain what his meaning of terrible is. I see cancelling as a form of "ghosting". It has to be a sickness.

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Ghosting springs from mental illness. As you said, it is a clear sign of antisocial behavior. Hope you can move on from having been ghosted by these irresponsible little sh*ts. Heal and recover. Stay strong. Bless you! T

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Dr. P.,

Does anyone realize that the languages of the modern world construct an artificial ceilling beyond which no one will look, think, or imagine?

Honestly, most of this computing effort is put into a language, and that language dictates the substance of the electronic world, orders and channels interaction within it, and even passes judgement on what is real.

This latest piece of yours rings different from your previous efforts, as if it was written by a different hand with the same mannerisms as yours. A subtle and different language.

Part of me finds the use of the word Ghost in this electronic facsimile to be disingenuous. Ask any living person to define a Ghost, and the response is vague, meandering., yet they happily convert the word into a phenomenon of the electronic wasteland.

The popular types, with fancy production values and lots of self aggrandizing certainty, seem to prefer a world where spiritual reality for them is a distorted phrase.

I actually hear this quite often, and I wonder to myself if their electronic language includes death.

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Buddhism and Japan are just perfect, I found, to study ghosts and spirits. They have the ghost in the shell, the computational pure land, all those crazy-ass manga and anime world (Akira, Monster City, Bubblegum Crisis, Megaman, and so on) which have it easier to transcent the barrier from the physical word into the spiritual and soul worlds, and, ultimately, also into the machine world. When it comes to language, different languages produce different prompts for artificial intelligence machines, so I wonder whether the Anglos and Jews are now trying to hijack all the languages and translate them into Judeo-Christian prompts. This would be a shame, and a great loss of Japanese and Chinese, but also Indian, Arab, and all the cultures's incredible creativity. We shall see. Best! T

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The interNET, a contrivance of DARPA, essential tool is has become notwithstanding.

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My kids, 25 yo twins went through the UK education system. They both trusted the government over their mother when I pointed out you can't make a safe and effective vaccine in 6 months. They believe me now. I copied EVERY dead sports person to them.

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Remember when people loved computers without knowing EVERYTHING the computers can do?

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Selected, hidden knowledge is the key. And that knowledge is not free. If it is made free, for some insane reason,then the whole chain and the human hierarchy would break down and civilization collapses. This seemed to have occured mentally upon the introduction of the free internet and seemingly unlimited knowledge during the 2000s and 2010s, which is now being rolled back, reversed, and heavily monetized. I can't have free access anymore to journals, universities, and corporatons, let alone publications. That freedom... has come to pass.

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Liked and subscribed. This channel is extremely valuable. Could be a life saver. Read it.

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Next level insane.

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