This is one of the best pieces on the age of future I have ever read. Well done!

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Eerie stuff. Thank you!

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

In John Coleman’s book, “The Committee of 300,” he documents how the Beatles were a creation of the social engineering Tavistock institute. The Beatles phenomenon was instrumental in getting the drug culture off the ground in North America and the west in general, beginning with the distribution of LSD at Beatles concerts.

The Laurel Canyon series by McGowan documents the also AstroTurfed rock and roll era fostered by military intelligence.

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I believe it. T

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Maybe your best writing form to this day. This Menticide Manual is terrifying! Keep it going!

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hahaha, hahaha! Wummi!

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Hello Dr. P., I see you are back posting for the penniless!

Yes, I have for years now celebrated the plastic piece of crap culture through merely living. I accumulate mass quantities of brand name plastic, and attempt to redeem the soulless replicants who produce mountains of the stuff through attempting to discover an actual use for it beyond the shortsighted insanity of corporate profit. Here is what I have found...

1) Plastic containers without lids soon crack into pieces if anything is stored in them.

2) Plastic containers with lids are universally too small or weird to store anything useful.

3) Plastic automobile parts age to gut wrenching, hideous colours and split apart.

4) Plastic applicators and tools are actually practical jokes on those who buy them.


*Please note, this is only the intended destination. Your results may vary.

Through it all I detect a sort of pathological insanity, A desperate need to change the world into a smoking ruin, whilst literally forcing everyone to attempt to deal with this incurable disease which is, in my humble opinion, the true pandemic.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Everything anyone in anything offers can be done cheaper from plastic waste. Yourself!

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Tell me about it. I was growing up with Duplo Legos, GI Joe action figures, and later GW Warhammer plastic sprues. Everything was mass produced plastic rubbish more expensive than silver on the market. Kids love plastic more than silver. This is a fact.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

China it is the same. All is mesh and mass produced. They are not all bad the artist just sells their human rights to the plastic labels and the labels work them for cheap to death. Many can't take their forged persona, microsoft autotune, and chemical Nestle powder in nylon bags. Tiktok is gonna be the end of us.

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Tiktok is so artificial and wrong. Time to ban it, at least for persons under 18 years of age.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

It sounds like you have no historical analysis to back up your claims. It sounds like you just read that the Soviet Union collapsed because it had no plastic. Without understanding of the external conflicts that were going on and understanding the history of Russia itself, your analysis doesn’t mean much. It’s important to know why the Soviet Union collapsed.

Your argument that the West entered the age of plastic shows that you have no theory or evidence to support your claims. Plastic is made from oil. I agree that external factors won’t go away, but I disagree with your conclusion that chemistry and fabrics were a Western propaganda ploy to win the Cold War, given that you have provided no inherent property of Communism / Socialism being averse to plastic lawns and synthetic music that causes it to necessarily fail. “Trust me bro, I am from Harvard” isn’t sufficient.

By contrast, I can provide a proof that explains why pure Capitalism necessarily devolves into monopoly/oligopoly of plastics if you’d like. Socialism was still in paper and metal.

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Socialism never figured out how to transform plastic into gold. Only capitalism could do that. Because capitalism had the alchemists.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

I am beginning to think that everything is a scam.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Scamming is human nature, so yeah, everything that involve humans is a scam

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Capitalism be like that.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Sehr gut, Meister P. What a powerful writing style! As an aspiring musician. The only way I see music being viable these days is to do it independently. Everything the record label offers these days can be done yourself. Artists now gotta diversify their skillsets to push out their songs. No more fake trends and artificial gayness and synthetic garbage humans. Your blog for me was like finding a unicorn. Danke!

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I listen to alot of post rock,most of these bands,and there are hundreds,aren't promoted,they do their own thing,not many signed up to major labels,and some of the music is awesome

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Danke, much appreciate! What can I say. I live in Toy-kyo. Everything here is fake plastics and artificial construction works and material waste. Back from grocery shopping, I got more plastic bags, foils, boxes, one-way forks, and bottles than fit into a pvc plastic rain coat. Alles Gute!

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

ManyThanks for Your staggering et stunning essay, DrT...'tis truly a revelation of the coming Apocalypse for this ol'mechanic.

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Thanks. When I think about the age of plastic, I am thinking about greasy salesmen and sex toys and modern shopping experience. My puma shoes are made of polyester, rubber, mesh fabric and foam. And from here it is easy to cross a bridge to the media and the entertainment industry. All is... a toxic waste. T

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Steampunk is cool because there’s no plastic in it.

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Thanks! Know this awesome artist in Tokyo who built a little office-museum cabinet in "steampunk." There is definitely a lot of wood in it. Steampunk is of course retro-future. As in a future without plastic but real metal. The counterpart would be the neon-plastic world of Bladerunner. In Bladerunner, even humans have been replicated. In plastic. Plastic or metal, both are now superseded by digital. All the conmen out there are trading in the digital. Replacing what is real with artificial stuff will always be astroturfing. Best! T

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

Crude oil is the gift that keeps giving , going from 38 to 42 UK gallons when cracked in a refinery and as you so well pointed out now runs even in our blood stream, what will they do with the waste product of this process we call petrol/gas when all goes electric, it will still need to be extracted to make the many many items like paint ,plastic etc etc will they pour it down the bore holes again? . Plastic Paul aka Faul is reported to have died in a accident in late 1966 and been replaced with someone who was winning a look alike contest as hp above points out one should look at the military brats who all headed to laurel canyon, ABBA and them make interesting music when you play it backwards at a certain speed Thorten,

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Thanks. There are reports every now and then of sick people in hospitals who had measurable amount of plastic in their blood. It is hard to believe at first. That said, I can smell plastic in the water at Tokyo Odaiba bay. And drinking cola with artificial sweetener from plastic bottles generally tastes funny as well. Plastic was my personal dealbreaker for evolution theory. If there was natural evolution, why in hell is there plastic and the Bogdanoff twins? T

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Yes plastic smells Thorsten it stinks to high heaven,it is the incredible pressure that oil is under as much as ten tons per square inch , I have worked in the north sea oil industry and found crude oil a weird substance, it reminds me of the smell of blood from a human being, and I do wonder are we bleeding something that is alive of 40 billion barrels a year , I also stayed near a oil refinery at one time and found that to be quite disturbing,it is extremely bad for your health for many reasons especially pregnant woman

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Killer article, Thorsten. The politicians are plastic, most especially their souls. I equate the contrived artificiality of the world to a Jewish wet dream. Pamela Anderson's tits are not the only thing fake about "her." Pam Anderson is a drag man. Prince, Bowie, Madonna, Cher, all trannys as are the Spice "girls", Backstreet "boys" & Korean "BTS". It comes with the turf. If you ain't gender switched, no matter how talented, you ain't going nowhere. This is the Devil's world and you know who his kids are. Elvis and the early Beatles were not organic or natural at all. The Intelligence agencies have always had an iron grip on their psy-op entertainment industry, a mighty weapon in their arsenal to program and manipulate the herd. Bands that "make it" are just fronts or images, their songs written for them and their recordings done by pro session players. Ditto for popular mass selling authors, like the Jew drunk, drug addict Steven King. Their books are ghostwritten for them by in-house Intel staff. Incidentally, ABBA are trannys too. The two "women" in the band have larger male skulls, male jaw lines & dental arches, squared shoulders beyond their hip lines, straight male clavicles below their male, tree trunk necks, etc. while the two "men" are opposite in all these things, biologically female. A few years back I happen to catch a look at some Hollywood/Kosher Valley awards ceremony, it could have been the Oscars, if not something comparable. One of the tranny actresses was speaking at the microphone, holding up "her" just issued trophy, and said. "We should call these the anus awards." Funny how sometimes the truth just bursts out. Butthole surfing, anyone?

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Artificial buttholes. This really exists. They first bleached their anus, then tattooed it, sprayed it. But it is never enough for these folks so now they implant rubber rings and LED lights. T

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Chocolate starfish, bleached, as first coined by Hugh Hefner

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