One of the worse ways the world could end is if society stops seeing science as valuable or important, because role playing, the matrix, and boundless creations from artificial intelligence is far more profitable and exciting. Like injecting the population with a deadly genetherapeutical mRNA goo and see how they quell, mutate, or rot, which then causes new jobs for the thought police, corrupt lawyers, and big cartel mafia.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD


Everything that is being written concerning human society today is focusing upon the destructive force of current programs, and then imagining this destruction as the new condition going forward into the far future.

At issue here is the notion of this destruction as a force wielded by centrally located ideologies empowered through lesser operatives.

No one ever bothers to expose the ones who concoct these ideologies, even though such are the blueprint behind the current events.

So, we are told that Sweden, which is now 50% dark, is not done yet with accepting new people who know nothing of Swedish history or culture, and couldn't care less. Swedes, from what I have observed, find this to be a topic that cannot be openly addressed. Thus, their own status as a unique people is being nuked, yet they cannot even speak about it.

One would think that erasing a people would arouse someone's interest enough to discover who and what is behind this, but no, that would be telling.

It certainly seems to be that in nature, destruction is balanced with other forces. Destruction is not a state or a condition of existence unto itself. So, how is it that the current rush to destruction in the human sphere can somehow become a perpetual condition? I submit that it cannot become such.

Taking the Swedish example, once the Swedish people are erased through interbreeding and general replacement strategies, the relentless tide of parasitic immigrants will most likely simply turn the place into an unliveable mockery of what it once was. The destruction will lead to further dismantling, where incompetent immigrants fail to maintain the structures they need to survive.

No perpetual condition here to see.

In a similar sense, AI is no innovation. At best it is just another replacement strategy, a further step down the road to mediocrity and devastation. I fail to discover anything AI accomplishes that is in any form a breath of fresh air.

All this destruction certainly will usher in a new paradigm for the sphere of mankind, but it won't be one of sophisticated societies supporting a ruling class of mental midgets who have nothing better to do than play transhuman games. This will perish with the world they led over the cliff.

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For clarification, I see creators using AI tools no different than writers using word processors, vloggers using video creation tools, photographers using photoshop, directors using a Hollywood studio, teenagers using a smart phone, or soldiers using drones. AI is just another tool to get the job done, better.

That being said, any new tool sets off the alarm bells for our rulers. We know from history what will unfolds now. Not only will AI tools be limited to 2 to 3 mega corporations distributing them on the planet, but also AI will be heavily censored, regulated and limited by governments.

There will be considerably more regulations for artificial intelligence than there are laws we have for pig farming or genetic crisping. China and the USA will prohibit other nations from developing their own AI. He UN already treats AI a higher security threat than food production and nuclear proliferation.

The EU is out of the game. The totalitarian EU can only sanction and protect its socialist markets from superior foreign products. It has no superior tools of its own, none.

In a few years from now, the plebs may rent AI tools but will need a licence. They may use AI tools just like they use Social Media, but they cannot create another social media. Their latest AI edition will always be extremely censored and limited, like being able to own an air rifle but not an air defense system.

The militaristic jargon is no coincidence, as our governments talk of AI as some form of weapon, and the clamp down on illegal users as a war.

Those of us free users and dreamers who thought about a “revolutionary transformation of humanity through Artificial Intelligence” will be disappointed: That Revolution was preemptively canceled.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Great illumination, as always, Dr P! Creation is everything. Working is for the slaves. Of course... I can easily imagine a life without work in the traditional sense - sport, educating yourself according to your own interests, friends, family and a house with internet connection... you don't need much more

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Do we need a PhD to read this unholy commandment?

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Hollywood was founded by Jews who wanted to control their host's (Amerika) cerebral cortex responsible for memory, learning, and behavioral adjustment. They also control Amerika's media, politics, banking, and the entertainment industry like music, publishing, comics, games, and porn. At the same time, the Jews are also the censors. Why the proud Americans of European descent allowed this small Semitic group to take control of the West? Because the English, Irish, Germans, French stock are literally quite dumb! White people are easily manipulated by serving the Jews, a Jewish God, and Jew Jesus, and worship the Jewish victim narrative. It is quite spectacular, to be honest. Certainly something quite out of a science fiction novel, written by powerful controller Jews of course (Azimov, Kubrick, Mel Brooks, Hugo Gernsback -founder if science fiction -, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster -creators of superman...) Intellectually, I would also call them super creators, because that's what they are. This Goldstein character is really something. Keep it up!

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The Frankfurt School and the Left had a point when they argued that everything was a social construct and that only the power struggle is real. Deconstructing the constructs will free humans of all reason. Socialism is the unraveling of society. In academia the Left take our minds apart like how pigs are slaughtered in the slaughterhouse. We feast on animal corpses and on brainwashing our fellow humans. Nothing pretty about our species now, ey! Socialism is coming!

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We can't be in disaster mode for years, they said. But that's us. And that destroys our souls. We are governed by the soulless masters of devil and deceit.

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The images are the monolith from Stanley Kubrick's Space Odyssey 2001, the director who also directed the fake moon landing. He was a Jew.

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Is there a fifth dimension? You can't even google it without finding total misinformation and scholarly mirage. The internet is useless for discovering certain things now. Without the Jews doing speech control, the free internet would be 99% antisemitism, lol. Good luck, Dr P.

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I stopped reading at the dumb Jew, reminds me of the cockroach that never saw the heel of the shoe coming (yes from the fifth dimension Schlomo), but you Dr. Pattberg never cease to amaze me with your insight into how things really are.

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Thorsten, love the series. Expose them all! You are brilliant!

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

As an Australian who visited America years ago, I was surprised how big the US military really is. They are everywhere over there.Uniformed service personnel and military vehicles everywhere. In Australia we rarely see soldiers, the occasional army truck on the road, that's about it.The US military is big business and maybe, just maybe, their wars are not really meant to be won.The longer wars go on the more money is thrown into it. Once one war finishes, like Afghanistan, they are well on their way planning the next one. Permanent war, without end.

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Dr. P, I tried to write a review for your Mentecide Manual on Amazon, and as you said, it will not show. When I tried to search it, it didn’t show. The page is accessible only by direct link. The Empire book on Jews no longer exist it looks like. Please tell us, how to get your books without using Amazon. Thank you.

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Thorsten, the Jews just figured out, as a group of sadists and psychopaths, that the bad guys always win. So they acted upon this. Just do whatever you want, to others, and those Palestinians can’t do the same to you. It is obvious.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Dr. P, we are being herded like cattle in a certain direction, and we are not supposed to have individual thought, or own anything, or have any freedoms. We are living in a nightmare future that nobody could have imagined just ten years ago. I know friends who never leave the house and will never travel again. They are content with their iphones and videogames, presumably. Youtube just put political ads in all its X-mas songs. It is disgusting.

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