Wow. That one was eye-opening

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Of course he is. Cult leaders always tell you cut ties with your family and friends and call the cult leader your new daddy. That is what these platforms are doing. They lure you away from your families and friends. I bet that 99% of those who are staring right now on their phones have no family or friends left.

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I shared your post right away, Dr. P! ✌😅

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I never knew a single thing about Dr. Pattberg but now, thanks to the freed videos and channels, I very much want to know more. Thank you!

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Holy moly, very nice Planet of the Jews and the Second German Reich!

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Thanks, I needed this.

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Positive thinking is advised! Karma will catch up with those police officers who will die from alcoholism, domestic abuse, and depression and will be known as dogs and pigs to the society. As for the corrupt prosecutors, there will be another hell opened for them.

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Brilliant as always.

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Did they fetch you? :-( Links broken.

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Fantastic piece, Dr P! But too much negativity. What about positive magic, such as dispell magic, talismans, and Harry Pooter? 😀

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Do you believe in shapeshifters? I believe it is a copout for celebs like David Icke who cannot be sued as long as they talk Star Trek gibberish.

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excellent article nicely documenting these greasy shapeshifters, that so easily morph from demoncrat to reptilian party, not that there’s a spits worth of difference. it not about political parties, it’s about the zioneocons that run the punch and judy puppet show, that substitutes for a government.

might i suggest using a more current photo of the cookie monster, who has now ballooned into a gelatinous blob, like her hubby and brother in law.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocols of Zion: Protocol II – Economic Wars

❝The administrators, whom we shall choose from among the public, with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience, will not be persons trained in the arts of government, and will therefore easily become pawns in our game in the hands of men of learning and genius who will be their advisers, specialists bred and reared from early childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world.❞


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Fact is, if we curse a person long enough, it shows. The person physically declines. Does it work without words? By mere thought? No. The curse is bound to language. The part about advertisement was brilliant. Most consumer brands do not sell the product, they sell an experience. Great read, as always, Mr T.

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Thanks. Here in Japan, advertising has been brought to near perfection. Literally NOTHING in any ad is the product. Instead, we are seeing an explosion of fakery, illustrations, and sublaminary messaging about how shitty your life is without buying this box art. And if you have it, and open it, there is just this chemically processed sugar cake that does not look remotely like the cartoon version. Thankfully, there is a law that prohibits dark magic on basic food such as milk and eggs.

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Dr. P.,

I find your writing to be a tonic against optimism, which you must understand is NOT a condemnation. Such is, rather, a state whereby the duality of thought yields to a wider perspective. It is in this wider perspective that one finds their own truth.

Doubtless it is so that the highest echelons of modern civilization continue on with all the games of control that were codified by the Zoroastrians thousands of years ago. Yet for myself, and only myself, I find it amazing that mankind does indeed come essentially equipped with qualities that lend a basis to the mystical and the magical.

The world, being a place of dualities, must of course lend itself to both the positive and the negative manifestations of magic., and of course any lust for power is going to wed politics and economics with the magical, no matter what the price.

That said, the numinous, the mystical does not-at least in my experience-provide anyone with the power to destroy their enemies, real of imagined. I actually make a case for this in my latest piece (shameless plug). Therefore, the question here is whether the manipulation is magic, or merely empowered by the tendency to believe in it.

Considering such, I find your work fascinating, in that any higher dimension is never considered an active factor in the machinations of man.. Consequences are illustrated, and sometimes they are dire, but the picture is one of happily marching along manifesting as much evil as possible, as long as it helps in the destruction and enslavement of others, which is apparently the current complexion of power according to society.

I do not doubt for a moment that such a condition prevails.

The question that begs to be asked here, Dr. P., is what is your solution? Or then again, what are some possible solutions for this condition?

It is a certainty to myself that the world, and mankind has entered a very unique stage in its own history, one which will determine human destiny. An awareness of one's potential to find a way through, that balances and preserves the qualities in mankind that are worthwhile, should be the goal.

Thanks again for a provocative read.

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Thanks. And thanks for mentioning the Zoroastrians. I was of the impression that the Carthars were influenced by Zoroastrians, which was a bad public image since they were considered foreign witchers and dark magicians. I found that it is now nearly impossible to research anything outside of university. Seriously, I would have to enroll again in order to get my hands on the university library systems. The stuff we get on the Internet is often fast food type information. Also, without knowing the research community, and participating in it for years, one cannot possibly know the who-is-who and the state of the science. The 5th dimension is real. Thoughts are immaterial. And so are commands, laws, spells. Only a tiny fraction of humanity is currently aware of their powers. Most are oppressed and cannot use them. Therefore, my solution would be to make them all writers of course, haha. Cheers! T

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Dr P.,

I myself have limited contact with academia, yet even from this perspective I note that the Cathars are slated for official erasure.

The essence of Gnosticism is personal contact with a greater reality, and a purification that strengthens this contact. From what I have read of the sparse Cathar writing, I am of the opinion that the Cathars were Gnostics.

Apparently, the Cathars cannot be weaponized by black magicians, therefore a particular peevish perspective is championed. It seems that the term Cathar was assigned to them by outside interests. These Gnostics never referred to themselves as Cathars, or so we are told. Therefore, according to cutting edge scholars, there were no Cathars.

Gnostics have been subject to this kind of treatment ever since Constantine rolled out his new church.

It is possible to find a number of intriguing questions regarding the origins and influences of the Cathars. I have it on good authority that there are modern practitioners of Catharism today, however I cannot speak as to any unbroken line, since after all Pope Innocent caused A genocide upon them.

Jest bizness, or the murderer makes the rules.

My own point of view, Dr. P. is based upon a sensibility honed primarily upon practice, and an observation that Gnostics are born rather than made. If you can imagine the soul, and that it can be dressed in many ways, then when academia looks at the Cathars they focus upon the clothing, yet if one understands some of the language of Gnosis, one can peer beyond the cloth, and see an essence that resonates across the ages.

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Watching the findings in South Africa of Homo neledi, 250,000 - 350,000 years old. Brain the size of an orange yet they had fire and complex burial rituals. Superstition seems hardwired into us.

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Yeah, it probably IS REAL. --if it's "hardwired" I mean! Superstition, like gut feeling, derives from a dormant force within us. We're all born powerful creators, just we're all born free. And then THEY limit us, harass us, reduce us to serfs and water carriers. Magical beings we remain... in silent defiance.

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Je sais qu'il y a des juifs dans les colonies anglaises. Ces marranes vont partout où il y a de l'argent à gagner... Mais que ces circoncis qui vendent de vieux vêtements prétendent être de la tribu de Nephtali ou d'Issacar n'a pas la moindre importance. Ce sont, tout simplement, les plus grands scélérats qui aient jamais sali la face de la terre. — François-Marie Voltaire

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Aug 13, 2023
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Thank you so much. Evolution is science fiction. It is man-made. Funnily enough, wokeism and the liberal left have debunked evolution as a racist construct and a pseudoscience, haha. "The enemies of your enemy..."

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I was talking deep geological time, no Homo Neledi are not us, but they are subject to exactly the same diseases of the mind.

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Take care! x

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Aug 13, 2023
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Ok, I feel better now having had my first coffee of the day! I'm interested in addressing the problems associated with living in clown world. Civilisation is such a thin veneer over our true nature, which is a herd like tribal beast who can't be bothered to do their own research.

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Aug 13, 2023
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1. Evolution is heterosexual.

2. The Jewish god is a fraud.

3. Monogamy is a tenet of religion.

4. Religious faggots are insane.

Jewish Loot and Neglected Fruit: How the Mainstream Right Serves Jews and Betrays Whites . . .

“Low-hanging fruit!” cry deluded right-wingers all over the West. “Why doesn’t my favored party on the mainstream right pluck that fruit and defeat the left?” Well, they’ve been crying that for decades and will still be crying it when the left pack them off to a slave-labor camp or an organic gas-chamber. Some of those right-wingers are too stupid to see the truth; some are too frightened to admit it. Their favored party on the mainstream right doesn’t pluck the low-hanging fruit because it doesn’t want to defeat the left. And it doesn’t want to defeat the left because it is the left.


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Great comment! Thanks!

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How the 'Grift Right' Gimps for the Left . . . Steven Crowder almost became Mel Gibson and Kanye West by accident . . .

❝ Jordan Peterson has taken to Twitter in his criticism of the validity of Pope Francis’ Christianity . . . Never mind that Peterson is supposedly an atheist . . . and that the Popes all wear a yarmulke and all pay homage to the Hebrew god Satan at the Wailing Wall in their obeisance to the Jews . . . Peterson believes that the American Israeli Political Action Committee is the official religion of the United States government . . . which really isn’t that far off the mark . . . but, Peterson is also a Canadian and doesn’t have a kippa like the Pope does, how does he get to claim he has rabbinical authority here? Maybe it’s because he’s over at the (((Daily Wire))) with Ben Shapiro and Dave Rubin . . .

The Rubin Report is supposedly ‘an opponent of identity politics’, although Rubin ‘identifies with the libertardian/classical liberal wing of contemporary right-of-center political thought’. Rubin is really a Jewish homosexual activist married to another man and adopted a child, that’s his real identity . . . a ‘Jewish Pioneer of Sexual Degeneracy.’ ❞


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Aug 13, 2023
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Va te faire foutre toi et ton dieu juif.

Je suis obligé d'écrire dans plusieurs langues parce que: 1. La plupart des gens aux États-Unis ont subi un lavage de cerveau pour croire que les Juifs sont leur salut; et 2., leur anglais est merde et ils ne peuvent pas rester silencieux assez longtemps pour écouter ou voir ce qui se passe manifestement autour d'eux... Je pense que les élections sont fausses, juste un spectacle, les Juifs possèdent les médias. Le communisme est une idéologie juive venue de Londres, Marx a passé la plupart de sa vie là-bas.

Le judéo-messianisme répand parmi nous son message vénéneux depuis près de deux mille ans. Les universalismes démocratiques et communistes sont une chose récente, mais ils ne sont venus que renforcer le vieux récit juif. Ce sont les mêmes idéaux... Les idéaux trans-nationaux, trans-raciaux, trans-sexuels, trans-culturels que ces idéologies nous prêchent (au-delà des peuples, des races, des cultures) et qui sont l'aliment quotidien dans nos écoles, dans nos médias, dans nos la culture populaire, à nos universités et sur nos rues, ont fini par réduire notre identité biosymbolique et notre fierté ethnique à son expression minimale. Nous socialistes nationaux est venu à libéré Paris, nous ne l'avons pas détruit.

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Het joodse messianisme verspreidt al bijna tweeduizend jaar zijn giftige boodschap onder ons. Democratische en communistische universalismen zijn nieuwer, maar versterken alleen maar het oude joodse verhaal. Dit zijn dezelfde idealen...

De transnationale, transraciale, transseksuele, transculturele idealen die deze ideologieën ons prediken (buiten ras, mensen, cultuur) en die de dagelijkse voeding zijn van onze scholen, in de media, in onze popcultuur, bij onze universiteiten en op onze straten . . . hebben zijn onze biosymbolische identiteit en onze etnische trots teruggebracht tot hun minimale uitdrukking.

Geen enkel land voert zijn eigen race tijdens deze invasie, omdat het allemaal een politieke agenda is die wordt geleid door de VN en naar voren wordt geschoven door de Joden en hun marionetten (politici). Meeste mensen gewoon niet zullen weten of begrijpen dat dit een politieke agenda is. Sommigen slagen er echter in te begrijpen dat de politici opzettelijk werken om moslims te importeren en de mensen te vervangen, maar daar houdt het op, ze zijn als een computer die niet verder kan omdat het programma het niet toestaat.


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