MR. XI, like his capitalist predecessors Hu Jintao and Deng Xiaoping, realized that all economic, social and cultural losses of sucked-dry Marxist countries are now with the Manipulators and Western oligarchs. So when Blackrock or Schwarzman invest billions in China, this is practically money extrapolated from cheap Chinese laborers and other oppressed people around the world. This is evil, but it is the truth.
When the Chinese government negotiates with the West, there is zero reciprocity. Here is the decoding of what is really going on:
Mr. Xi: So, after Deng Xiaoping opened up China in 1978, and after Hu Jintao opened up China some more in 2003, I am finally also opening up China even more. What is in it for China?
Mr. West: China will report everything to us, from its military to economic figures, from health to stats to inventory - everything. You will get nothing from us in return.
Mr. Xi: This is very interesting. So, what else is in it for us?
Mr. West: We will call you the worst dictator since Stalin or Hitler, and your government will be the most hated regime in the universe since Ramses‘s Egypt. Also, we will totally try to break away Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Taiwan and the Canton region from your evil kingdom.
Mr. Xi: That is strange. Is there anything else in it for us?
Mr. West: Yes, you will adopt ALL Western standards as usual and every one of your acts in China and in the world will be subject to Western surveillance, control and taxation. We run the United Nations, the World Bank, the Burger Index and the Gini coefficient. You will have to sign a lot of binding contracts with us, contracts we‘re gonna break anyway, all of them. If YOU on the other hand break them, Mister, we will break you! Ah, and we also surround your illegitimate regime with half a trillion dollars worth of rockets, missiles, submarines, aircraft carriers and death stars.
Mr. Xi: No, seriously, opening up, what is in for China?
Mr. West: Yes, opening up to Western propaganda, absolutely, we will tell everyone that China is not for the Chinese, and make sure that nothing will be Chinese, ever, in this world. We also coerce and bribe and corrupt all your scholars, businessmen, artists and so on. And since you, Mr. Xi, are such a people’s people man, we will also make sure that everyone who calls you a “Winnie the Pooh” Disney trope will get front page celebrity status from the West. You are welcome.
Since Xi Jinping has nothing to show for, but also don’t wanna pull the next Napoleon, Stalin or Hitler, his Communist Party of China has to keep the communist-socialist charade going so that at least the dragons and pandas in the Party can liquefy China’s assets, natural resources and time and labor of his people to make deals with the Satanic West. He knows that China’s pockets will run dry, but never the pockets of his invisible Western masters, who, by the way, already ruled that Confucius knew the Flood and spoke to God, and declared the official US Space Marines Corp, and claimed the Federal Galactic Confederation on Mars. China will own nothing, not one pixel of the universe. That is why the Chinese elites take what they can pilfer in China and flee to the West, which they rightly have studied to be the only story.
There are no religions, there is only one: our Lord LoD which translates for you to Christianity. There are no sciences, they made it up. There is no money, they print it at will. There is no Communism, you are running on MoS fantasies like you whipped on MoS opium.
If a person or group or business speaks up against the MoS in the West, they will get censored, demonized and removed. This extends now over our satellites system. Seven billion people have directly suffered from Western imperialism, so they are kept out of all our media and communication channels. Science magazine, Nature magazine, Bertelsmann and Springer, Random House, Disney Publishing Worldwide, all Western university publishers, all academic journals, are in the hands of a censorial, messianic MoS. And so is the entire Internet by the way, which started out as a US military protocol in 1983 and ended up in 2020 as a US global broadcast. You want to publish anything about that censorial, messianic regime on the Internet in the future, you’ll get canceled.
Not a single non governmental organization or activist group on this planet on record exists that investigates or targets these globalist plague bearers. Of course, there are rare exemptions like the Unz Review or Vineyard Saker, which occasionally allow some anti-MoS, FBI-refugee or piss-poor, dying writer with terminal cancer and a loaded revolver next to him to “spill out the truth about LoD”. But they usually do that once and then they sink. And if a new movement becomes known, just like your metaphorical sudden outbreak of SARS, the troopers are moving in and houses, streets, entire cities will be taken off the grid and put under lockdown until the dissent is exterminated and the spread is contained. The punishment for the spreader is greater than death. It is oblivion.
How so. When a Chinese cell phone company like Huawei wanted to invest in North America and provide ordinary Americans with better, faster, more advanced internet speed and infrastructure, it must strip naked, commit sodomy, pay off ALL Western top cadre, pay rent to the world owners, and endure disgusting rituals such as surveillance, sharing all assets, and hand over all your rights to the MoS. If the Chinese cell phone company fails to do so, it is anti-Freedom, anti-Democracy, anti-Semitic and evil.