Hi, I am reporting to you live from Beijing, where Xi Jinping was hosting the Belt and Road Forum.
Mr. Xi is the founder of the Global Civilization Initiative and the author of 'Chinese Culture and Thought'. He is indebted to me, Dr. P, who wrote the doctoral thesis for him →Exhibit A.
Why China Must Attach Greater Importance To New Approaches
BEIJING - The world is well informed about humanity’s recent advances in artificial intelligence, technology, and the life sciences. We travel into space, we build driverless cars, we carry a thousand libraries in our pockets, and our chickens are gene-manipulated so they won’t fall sick.
The world is less aware, though, about our strides in the humanities.
A New Starting Point
To simplify things, I shall call the realm of the humanities, - culture, language, and the arts - the Fifth Dimension. Culture is separate from four-dimensional material civilization.
Our humanists, journalists, and academics have access to the Fifth Dimension and are now able to completely control and manipulate it, with consequences for our human species almost inhumane [not human] and incomprehensible.
Everything we previously thought as objective and real has now turned, figuratively speaking, fictile and relative and debatable. The humanities dictate history, laws, values, currencies, languages, communication, and all relations.
Xi Jinping's New Ideas, New Views And New Theories In Cultural Construction
An important meeting was held last week in Beijing, and Xi Jinping's Cultural Thought was put forward for the first time, outlining his ideas on cultural construction.
We already studied the phenomenon of social construction in the West. Combined with their advanced machines and computers, the West can now erase Christianity, make Sweden gay, turn female into male, lie through its teeth in the news, and, most importantly, it has separated man from the world. I am talking about cyberspace, parallel universes, role playing games, mass media, and fiction.
Everything is a construct and often what matters most is who came first. When the Europeans first discovered America, they could do what they wanted: “You are the sheriff, he is the professor, I am the priest.” When the Americans first discovered the Fifth Dimension, they could do as they pleased: “You turn Europe Jewish, he enslaved the Blacks, I am the China expert.”
When the Americans invaded Japan, the Japanese samurai warrior class complained that the Americans were illiterate and had no qualifications for swordplay, bows and arrows. Every foreign devil could hold a rifle and kill all the samurais of Japan from a safe distance.
Today the Americans construct everything in Japan from a distance: markets, media, entertainment, politics, education. All Japan experts are non-Japanese. Same with China. All experts on China are non-Chinese.
The West has built great portals to the Fifth Dimension. The plan is to regulate and create identities, histories, ideologies, and make-beliefs for us from a distance. It is like watching a group of Western hackers on the computer screen doing damage: ”You embargo Chinese imports of computer chips. He tells the Germans to deindustrialize their economy. I substitute Japan with Starbucks and Netflix.”
When our Chinese engineers inspect our partner infrastructure projects abroad alongside the new Silk Road, they report back that Westerners have already logged in with their alternative realities, agitating the locals with rage, racism, and antipekingnism. They are disrupting relations, freezing bank accounts, spreading fake news, or sueing us at will. They close our Confucius Institutes, ban our Chinese degrees, or slander our companies from nothingness and out of imagination.
It is evident that China needs those great portals to the Fifth Dimension too. (One is halfway finished at Peking University, but was co-built by Harvard people).
China‘s Need For Fresh Approaches And Accomplishments
To give you another overview that ought to shock a lot of older readers: Images, voices, videos, books and persons are no longer real. Facts are meaningless. Truths are laughed at. Celebrities are manufactured. To make what you think is valuable real, you would need patents, property rights, and other protective measures. Think of a five-dimensional legal system.
Here are some suggestions to what China must do now:
1. Restructure education and build advanced facilities for the exploration of the Fifth Dimension. The earth is no longer flat, culture is no longer a sphere.
2. Establish legal frameworks for the Fifth Dimension. Those five-dimensional jobs need regulations. No more opportunists, truck drivers, and school dropouts plagiarizing from books and getting more visibility than our universities.
3. Programmed alien cultures, names, brands and laws need to be monitored like potential viruses or a foreign invasion. American laws must not apply to China if Chinese laws do not apply to America. That is simple Confucian reciprocity.
4. Chinese names, correct order of family names followed by given names, and Chinese key terminologies must be used by our partners or else their foreign submissions, certificates, regulations, or publications are incorrect and false. No more subversive “democracy” talks or “philosophy” departments. China has datong, the Great Harmony, and is a global force for thought.
5. Chinese proficiency credits for foreign leaders, diplomats, and journalists who wish to work in China.
Leadership In Revolution, Construction and Reform
All Chinese language, culture, and history is now just data that can be erased or blocked by Western hackers on a computer screen. Therefore, culture calls for national security policy. This is, I think, what Xi Jinping meant by “extremely important.” In the last century, the threat of technologies from abroad was substantial. The threat of extraterritorial mind control in this century is more severe.
The United States in particular uses its Fifth Dimension attack forces to subvert and destabilize Europe, where Europeans are reprogrammed, borders erased, truths abandoned, and morals erased. After that, they are given new identities, like the English are Pakistani now, and Hong Kong are the new Israelis, and the Germans must go to war against Russia for no reason.
It is therefore evident that the future of cultural China now largely depends on how that culture is constructed, regulated, and expanded…
The portal at PKU…
Learn about the Fifth Dimension, the Great Portals, and China’s Cultural Construction BEFORE THE WORLD DOES:
China Hands Handbook - Global Civilization Initiative →HERE
The Xin-Civilization - What the Chinese Can And Can’t Do →HERE
Since I read Dr P, I get strange 'Collapse of China' G Chang or P Zeihan messages on YT, X, and Tiktok. I remember your piece "They Follow". It is true. We never chose to follow those celebrities. They follow us! Stir clear of Social Media. It is all a big scam.
Well said, Dr. P! We are in a culture war. And not just from the population, but worldwide!